This article, Super Bardock Saga (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time.. |
The Super Bardock Saga is the third saga of Dragon Ball Advanced, first saga of the Cell-X Group, and third revamped Saga of Dragon Ball Advanced.
The sub-stories of this Saga include;
- The Father of Goku
- Clash in World 11
- Bojack Unbound
- Quest for the Time Breaker Dragon Balls
- World 51's Ultimate Battle
- Time Patrol vs Dark Devilman
A New Distortion in Time[]
2 years following the ordeal with Demigra; the Time Patrol was frequently dealing with low-level time distortion. In one mission; Dial had landed in Age 753 right after King Piccolo got his youth back. While under the influence of Towa's Dark Magic - King Piccolo killed some of his allies and nearly attempted to kill Tien, however, Dial was able to intervene and stop him.
Dial battles against the empowered Evil Namekian and even after the Supervillain power-up he was able to put King Piccolo to rest with his Final Kamehameha, however, another distortion occurred prompting Dial to go after where he had found Towa after she killed Upa and revived the Red Ribbon Army. Dial battled Commander Red and Staff Officer Black's Battle Jacket. Putine] arrived at the battle after Dial undid the Battle Jacket's Supervillain form and forced to undergo a Dark Evolution.
Towa managed to sneak away from the battle at some point where and head to Age 775 where she revived Dabura whom then used Shenron return him the power boost that he received as a Majin. Towa used the final wish to revive Turles: PW while back in Age 750 - Dial managed to eliminate the Battle Jacket with fully charged Final Flash.
However, Dial didn't get much chance to celebrate as he was called away by Chronoa. Dial was introduced to Caulifla, Kale, and Cabba upon his return. After she fixed the timeline and reset it back to its original path - she had Face create Ace (Dragon Ball Advanced) and Pend. She managed to get Krillin to train and teach Ace while Chi-Chi and Goku agreed to teach and train Pend.
Thanks to Tokitoki - they were able to learn that Bardock was sent to a Parallel World where Planet Plant was still inhabited by its ancestral dominate species. Chronoa repurposed a Time Gate into a World Gate and sent Dial, Kale, Caulifla, and Cabba through.
However, Kale and Cabba were snatched from the breach and sent into Age 749 where they saw Great Ape Goku rampaging while Yamcha, Bulma, Oolong, Puar, Pilaf, Mai, and Shu trying to flee from the carnage. Tick finally made his presence known and declared his intentions to the two Saiyans. Caulifla and Cabba battle against the Bio-Warrior meanwhile in the Parallel World on Planet Plant - Dial and Kale encountered Tock where Kale prepares to battle him.
Kale battled against Tock and was able to use her version of the Wrath State used by Broly but was still not used to form and was forced back into her Super Saiyan C-type and was able to take on Tock until he ate a part of 2nd Form Frieza's tail and transformed.
Battle in World 11[]
Bardock woke up in a bed where he was created by a couple of unusual-looking aliens. One of them identified himself as Ipana and his son Berry. Bardock asked where he was and what year it was with Ipana telling him that he was on Planet Plant and that he was informed that it was 1104 Before Age. Chronoa was briefly revealed to have travelled to World 11 and paired with World 11's Supreme Kai of Time to discover time period that Bardock was sent to. Bardock was about to leave with an explosion caught his attention.
Bardock rushed to the village and noticed two people were attacking it - one of them identified themselves Tobi and the other as Cabira. Bardock arrived and easily defeated them as he could feel the air change as a result of another battle taking place. Bardock prepared to kill them, however, they suddenly vanished before he called seal the deal.
Back in the Main World of Age 785; Goku could sense that something was off with the world and realised that Chronoa's Time Pass was allowing him to detect a change in the timeline. Goku called Tokitoki and without missing a beat - the bird arrived to collect him. Tokitoki took Goku to his Time Patroller outfit, and after throwing them on - Goku went to December 24, Age 762. Goku recognises Turles: PW and mistook him for the counterpart that he fought with against Demigra. Goku from Age 762 era noticed his Age 785 era self and Goku told his past self that he came to stop whatever change was occurring as it was damaging time. Goku immediately transformed Super Saiyan and began fighting alongside his past self against Turles: PW, however, Turles: PW proceeded to enter Supervillain.
Meanwhile back in World 11 - 1104 Before Age; Kale was shocked by Tock's new form as he proceeded to fire Punishing Blast at Kale, however, she managed to dodge and launched a barrage of ki at Tock only for each energy bullet to be deflected away. Tock kicked Kale away and sent her flying into a village miles from where they were battling. After using Bloody Oil against Kale - Tock proceeded to use Dark Punishing Blast, but Kale was able to dodge both attacks and proceeded to use Gigantic Impact and managed to blast Tock back resulting in a sizable explosion. As Kale began approaching Tock; a large Death Beam pierced her behind shocking her and Tock. Dial revealed himself as the culprit before using his Spirit Control to heal Kale. Dial proceeded to transform into his True Form and proceeded to knock Tock away with a knee to the chest. Kale was confused by Dial's actions as he turned to her once again and began to repeatedly mortally wound her before healing her. Kale became confused and began to think that Dial was doing to betray the Time Patrol causing her to become enraged.
The planet began to shake as Kale became angrier by the second - lightning surrounded her as fissure formed beneath her feet. Kale released her Resist Shout - destroying the moon and several mountains on the way. Dial smirked at her and told her that she has more potential than she realised. Dial called out to Chronoa and asked for help; Chronoa was confused, but he revealed his true intention to her and asked her to open time rift to a fake time to help with his goal. Dial proceeded to fire his death beam at Caulifla and Cabba in the fake timeline before throwing their bodies to Tock's feet. Dial nearly gagged at his own actions before turning to Kale and proceeded to take a page out of Frieza's book and proceeded to tell Kale that they were killed by a stray energy blast. Kale saw they're lifeless corpses and began crying out in rage and sorrow as the area was blanketed by an explosion of energy that even Bardock could feel. The fake timeline was then erased along with the bodies of the fake Cabba and Caulifla as a barrage of ki flooded the battlegrounds and village. Dial was able to deflect some of the blasts before flying off as turned to Tock and said "have fun!" before darting away. Dial and Chronoa conversed as Kale's transformation continued and Chronoa asked if he was sure it was "the only way for Kale to become a Legendary Super Saiyan 2" and Dial confirmed that there would've been no other way.
Kale punched Tock in the gut followed with double axe handle - sending him crashing into the ground as the Legendary Saiyan continued her onslaught. Tock proceeded to stand back up, but Kale proceeded to punch him in the gut with an energy punch before following up with using ki to enhance her Double Axe Handle on Tock - sending him into the ground and nearly destroying the entire village.
Meanwhile in Age 749 of the Main World; Cabba and Caulifla continued their battle against Tick. Tick attempted Telekinesis, but Cabba powered through the piece of cliff that Tick intended to use and kick Tick in the chest followed with a punch from Caulifla. Tick proceeded to use Psychic Javelin using a piece of Pilaf's Castle as the javelin, but Cabba managed to destroy the spear. After failing to land Space Mach Attack; Tick proceeded to use Fighting Miracle Bomber causing a massive explosive wave to destroy surrounding area with nothing of Pilaf's Castle remaining. However, as soon as Chronoa return to the Main World - she was able to locate battle and corrected the past before sending Cabba, Caulifla, and Tick to Age 787 instead while correcting Age 762 as well and sending Goku and Turles: PW to Age 785.
Meanwhile at Planet Plant - Kale continued her battle against Tock as she sent him flying with point-blank ki blast followed up with a barrage of ki blasts. Kale grabbed Tock by the head and repeatedly pummelled him followed up with using Defiant Ball resulting Tock being blasted away as massive explosion swallowed the village and surrounding areas. Tock proceeded to use God Bind on Kale to stop her from moving, however, Kale was able to reverse the technique onto Tock and proceeded to grab Tock by the ankle and began slamming him into the ground repeatedly before throwing him over to a cliff. After a rather one-sided battled with Kale; Tock proceeded to trap her with God Bind once again before proceeding to swallow Kale with create struggled as Dial watched horrified before attempting to stop Tock with his Electric Supernova.
However, the energy sphere was sent back as a newly transformed Tock appeared. Tock explained that thanks to Towa's augmentations was able to use gain the necessary require to consume even someone as large a Legendary Super Saiyan as a result - Tock now had the power that he always dreamed of and proceeded to tell Dial that he has no hope winning now and to say his prays.
In Age 787 - Piccolo was facing off against a recently revived Cell and Frieza both in Golden God Cell and Golden Frieza respectively. Towa and Bio-Warrior Mira were observing the battle as Piccolo was able to repel them once entering Red-eyed Namekian. Piccolo attacked with Light Grenade which hit Frieza with Piccolo following up with a spinning kick to Cell sending the pair flying away. Cell regresses to Golden Perfect Cell before following up with Golden Kamehameha.
Meanwhile in Universe 2 during Age 785; Cabira (World 11) and Tobi (World 11) stood before the former members of Team Universe 2 as he held Jimizu by the back of the neck revealing that he and Tobi were now known as Android 22 and Andrid 23 respectively. Android 23 proceeded to easily overpower most of Universe 2's strongest warriors before morphing his right arm into a blade and impaling Zirloin through the back. Android 22 countered each of Jimizu's attacks with his own Instant Transmission before firing a large energy wave - destroying the Yardratian. Android 22 proceeded to copy Kakunsa's powers and used Mystic Attack against her and Roasie. As Ribrianne was shouting "Miracle Cuticle Particle Recycle..."; Android 23 appeared behind her and severed her right arm before firing ki blast into her back - killing her.
Back in World 11; Dial was shocked by the sudden appearance of Tock's new form. Dial tried to use Full-Powered Death Beam, however, Tock deflected it away before deliver a heavy kick into Dial's gut; sending him crashing into the ground. Tock stopped on a large rock pillar and as he got ready to fire a ki blast - a large pillar of emerald green energy burst from the ground. Dial emerged in Emerald Dial and proceeded to knee Tock in the chest, but he barely affected the Mixxilean and was slammed into the ground as Tock grabbed by the tail before being tossed away. Dial proceeded to transform into Super Emerald Dial and proceeded to attack Tock with a flurry of punches and kicks before using Double Axe Handle to smack into ground causing him to revert his true form before using Party Shot against him, however, Tock deflected the energy blasts. Dial transformed into Fourth Transformation, but was punched away causing him to transform into his Super Fourth Transformation was seemingly evenly matched, however, Tock proved to be more powerful.
Dial proceeded to transform Emerald Super Fourth Transformation but was kicked in the gut before transforming into Super Emerald Super Fourth Transformation. Dial and Tock exchanged punches, but Dial was knocked away from a follow up punch from Tock. Tock proceeded to grab Dial by the face slammed into the ground causing an earthquake and managed to shrug off a counterattack by Dial.
During the battle between Goku and Turles; Chronoa asked whether or not the training with Pend was a success or not to which Goku confirmed it was and after it was completed he returned to Age 785 with Chi-Chi. Chronoa became concerned with Dial fighting against Tock and proceeded to summon a World Gate for Goku to use to get to World 11. She also summoned one for Cabba and Caulifla as they were still battling Tick. The Saiyans flew into the World Gate with their respective opponents following them from behind. Turles continued to batter Goku with a barrage of punches as they continued through Interdimensional Space. Goku transformed into Super Saiyan 3 and delivered a hard punch to Turles: PW was sent flying out of the Interdimensional Space with Goku, Cabba, Caulifla, and Tick landing at Planet Plant. Tick saw Tock's new form and proceeded to assist him against Dial.
Dial was knocked away and slid across the ground over to the feet of Caulifla. Dial revealed the what occurred and what Tock did to Kale. Caulifla and Cabba were horrified at first before slowly becoming enraged. Bioelectricity surrounded the pair as their energy exploded from them as a result and as result to two managed to awaken Super Saiyan 2 and proceeded to try to attack Tock, but Tick attempted to intercepted their attack, but were knocked back by a combined assault. Cabba and Caulifla proceeded to use Galick Burst against Tick and managed to severely wound him.
Meanwhile Goku proceeded to back-up Dial and fought alongside him before reverting to Super Saiyan 2 and proceeded to punch Tock in the face, however, the punch had no effect and was sent flying after his Super Kamehameha had no effect. Goku proceeded to transform into Super Saiyan God before using Limitbreaker Kamehameha. Tock grabbed Goku and Dial by their ankles and slammed them into the ground repeatedly before grabbing them by their heads and slamming them into each other. Goku transformed into Perfected Super Saiyan Blue before kicking Tock in stomach and following up with transforming into Super Saiyan God 2. Tock knocked the pair away with an elbow to each - sending them crashing into the ground. Goku proceeded to transform into Super Saiyan White while Dial proceeded to transform into Majestic Emerald Dial. Dial proceeded to use Full-Powered Emerald Death Beam and almost pierced Tock, but the Mixxilean was able to dodge the attack. Tock proceeded to appear behind Dial and used Gigantic Meteor at point-blank range and caused him to fly into with space with Tock powering it up additional ki blasts. Dial was able to force himself off the blast as it crashed into the moon and destroyed it.
Tick suddenly fell to ground as his skin started flaking off him as Tock noticed as he realised that Tick was a "failed" Bio-Warrior and told him to eat a Senzu Bean, but as Tick reached into his arm his fist fell to the ground. After his body became deformed and grotesque, and losing most of his power as he used Eye Laser against the two Universe 6 Saiyans and barely damage them.
Tock reached into his armour and pulled out what he referred to as an X Crystal. He attached the X Crystal to Tick's chest and his own chest. The two merged into a new entity that called himself Tocick and proceeded to dart past all fighters as they were understanding the situation Dial, Goku, Caulifla, and Cabba were all launched across the battlefield.
Goku, Dial, Caulifla, & Cabba slowly began to stand back up as Tocick examined his body before proceeding to attack each of the fighters. Tocick launched his Hyper Crusher Ball at each of them causing a massive explosion n which all four of them reverted to their base forms. Chronoa considered her options and proceeded to use her powers to channel the powers of Goku's Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, and the Super Saiyan 2nd Grade state as well as 3rd Grade state as soon as he powered up to Super Saiyan once again as well as including her Time Power. Goku could sense his growing power as a glow around his body appeared and felt the Time Power that was already infused with him multiply. A resulting explosion blanketed the area as Goku emerged in Super Saiyan Time Power Unleashed. Goku kneed Tocick in the jaw which stunned him a little bit as Cabba and Caulifla joined the assault in their Super Saiyan forms along with Dial in his True Form.
Elsewhere on Planet Plant prior to Tock's 2nd Transformation; Bardock attempted to go to battlefield only for Ipana and Berry to oppose the idea due to amount of damaged that had occurred to planet. In the Orbit of Planet Plant; World 11's Chilled and eight of his soldiers questioned the tardiness of Tobi and Cabira prompting Chilled to decided down to the planet himself, however, a wormhole emerged in the middle of the ship; tearing it apart and killing all onboard including World 11's Chilled as Chilled's spaceship emerged from the Wormhole. Towa informed Chilled that she'll pay him handsomely if he reenacted his invasion of Planet Plant from the Main World. Indicating that it be a little different due to Bardock being on the planet; Chilled asked who Bardock was and Towa told him a Saiyan with a lot of potential.
Chilled along with eight of his soldiers proceeded to descend on the planet as Bardock continued to train. Chronoa seemed to be intrigued by Bardock and decided to dilate the time for Bardock allowing him to get one and a half years of training. Bardock noticed an explosion to Ipana's Village and rushed to it. He was able to easily defeat all eight of Chilled's soldier, however, Chilled proved that he was much stronger than Namek era First Form Frieza as stopped Bardock's interruption with a punch to the gut sending him skidding across the ground.
Bardock used his Riot Javelin on Chilled to stop him from attacking from Berry as Bardock recalled his time on Planet Plant. Berry would bring food to Bardock despite Bardock's attempts to shoo him away. However, Bardock began to tolerate the young alien and even eat the food that Berry and Ipana brought him to eventually sharing food with them. Bardock thanked them for their hospitality and explained his initial hostility towards them. Ipana brought Bardock his armour and told him that he repaired it to the best of his ability. Bardock thanked him and proceeded to replace his Planet Plant attire and put his armour back on.
The day of the arrival of Dial, Kale, and Tock prompted Ipana and Berry to seek shelter with Bardock as the explosion erupted through out the city. Bardock blasted away some debris as their body caused them to fly over his as a result of the ensuring battle. Following Bardock's defeat of Tobi and Cabira; Bardock returned the favour by helping with the rebuilding efforts of the village.
Back in the present; Bardock mistook Chilled as Frieza and proceeded to attack Chilled with a flurry of kicks and punches; Chilled was able to knock him away with kick. Chilled corrected Bardock before blasting him with a barrage of ki blasts before using Death Razor to send him flying while leaving a fissure in the ground. Chilled continued to pummel Bardock before firing a ki blast at him causing Bardock's armour to become damaged again. As Chilled began prepare to end Bardock with Death Razor; Berry stood between him and Bardock, and tried to get him to stop only for Chilled to launch maniacally and blasted the ground just by Berry's feet causing him to fly as Chilled turned his attention on Berry.
Chilled proceeded to toy with Berry as he countered Berry's attempts to get close to him with Tail Attacks. Chilled grabbed Berry by the head and asked him if he was finished as he swiped Ipana away with his tail. Bardock told Berry to get away as he attempted to prepare a Power Ball, but was unable to make the technique instead Chronoa decided to help him by causing Planet Plant's Moon to reach his peak despite it still being the day. Bardock began transforming as he tossed away his headband. Ipana noticed the transformation as Chilled let Berry go in his surprise at Bardock's transformation, and Ipana proceeded to rush Berry to Bardock's cave.
Following his transformation; Great Ape Bardock began launching a barrage of ki from his mouth destroying the surrounding areas and striking Chilled. Chilled was moderately wounded and responded with attack Bardock with a barrage of ki. Bardock proceeded to try to crush Chilled by slamming him into the ground with his palm, however, Chilled was able to recover from the attack and used Super Explosive Wave to blast Bardock back; destroying Bardock's headband in the process. Chilled landed on nearby building and told Bardock that he was interesting as he prepared to use his full power.
Goku, Dial, Cabba, & Caulifla were pummelled a flurry of punches and kicks by Tocick, and sent them flying into the ground. Goku was able to recover first and proceeded to try to punch Tocick, however, a barrage of ki struck Tocick from behind. Goku became confused and looked behind Tocick; and Vegeta and Future Trunks had appeared in Super Saiyan Time Power Unleashed thanks to Chronoa. Future Trunks and Vegeta proceeded to knee Tocick in the gut followed by Goku punching Tocick in the back of the head.
Meanwhile before the destruction of Planet Plant's moon; Bardock continued his rampage against Chilled. Chilled proceeded to power-up raising his power even further as his aura blanketed the village and caused fissures to appear before an explosive wave left a crater beneath him. Chilled proceeded to punch Bardock in the jaw causing Great Ape Bardock to stumble backwards before delivering a flying kick to the gut followed with a kick to the back of the head; sending Bardock crashing into the ground. Bardock proceeded to rip a section of the ground and threw it at Chilled, but Chilled was able to slice the rock in half with Full-Powered Death Razor and proceeded to fly past it as the rock split in different directions, and kick Bardock in the knee.
Meanwhile in Age 787 of the Main World; Piccolo was able to get away from Cell and Frieza, but sensed unusual energy at Papaya Island. Several soldiers identifying themselves as Idengakumen arrived at the 29th World Martial Arts Tournament as Mr. Satan was celebrating his victory. All 8 of them attacked the stands killing a number of Earthlings with their ki blasts before one of them turned to Mr. Satan and used Idengakuman Bomb to create massive explosive wave that destroyed their World Martial Arts Tournament complex with the Idengakuman survivng the explosion albeit his helmet and upper armour didn't survive revealing him to resemble Sharpner. Piccolo arrived and proceeded to battle them. He destroyed 4 of them with Light Grenade before using Hyper Explosive Demon Wave to destroy 3 more as the remaining Idengakuman revealed that they were Bio-Warriors made from the cells of the Saibamen, Demigra, General White, and Pui Pui. Piccolo stated that he didn't care and telling him was pointless as Piccolo was about to destroy him as Idengakuman revealed that Piccolo's cells were also apart him. Piccolo proceeded to use a ki blast to destroy the Idengakuman's head.
Following the destruction of the Moon; Bardock reverted to his base form before attacking Chilled with Heat Phalanx, but Chilled was able to counter his attack and proceeded to knee Bardock in the gut. Bardock stopped for a moment to see if he didn't hurt Ipana and Berry during his rampage and noticed them in the gave, however, he noticed Ipana and Berry behind a rock as did Chilled. Chilled responded firing his Full-Powered Death Razor resulting in the destruction of the cave as Bardock looked with shock before Chilled kicked him down to the ground as Bardock was face-down in the ground; he became enraged by Chilled's ruthlessness as he remembered the destruction of Planet Vegeta, and being forced to send Goku away. As he became overcome with rage; he began playing himself for his lack of power and strength. Storm clouds formed above before lightning back striking the ground around him. Bardock's began to glow with Chilled looking on confused. Bardock proceeded to bulk-up as he continued to change.
Chilled proceeded to fire his ki at him, but Chronoa intercepted the ki blasts by sending them to another time. Bardock looked over to smoke that once was the cave and with a sinister laughter from Chilled prompted him to unleash his power and transform into Super Saiyan. After deflecting a barrage of Death Razors from Chilled; Bardock told Chilled that he was going to die. Bardock appeared behind Chilled and grabbed him by the horn before slamming him into the ground followed up with a punch to the gut. Chilled proceeded to mimic Bardock's Riot Javelin and used against him which only ended up destroying Bardock's armour as Bardock emerged from the resulting dust to Chilled's shock. Bardock proceeded to state Chilled to prepare for his defeat.
A couple years ago during the battle with Dark King Demigra and Moro: Heroes; a time rift version of Kid Buu with Babidi absorbed from a false timeline was tossed aside after Moro: Heroes copied his powers. Later in Age 852; Time Rift Kid Buu encountered Fin on Earth along with a fragment of Janemba: PW which had taken Barry Kahn as a host after the actor was displaced in time by Towa. Fin proceeded to use his power to have Janemba undergo a Dark Evolution after Kid Buu smacked Janemba around and caused Janemba to take on his Evil Demon form. Kid Buu was almost killed by Janemba as the evil Demon overwhelmed, however, Kid Buu proceeded to absorb the Evil Demon.
Meanwhile in World 11; Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks continued their attack against Tocick as they sensed Bardock's energy. Dial, Cabba, & Caulifla decided to continue their mission and try to rescue Bardock on their way - wormhole proceeded to open with Time Kid Buu and Fin emerging through it. Dial proceeded to knock Kid Buu away with a punch as Caulifla and Cabba blasted him with a barrage of ki, however, Kid Buu managed to recover and reform. Elsewhere at Ipana's village; Super Saiyan Bardock proceeded to grab Chilled's tail and proceeded to spin him around before releasing him and sending him flying into cliff. They explosion from the battle against Time Rift Kid Buu nearly distracted him, however, Bardock was able to counter Chilled's attempt to attack him with punch to the gut followed by a spinning kick sending Chilled crashing into the ground.
Angry and annoyed; Chilled proceeded to try to use an energy blast to not only try to destroy Bardock, but also to destroy the planet, however, Bardock was able to counter with Rebellion Trigger resulting in a beam struggle. However, it was long before the beam struggle went in Bardock's favour as Chilled was swallowed by Bardock's energy wave, however, he suddenly disappeared before energy blast could vaporise him. Believing that Chilled was dead; Bardock proceeded to revert to his base form before passing out from the use as a wormhole opened behind Bardock as he stumbled backwards causing and closing as he went through it. Ipana and Berry emerged from the cave and mostly unscathed as they noticed that Bardock and Chilled were gone. Berry was sad as Ipana believed that they'll see Bardock again one day.
Bardock emerged on an operating table as Towa, Bio-Warrior Mira, and Mira observed with a hooded figure emerging from a shadowy of the room and asking them if the test was a success to which Mira confirmed that Bardock indeed went Super Saiyan. Mira addressed the figure as "Lord Cell-X" to which Cell-X replied to just call him Cell-X. Cell-X told Towa to put a mask on Bardock and Mira to train Chilled while calling Bio-Warrior Mira to come with him. Cell-X revealed his intentions to Bio-Warrior Mira as he wants vengeance against the Supreme Kais due to the previous Supreme Kai of Time prohibiting him from reviewing his adoptive family in Age 2870 with Bio-Warrior Mira confused as Cell-X was completed in Age 2854 with Cell-X replying that he was and 16-years later his family was killed due to a rogue Time Patroller and four years following that in Age 2874 - he enacted his plan to get his revenge after the Time Patrol decided to spare the killer and refused to let him revive his family.
Later as the Masked Saiyan; Bardock was sent to Age 749 of the Main World just as the fragmented energy of Janemba: PW proceeded to choose 15-year-old Bulma as its new host. Janemba: PW noticed Bardock and proceeded to try to attack him, however, Bardock was able to easily to defeat him and proceeded to use Dark Rebellion Trigger to destroy Janemba's physical form with Bulma emerging from the crater left behind unscathed as Bardock used and energy-suction device to absorb the fragmented energy of Janemba. Bardock proceeded to head three additional eras and collect the fragmented evil energy before returning to Towa with the energy. Towa told him that hand the energy over as she placed it on a pedestal, however, the energy with the device proceeded to merge and escaped to World 266 where the events of Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai play out. After his defeat; the evil energy was later collected by an unknown individual and sent the Heroes' World which lead to his encounter with Xeno Goku and the others in Age 781. Finally; Bardock was able to collect Janemba once again with the added energies from Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta before keeping Janemba: PW sealed in the energy-suction device in Towa's storage room.
Meanwhile - Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks proceeded to fire Super Kamehameha, Galick Gun, and Final Flash respectively - combining the energy waves, however, Tocick managed to dodge the attack and told them that they'll need to try harder than that as he blasted all three with a single ki blast causing them to revert to their base forms.
In Age 785 of the Main World; Trunks and Goten were training with Android 17 at Monster Island when Psi Devilman, Shun Shun, Haru Haru, Dr. Gero, Churai, and General Bon along with a large army of Human-type Earthlings, Animal-type Earthlings, Demons, Robots, and a few Namekians appeared wearing red pants. They attacked the island destroying a small pond only for Android 17 to stop them by destroying the robots as Trunks and Goten fought several members of the Red Pants Army. The Cell Juniors that were inhabiting the island battled against Psi Devilman, Shun Shun, and Haru Haru.
In Age 787 of the Main World; Bardock as the Masked Saiyan was sent to attack Piccolo, however, Chronoa was able to get him some help by recruiting Tien Shinhan, Krillin, and Yamcha from Age 785. Krillin and Yamcha simultaneously began saying "KA...ME...HA...ME..." with Tien shouting "kikōhō" as the energy waves combined into Kamehame Tri-Beam at Bardock, however, he used Dark Rebellion Trigger which collided with the combined energy wave. Piccolo attacked Bardock from behind with Light Grenade resulting in a large explosion as it distracted enough for the combined energy wave engulfed him. Bardock fell to the ground and transformed into Super Saiyan and proceeded to fire a barrage of ki blasts against all four.
Later at the World 11; Goku, Vegeta, & Future Trunks was able to fight almost on par with Tocick as they continued to attack him repeatedly with Goku kneeing Tocick in the jaw followed with Vegeta's double axe handle to chest sending him flying to the ground with Future Trunks delivering a spinning kick before he hit the ground and sent him crashing across the ground and into a cliff. Tocick fired Bloody Oil at Goku was knocked back by the blast as Tocick used Blue Impulse against Vegeta and Future Trunks which injured, and fall to ground. Tocick proceeded to use his new technique God Smasher and launched it at all three. Goku proceeded to turn to Vegeta and suggested that they should fuse in order to end it with Vegeta refusing as he proceeded to try to use Spirit Control to defuse Tocick, however, the X Crystal caused an explosion which destroyed Vegeta's right hand and forced him into his base form as Chronoa scolded him that as she gave him a modified Senzu Bean to regrow his hand and that he could've lost his life as a result of his stubbornness and that he should've expected some sort of defence against Spirit Control. Goku also reverted to his base form and told Vegeta that he can also defuse at his leisure to which Vegeta told Goku that it would take too long to become Gogeta and that the energy sphere would had destroyed them before then.
Future Trunks threw a pair of Potara Earrings at them and told them to hurry up as fired his Super Masenko at the energy sphere to buy them some time. Vegeta questioned why Goku liked fusion so much and Goku simply responded that the idea of being strong always intrigued him to which Vegeta admitted that he didn't mind the power he has as Vegito or Gogeta as he attached the potara. As soon as the two fused; they proceeded to transform into Super Saiyan Time Power Unleashed and proceeded to power through the energy sphere and punch Tocick in the gut. Future Trunks was able to push the energy sphere back into Tocick resulting a large explosion that heavily wounded him as Vegito knocked him into ground with a double axe handle. Tocick proceeded to use Mach Move to dart at Future Trunks grabbing him by the face and slamming him headfirst into the ground. Vegito countered with a heel drop to the back of Tocick's head followed up with a powerful thrust punch to the gut; sending Tocick crashing into Ipana's village. Vegito proceeded to revert to his base form and transform into Super Saiyan White before he and Future Trunks proceeded to simultaneously punch Tocick in the stomach; sending him crashing into a mountain.
Vegito proceeded to deliver an energy punch directly to Tocick's face which carved a fissure in the mountain before following with another energy punch to chest; destroying the X Crystal and causing a burst of energy to flow out of Tocick. Vegito flew up to the sky as Tocick repeatedly screamed "No!" as energy began crackle from him causing glowing laceration on his body to appear. Tocick attempted to escape his fate by using "Body Change" to switch with Vegito, however, Vegito was able to counter his attempt with ki blast which destroyed the energy wave as Tocick's body exploded leaving a crater in place of the mountain behind. Chronoa proceeded to use Face to revive Kale. Dial, Caulifla, & Cabba were still in mid-battle with Time Rift Kid Buu when Cell-X arrived to send Time Rift Kid Buu away and told them that they're job in World 11 was done and that World 60 was currently under attack as Cell-X opened a World Portal as Vegito & Future Trunks were flying over to assist, but Cell-X launched the portal towards them causing all six to go through the portal along with Ipana, Berry, and a small section of the ground that Dial, Caulifla, & Cabba were standing on before closing the portal.
Mira approached the battle site after Cell-X returned to the Main World and proceeded to use Frieza's Earth Breaker to destroy begin the destruction of Planet Plant before leaving to go to World 60 as Planet Plant was destroyed. Elsewhere on Earth in the Main World in Age 785; Bio-Warrior Mira destroyed the Galactic Prison before informing Cell-X that the Dragon Ball wasn't at the Prison.
The Masked Saiyan[]
Vegito, Dial, Caulifla, Cabba, Kale, & Future Trunks arrived in Tsurumai-Tsuburi Mountains with the section of the ground from Planet Plant - crashing down on the small ice sheet. Berry and Ipana noticed that they were no longer on Planet Plant; as they tried to work out where they were, and went over to the others. Chronoa was able to locate them in World 60's Earth in Age 764.
In Age 787 of the Main World; a World Portal proceeded to open behind Bardock and was launched at him, and Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, & Tien Shinhan sending them to Age 764 of World 60's Earth. Vegito and the others were confused by the arrival of Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, and Yamcha before noticing the Masked Saiyan. Bardock launched a ki blast at Vegito which had no effect on him as Vegito punched Bardock in the stomach followed up with a kick; sending him crashing into a ice glacier. Bardock recovered from the attack as Berry recognised Bardock and tried to talk to him, but Bardock responded with attempting to attack him, however, Vegito kicked Bardock away and told Berry to stay clear, but Berry continued to try to convince Bardock. Bardock proceeded to destroy one of Vegito's earrings causing him to defuse as Goku proceeded to attack Bardock. Goku was about to attack Bardock again, but the skies proceeded to turn dark as Krillin noticed Shenron on the mountains nearby. Goku recognises Turles: PW, however, Turles: PW was able to use his wish to revive Dr. Wheelo.
Dr. Wheelo recognised Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, & Piccolo, but neither of them recognised him as he launched an energy blast to hit all four of them, but barely damaged them due to their higher power compared to their World 60 selves. Dr. Wheelo proceeded to kick Piccolo in the back followed up with an elbow to Yamcha's head, and punch to gut each to Krillin and Tien. Krillin mentioned that age seemed to be catching up to Tien and Yamcha as they seemed to be burning more stamina than before, and wish that Tien, Yamcha, and himself were 25 with Chronoa relaying his wish to Face. Face grants the wish to which their and as a result Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin seemed to de-age slightly. Tien proceeded to fire Dodon Ray as Krillin and Piccolo fired Kamehame Beam Cannon in which the Special Beam Cannon spiralled around Krillin's Kamehameha. The combined energy wave collided with Dr. Wheelo, and managed to destroy the left side of his machine body with Tien's Dodon Ray piercing the Doctor's right arm.
Turles: PW looked over to the Idengakuman with him and used Shenron to have him switch bodies with Dr. Wheelo just as Krillin launched his destructo disc at him. Dr. Wheelo's former body was vertically bisected as Dr. Wheelo's spirit was placed in the Idengakuman's body. Dr. Wheelo proceeded to attack each of them with Explosive Demon Wave, but, four were able to dodge the attack as Goku and Bardock continued their fight. Caulifla transformed into Super Saiyan and proceeded to attack Turles: PW to stop him from getting anymore wishes. Turles: PW was overpowered by Super Saiyan Caulifla, however, as soon as he began using Supervillain - the battle began to go in his favour.
Android 22 & Android 23 arrived at the battlefield revealing to Vegeta that after they killed Ribrianne and the others they came to World 60 so that Android 22 could copy the powers of Kami and use the powers to make a new set of Dragon Balls. They've returned to collect them with Cabba transforming into Super Saiyan, and proceeding to attack Android 22, however, Android 22 was able to extend his arm and grab Cabba, and slam him into the ground as Android 23 was blasted by Vegeta, however, Android 23 was about auto-repair himself as he revealed his liquid metal sheathe.
Dr. Wheelo was hit by Yamcha's, Krillin's, and Tien's Kamehame Tri-Beam which blew off his right arm, however, he was able to regenerate his arm as it was revealed to Yamcha that Dr. Wheelo's new body looked like an Earthling. Dr. Wheelo took off his helmet and proceeded to use Steady Barrage. The resulting explosion destroyed the ice sheet they were standing on. After knocking away Dr. Wheelo's Sniper Shot; Tien proceeded to launch Ultra Dodon Ray which destroyed Dr. Wheelo's feet as he attempted to dodge the attack, but Dr. Wheelo was able to regenerate. Dr. Wheelo kicked Krillin the gut followed up with a Special Beam Cannon against Piccolo and managed to pierce him through the gut. However, Piccolo regenerated as Dr. Wheelo proceeded to use Idengakuman Bomb on Yamcha and destroyed a large icy mountain. However, Yamcha managed to survive as did Dr. Wheelo, and proceeded to headbutt Yamcha.
Android 22 proceeded to grab Dr. Wheelo by the neck and proceeded to copy the powers and abilities of Idengakuman's body and Dr. Wheelo's powers. Dr. Wheelo proceeded to use Draw on Krillin, however, Piccolo, Yamcha, and Tien were able to stop him with a flurry of kicks and punches. Piccolo proceeded to step aside and stated that he's going to take things to next level before entering Red-eyed Namekian.
In Age 1000 - in West City of Earth in the Main World; Towa and Mira were approaching the entrances of the Capsule Corp, and as they did Cell-X, Bio-Warrior Mira, and Dabura exited the building and explained to Towa that it was a success to revive Dabura. Dabura voiced his gratitude to them for reviving him before suggesting that they invade World 60 in order to recover the first Dragon Ball. Towa proceeded to use a World Portal to send - Android 17, Android 18, Psi Devilman, Shun Shun, Haru Haru, Dr. Gero, Churai, and General Bon to World 60 along with the army that they've bought and an army of Idengakumen.
Upon arrival in World 60; Bio-Warrior Mira and Mira proceeded to destroy West City with a ki blast before blasting most of the planet. Haru Haru launched her Volcano Bomb at East District; destroying the entire around it. Several Idengakuman destroyed several cities along with destroying the Lookout Tower. Cell-X approached Bio-Warrior Mira in Yahhoy of World 60; as they were training and proceeded to tell him that his cells should give him unique abilities. Bio-Warrior Mira asked what he met and Cell-X proceeded to start powering up. The sky turned dark with fissures forming around Cell-X as an explosion of ki signified a transformed with black aura. Cell-X revealed that due to the Demonic DNA of their body - they take on more unique variation of Super Saiyan which he called Super Saiyan D-type. Cell-X told Bio-Warrior Mira that he wants him to achieve the same state.
Goku and the Masked Saiyan punched each other in the face followed up with a spinning kick to each, however, the Masked Saiyan was knocked back while Goku was able to recover from the attack as he transformed into Super Saiyan. Cabba managed to knock Android 22 into a mountain while Vegeta blasted Android 23. Android 22 told them that he copied the power of Kami and used his power to create new Dragon Balls. Android 22 proceeded to use Double Beam Strike against Cabba, but he managed to dodge attack and proceeded to punch him, however, Android 22 was barely affected and knocked Cabba away. Cabba transformed into Super Saiyan before kicking Android 22, but Android 22 was able to survive resulting in Cabba transforming into Super Saiyan 2.
Android 23 was blasted in the arm by ki blast from Vegeta and sent into the ground. Android 23 was able to auto-repair and generate more nanobots. Android 23 proceeded to separate his Sheathe from his Endoskeleton and the pair began to battle Vegeta. Android 23's endoskeleton and Sheathe more arm blades and proceeded to attack Vegeta and manage to lacerate him. Vegeta proceeded to knocked the sheathe into the endoskeleton and they merge back together before separating as he lept at Vegeta and proceeded to overwhelm him with a barrage of punches and kicks. Using the metal around him - he was able to restore his metal sheathe before continuing the battle.
Members of the Red Ribbon Army invade several different planets in World 60. Planets such as Zoon, Namek, and several Planets owned by Frieza were quickly reduced to ruins. Android 17 and Android 18 managed to save a group of aliens from Psi Devilman and proved immune to his Psi Devilmite Beam. They peppered him with a barrage of ki until General Bon arrived and proceeded to charge at them like a bull.
Android 17 and Android 18 are sent through a mountain as General Bon continued to charge them before firing a barrage of ki at them. Android 17 protected himself and 18 with an energy barrier before launching the barrier at the Buffalo-looking villain. Android 17 and Android 18 continued to attack General Bon with a barrage of ki blasts followed with a flurry of punches and kicks before knocking him away with a kick.
Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, Piccolo, Krillin, and Kale arrived in World 60 at behest of Chronoa and began battling the Time Break Army. Each of the Idengakumen were able to knock away them with the Explosive Demon Wave as the recently revived Kale proceeded to power-up and revealed thanks to the divine power from Naname - she was able to increase her power further as she revealed the power to willing transform into Legendary Super Saiyan 2 before taking it a step further into powering up to Legendary Super Saiyan 2 (Godly Aura). Kale was able to effortlessly overpower the army and blasted them away with a ki blast as she proceeded to punch away Churai before kicking away Shun Shun and Haru Haru before proceeding to grab Dabura by the face and slamming him into the ground. Kale focused on Dabura and two continued battle before Dabura entered Darkness Demon. He punched in the face, but it did absolutely nothing to him as she grappled his head and threw him away.
Elsewhere in an unknown section of hell; a green humanoid with a halo on his head was at the Earth's Check-In Station with King Yemma under the control of Towa. She revealed that she was aware that Bojack was killed when Cell self-destructed and would like to give him a chance at revenge. She handed him a Golden-Mask and told him that it was imbued with all of Gohan's powers. Bojack agreed to the request and asked her to summon his old allies. She agreed to his request and she'll send him to World 61 first to reclaim one of the Time Breaker Dragon Balls.
Super Guy in the Galaxy[]
In World 61 - Bojack, Zangya, Bido, Bujin, and Kogu were amidst a damage caused by the Tree of Might with the bodies of the Dragon Warriors of World 61 at their feet. Bojack grabbed the Time Breaker Dragon Ball before turning around to blast the area destroying it along with the bodies. Towa arrived to send them to collect the next Dragon Ball. Bojack and his gang over look the current battlefield as Caulifla proceeded to power up to Super Saiyan and battled against Dr. Wheelo while Goku and the Masked Saiyan continued their battle. Suddenly a wormhole opened up behind Dr. Wheelo sending him to an unknown location. Towa proceeded to use her magic to return in a different form in which he refers to as his True Compact form. After receiving an attack from Android 23; Vegeta switched to Perfected Super Saiyan Blue while Goku switched to Perfected Super Saiyan Blue before punching the Saiyan away.
Dr. Wheelo proceeded to attack Goku and Vegeta with the Evil Aura causing them to enter Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Berserk), however, Goku and Vegeta began to understand the power they've received and began powering up. Goku and Vegeta entered the controlled Berserk state with Goku using his new power to knock away the Masked Saiyan and Vegeta attacked Android 23 even after Android 23 used his Division form - Vegeta had the edge and proceeded to destroy Tobi's Sheathe using Super Galick Gun. Psi Devilman was about to attack Android 17 & 18 when Zangya arrived to attack them telling him that she was taking over. Kogu proceeded to attack Caulifla while Bido and Bujin attacked Piccolo. Cabira revealed that he was able to copy the powers of few including Kami allowing him to create the new Dragon Balls before attacking Cabba with mystic attack.
Bojack proceeded to knock Dr. Wheelo into the ground after stating to Dr. Wheelo that he knew a different Bojack and that he and his team faced over 20 different versions of themselves as part of their training. Bojack stated that he himself version of himself using the Full Power state, another one using a Dark Magic transformation, another using the Villainous Mode, and few others including one that used a Dark Magic-infused Full Power state and 18th one that used the Villainous Mode in the Full Power State. Bojack told Goku and Vegeta that he was telling them it all because he has a distinct advantage having faced and defeated a number of powerful foes. Bojack proceeded to kick Goku in the gut stunning Goku briefly only to realise that Goku's new power has given him an edge battle and thus realised that Dr. Wheelo has turned on them. Bojack proceeded to launch a Full Power Energy Wave at Dr. Wheelo destroying the doctor. Kogu proceeded to enter the Full-Power Hera state and proceeded to punch Caulifla in the gut. However, Caulifla proceeded to transform into Super Saiyan 2 and attempted to blast him, however, Kale emerged from the ground below punch him in the jaw with Future Trunks appearing and struck Kogu down with a fist clean through the stomach. Bojack noticed Kogu's death and proceeded to blast Future Trunks and Caulifla away. Vegeta proceeded to send Bojack flying through some ice with a kick to the face.
Piccolo attempted to punch Bido, but Bujin shot him in the back with a Finger Beam distracting him enough to allow Bido to hit the Namekian with his Brave Gatling attack. Piccolo recovered from the attack before proceeding to launch Special Beam Cannon at Bujin, however, Bujin was able intercept the attack using telekinesis to throw part of an iceberg in front of him giving him time to dodge. Bujin and Bido ensnared Piccolo with Psycho Threads as Dial looked on. Angered and annoyed - Dial dropped from his God 1st form and immediately entered his True Form as he began powering up resulting in a massive surge of power. Dial immediately entered Super Fourth Transformation followed by Ultimate Evolution Super Fourth Transformation as he continued to power-up before finally entering Majestic Emerald Dial. Dial proceeded to knock Bujin into Bido with kick sending them crashing into the ground. In response to Dial's massive power shift - Bido and Bujin entered their Full Power Hera states. They attacked Dial but quickly found themselves outmatched regardless and proceeded to tap into Supervillain. Bido and Bujin proved to be able to stun Dial briefly but found that the extra power wasn't enough as Dial proceeded to punch Bido clean through the stomach before destroying him with a ki blast. Bujin began to fly away scared by Dial's power and advantage over them, but Dial obliterated him with Galick Gun.
Android 17 proceeded to protect Android 18 with a Barrier from an attack from Zangya. Zangya recognised their power and proceeded to enter her Full Power Hera State followed by the Supervillain state only for a Finish Buster from Dial to engulf her and vaporise her. Bojack blasted Piccolo, Caulifla, Android 17, and Android 18 away with a ki blast before turning to Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, and Dial. Bojack equipped the Golden Mask given to him by Towa. Bojack proceeded to attack the four, but he was overwhelmed by their attack. Future Trunks managed to knock the mask off before Bojack powered up to his Full Power Hera state before equipping his mask again, but lost the mask again when Dial kicked him. Bojack proceeded to enter Supervillain.
Bojack smirked at them asking if they think they have the edge because of their unique powers. Bojack proceeds to use Naname's godly power to enter the Aura of a Godly Villain state. Dial noted the obvious power gap that still exist between them, but Bojack called him a fool to think he was down. Bojack began powering up causing a massive earthquake in the area; a red, black, blue, and green aura begin to surround him. Bojack used telekinesis to cause the Golden Mask to equip to his face as lightning began to strike the area and ice began to fly up. An explosive wave to engulfed the area sending nearly everyone flying as Bojack transformed into his new form. Dial looked in shock meanwhile Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Cabba were fighting together against the Time Breaker army.
Android 22 proceeded to try to attack Cabba while he was battling the Time Breaker Army, but Android 17 kicked Android 22 away while Android 23 was intercepted by Android 18. Meanwhile in the Time Nest; Chronoa was awaiting news from the Time Patrollers currently unaware of the battle taking place in World 60. She decided to use Face to gain a more precise viewing of the parallel worlds and was able to get a view of the battle. Towa managed to sense Chronoa and told her that she sent Bojack after them and since he's already dead - it'll be difficult for them to defeat him since they won't be able to land a fatal blow. Towa commented that if she failed she could always go to World 51 to collect a different Bojack.
Bojack proceeded to dart at Future Trunks and managed to kick him away even after Future Trunks transformed into Super Saiyan 3. Dial was preparing to launch his Supernova at Bojack, but Bojack proceeded to kick Dial away. Goku and Vegeta called out to Dial and Future Trunks before channelling their ki and proceeding to attack Bojack. Bojack dodged their attacks and proceeded to punch Goku in the chest sending him into the ground before attacking Vegeta and sending him into a cliff. Vegeta remembered the earpiece on his ear and decided to try to use Hakai against Bojack, but he was able to move out of the way as Vegeta destroyed an iceberg. Bojack used Bloody Sauce followed by Baked Sphere against Vegeta knocking him to the ground as Goku rose from the ground and proceeded to use God Kamehameha against only for Bojack dodge the attack and kick Goku in the face sending him into the water below. Bojack proceeded to use Galactic Steaming against against Goku as crashed into against the seafloor and was almost hit by the attack, but Goku was able to use Instant Transmission to dodge the attack as the energy blast resulted into a massive explosion that left a sizable crater and a shift in water-levels as the crater began to fill with water. Bojack blasted Vegeta and Goku away causing them to revert to their base forms, but before he could be finished off - Gotenks arrived from the Main World in his Super Saiyan 3 form. Gohan also with him proceeded to take Goku and Vegeta with him back to the Time Nest at the behest of Chronoa. Chronoa informed them that they haven't mastered their new power yet and wants them to do so while Gotenks buys them some time. They agreed and Chronoa sent them into the Room of Spirit and Time.
Gotenks proceeded to punch Bojack in the face, but it did absolutely nothing to Bojack and resulted in him receiving a punch to his face himself. Gotenks proceeded to use Burning Kamehameha against Bojack which had absolutely nothing to him. Gotenks smirked at Bojack and told him that while he recognised how powerful Bojack was - it wasn't enough for Gotenks. A few minutes before his arrival Goten and Trunks fused into Gotenks before immediately transforming into Super Saiyan 3. He then proceeded to used Face to make him stronger. Face managed to condense all the power he could've accumulated in his lifetime, at the cost of shortening his lifespan to only seven days. However, Gotenks was able to circumvent the wish without losing his power and restored his lifespan. Bojack mocked Gotenks for using a cheap method to get stronger and told him that true experience will never be replaced by cheap shortcuts to the top. Gotenks proceeded to release his full power showcasing the power he gained and managed to send Bojack flying with a kick to the gut; sending him crashing through several snowy mountains and directly into the side of a cliff. Bojack appeared before him and delivered a powerful punch to the gut.
Gotenks proceeded to use his recently gained magic to manipulate the life energy of the planet and used to cause of a pillar of fire and flames to burst from the ground at Bojack which he dodged easily. Gotenks proceeded to use Super Burning Kamehameha before Bojack had the chance to catch his breath, however, Bojack was able to defend himself with an energy shield. Bojack proceeded to knee Gotenks in the gut which barely stunned Gotenks before firing a ki blast at World 60's Orange Star City as Mr. Satan wasn't a hero in World 60 and as such the city was never renamed. In the city of Yahhoy in World 60; Bio-Warrior Mira was stilling training under Cell-X with an explosion signifying Bio-Warrior Mira's achievement of Super Saiyan E-type. Cell-X proceeded to shower him that he was able to achieve other powers demonstrating his own Demon God form and revealing a unique form that only those with Demon DNA can achieving by begin his power-up causing the planet to shake along with Earthquakes and lightning storms before revealing him Super Saiyan Dark. Cell-X proclaims the name of the form to be Super Saiyan Dark as Bio-Warrior Mira stood in awe. Cell-X proceeded to show him Giant Demon God form followed by Super Saiyan Dark: Giant, and Transcended Demon God before entering Transcended Super Saiyan Dark. He reverts to his regular Super Saiyan Dark state after reverting to Demon God.
Back at the battle site - Gotenks brief distraction due to Cell-X's power was enough to allow Bojack to try to punch Gotenks, but Gotenks proved that a brief distraction wasn't enough to drop his guard as he dodged the attack seamlessly before punching Bojack in the gut and sending him crashing into the seafloor. However, before Gotenks to land a finish below he defused allowing Bojack to gain an opening and attack Trunks and Goten - defeating them easily. Gohan while wearing his mask was able to save them before proceeding to battle Bojack himself. Gohan and Bojack proceeded to collide fists with another, however, Gohan was sent flying back and sent crashing into a mountain. Gohan recovered, however, his shoulder was dislocated from the attack causing limp and become lame, but Gohan was able to reset his shoulder before kneeing Bojack in the forehead.
Gohan crashes into the ground and his golden-mask disconnects from him. Bojack was about preparing to finish Gohan off only for suddenly glow of light to emerge from behind. Bojack looked behind him to see that Goku and Vegeta have returned and are already in Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Controlled Berserk). Gohan smirked at their return before passing out. Bojack mocked them as he told them that their training won't make any difference as he turned to face them.
Major[] |
Supporting characters[] |
Minor character[]
- Dial (True Form) vs King Piccolo (Towa's Dark Magic/Supervillain)
- Dial (True Form) vs Commander Red (Battle Jacket) & Staff Officer Black's Battle Jacket (Towa's Dark Magic)
- Dial (True Form/Reborn Dial) vs. Staff Officer Black's Battle Jacket (Supervillain/Giant Robot)
- Caulifla (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2nd Grade) & Cabba (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2nd Grade) vs Tick
- Caulifla (Super Saiyan 3rd Grade/Super Saiyan Full Power) & Cabba (Super Saiyan 3rd Grade/Super Saiyan Full Power) vs Tick (Powerhouse)
- Kale (Super Saiyan C-type/Wrath State) vs Tock (Base/Transformed)
- Age 762 Goku (Super Saiyan) vs. Turles: PW (Dark Magic transformation)
- Goku (Super Saiyan) & Age 762 Goku vs. Turles: PW (Dark Magic transformation/Supervillain)
- Bardock vs. World 11 Tobi and World 11 Cabira
- Dial (True Form) vs. Tock (Transformed)
- Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan 2) vs. Tock (Transformed)
Differences between Original and Revamp story[]
- Caulifla, Kale, and Cabba all take part of in the Saga as members of the Time Patrol
- Prior to the mission to Ancient Planet Plant - Dial is sent on a couple of missions.
- Unlike the original story - Bardock of the Main World is sent to a Parallel World version of Planet Plant instead of the one in the Main World.
Dragon Ball sagas | |||||||
Dragon Ball | |||||||
Son Goku Group | Emperor Pilaf • Tournament | ||||||
Red Ribbon Army Group | Red Ribbon Army • General Blue • Commander Red • Fortuneteller Baba | ||||||
Piccolo Group | Tien Shinhan • King Piccolo • Piccolo Jr. | ||||||
Dragon Ball Z | |||||||
Saiyan Group | Vegeta | ||||||
Namek/Frieza Group | Namek • Captain Ginyu • Frieza | ||||||
Frieza/Android Group | Garlic Jr. • Trunk | ||||||
Androids/Cell Group | Androids • Imperfect Cell • Perfect Cell • Cell Games Saga | ||||||
Majin Buu Group | Great Saiyaman • World Tournament • Babidi • Majin Buu • Fusion • Kid Buu • Peaceful World | ||||||
Dragon Ball Super | |||||||
Gods of the Universe Group | Battle of Gods • Resurrection ‘F’ | ||||||
Zen-Oh Group | Universe 6 • 'Future' Trunks • Universe Survival | ||||||
Universe 7 Group | Broly • Galactic Patrol Prisoner | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced | |||||||
Warriors of Time Group | Z\Super • Dark King Demigra | ||||||
Cell-X Group | Super Bardock • Age 993 • X | ||||||
God of War Group | Fallen Time Patroller • Age 1000 | ||||||
Grand Tour Group | Black Star Dragon Ball • Baby • Super 17 • Shadow Dragon | ||||||
Revenge Group | Return of the Demon Clan | ||||||
Timespace Rift Group | 2nd Timespace Rift Tournament • Majin Vegeta • Bimfutsu | ||||||
Zenkai World Group | Universe Salvation • Galactic Patrol Most Wanted • Galactic Conquest | ||||||
Karo Group | Universal Field Trip | ||||||
Dr Gero Reborn Group | Neon Blue | ||||||
Frieza Homeworld Group | Icicle and Icefall | ||||||
Dragon Ball Revelations | |||||||
Ginny Group | Majin Dōka • Piccolo III • Ultimate Piccolo • Zaiko • Ginny | ||||||
Evil Gogeta Group | Evil Goku • Evil Gogeta • Evil Confinement • Clash of Saiyans | ||||||
Android 22 Group | Jamie Saga • Intern Saga • Android 22 Saga • Super 18 Saga • World Terror Saga | ||||||
Karma Group | Tekken • Fallen Angel • Warp • Datenshi • Karma | ||||||
Waru Group | A Demonic Tournament • Age 666 | ||||||
Spin-off | |||||||
Dragon Ball Fairy Tales | Toi Saga • Glacier Saga • Guardian of Toi Saga • Imaginary Friend Saga • Genie Saga | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced pe-revamp | Z/Super Saga • Episode of Bardock • Dabura and Psidevilman • Universe 1 • Tale of Two Coolers • Cell-X • Demon Realm Invasion • Dark Empire • Evil Dragons of Time • Descent of Mechikabura • Temporal Disturbance |