Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Steacy, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Steacy
Alternate names Demon Goddess Stacey
Debut Fanga: A Powerful Betrayal
Appears in
Race Demon Realm race
Gender Female
Date of death Age 950
Status Alive
Occupation Assistant (formerly)
Allegiance Dark Empire
Affiliations Mechikabura (Superior)

Steacy (ステーシー Steacy) is Towa's former assistant and one of the top scientist of the Dark Empire.


Steacy is an attractive demon with red eyes and dark skin with long lustrous black hair with yellow highlights who wields a bow. She wears a silver and blue shoulderless blazer with dark green baggy pants and a black belt around her waist with an S on it. She has dark green gloves while wearing silver and blue boots with dark green soles.


Steacy is cunning as she was able to latch on Chamel at the instant he was sent to the Time Labyrinth. She is also sadistic as she brutally attacked Chamel even while he was trying to surrender. However, upon facing off against Hit: GT - she became terrified at his power.


Steacy arrived in the Time Labyrinth after latching onto Chamel and met with Hit: GT. Chamel attacks her after Hit was getting ready to attack her and let him fight her, but Chamel is easily defeated.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Glass Black Magic - Steacy is a user of strong Glass Black Magic.
    • Spiked Glass Impact - Steacy creates a spiky sphere of Glass and launches at her opponent.


Demon God Advanced[]

Steacy at an unknown point manage to achieve the Demon God Advanced form and uses as her standard form.
