Dragonball Fanon Wiki

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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Spiraling Bomber, is the property of Matrixpretty.

This article, Spiraling Bomber, is property of Lau the G.

Spiraling Bomber
Spiraling Bomber
Anime name Spiraling Bomber
Debut Unknown
Appears in Unknown
Inventor Breach
Users Breach
Color       &      

"This move is so powerful, I bet Frieza aims to learn it."
— Vegeta

Spiraling Bomber is a technique made by the fused warrior Breach.


Spiraling Bomber is different to Spiralling Blast and Super Stealth Bomber seprately. The blast is orange and the spirals are blue. When charging a big flash of light comes.

Prototype Design

Terrible Prototype of Spiralling Bomber


Breach puts his hands in the air and gets a Super Stealth Bomber, he then controls it by curling his hands and then fires the blast off. Also, this technique is special and unique to Breach only.

Krillin (Dragon Ball) Gi Cool Page of the Week Award

This page, Spiraling Bomber, has been the Cool Page of the Week on the Dragon Ball Fanon Wiki! Congratulations!
