This is the saga leading up after the events of the Super 17 saga and the battle with Omega Shenron. Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu have teamed up once again to exact their revenge and have brought about their newest Android weapon, Super 18.
After the events of Omega Shenron's defeat, the earth experienced a time of peace for over 5 years. But deep in the bowls of Hell Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu were in the development of yet another plot for their revenge and the destruction of Earth. Gero and Myuu had once again joined forces and decide to once again open the gates of Hell to unleash their newest creation onto the world. Since their plan with fusing Hell Fighter 17 and Android 17 had back fired, the two mad-scientists made some adjustments and instead used Android 18 as their new weapon of mayhem. Having built the new Hell Fighter 18 and attaching a new device which allowed her to instant teleport out of hell, she had soon arrived on Earth. Her objective was to locate Android 18 and absorb her so she could transform into Super 18 and use her powers to bring about Goku’s death and the destruction of Earth. She quickly located Android 18 and asked her to surrender and let Hell Fighter 18 absorb her. Instead 18 went on the attack but proved to be no match for her Hell Fighter counterpart. After absorbing Android 18 and transforming into Super 18, Marron witnessed what had happened and quickly flew away but was instantly blown to bits .
With Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu’s plan soon nearing completion, they sent the orders to Super 18 to locate Goku and bring about his demise. But Goku had soon arrived on the scene after the sensing the death of Krillin and immediately transformed into Super Saiyan 4 and battled it out with Super 18. It seemed as though the two were evenly matched, but during the battle Super 18 had injected Goku with a poison that would weaken him slowly and drain him of his Ki Energy. Goku slowly became weaker, giving Super 18 the advantage. But Trunks, Majuub, and Vegeta had soon arrived and battled the Android giving Goku a chance to race to Korin Tower to restore his energy with a senzu bean.
Goku returned only to see the defeat of all three, but suddenly Piccolo appeared and aided Goku with a distraction, while he charged up a x10 Kamehameha. And Super 18 shields were down blasted her leaving her into rubble. Thus foiling the scientists plans once again.