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Suna is the child of the low-class warriors Vacato and Pankin. She's better known for being the twin sibling of Komat, and she's his first opponent in the Saiyan Placement Trials. Like most Saiyans, she enjoys fighting immensely. Like her peer Kaido, she has a tendency to sabotage her own chances for the sake of making fights 'fair'.
She is a main character in Dragon Ball: Uprising. Her name, as well as her brother's, is a pun on the the vegetable Komatsuna.
Suna is a full-blooded Saiyan, and as a result she shows all the normal traits of a Saiyan her age. She has short black hair, black eyes, and a tail. This gives a remarkable resemblance to both her mother and her brother, alienating any real visual influence from her father.
At the start of the Placement Trials Arc, Suna wears standard issue black and brown Planet Trade Organization armor.
At the start of the Placement Trials, Suna is a battle-hungry and rather unambitious girl who just wants to get a good fight out of her time in Arena B. She gives her brother more chances than anyone else would to get serious since she doesn't want to beat him easily, and she even hinders herself through self-imposed rules during her match with Kaido just to draw out the fight.