Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Spiraling Blast, is property of Lau the G.

Spiraling Blast, is an attack created by the Saiyan warrior Brocc. It is a beam blast that is spun, giving it more power. It is blue and has spirals around it, hence the name. It is used in Dragon Ball Z: The Lost Book and is first seen in Battling With The Androids.


There are a few variations of the Spiraling Blast.

  • Dual Spiraling Blast- Two Spiraling Blasts fired from both hands used in his Super Saiyan form. It is used against Goku in his Super Saiyan form.
  • Spiraling Blast Barrage- A rapid fire version of the Spiraling Blast. It is simply a Spiraling Blast separated into a volley, so it takes as much damage as a Spiraling Blast.
  • Golden Spiraling Blast- Brocc's most powerful technique in his Super Saiyan 3 form. The blast is a combination of a regular Spiraling Blast and the Super Saiyan 3 aura.
  • Spiraling Ball- A ball version of the Spiraling Blast.
  • Close-Up Spiraling Blast- A Spiraling Blast fired at point blank range, causing great damage.
  • Spiraling Bomber- A combination of Spiraling Blast and Stealth Bomber used by the fusion of Preach and Brocc, Breach
Spiraling Blast
Brocc fires the Spiraling Blast against Goku
Debut [| Battling With The Androids]
Inventor Brocc
Users Brocc