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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Sowrspot, is the property of Hyper Zergling.

Detailed Information:
Appearances: Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Hidden Memories of Chaiva
Species: Faereth
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Solath, Faeri
Birthdate: October 13, Age 675
Date of Death: May 29, Age 745
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Indigo
Rank: Noblewoman
Organizations: Cooler's Empire (Age 675 - Age 745)
Family: Hikain (slave)
Chaiva (slave)
Jelsun (slave)
Ozeli (slave)
Tarofky (slave)

"Don’t disappoint me out there. If you want to survive for a long time and make me lots of money, you have to be a Saiyan - you have show us all what your species is really capable of. Or else, you’ll die, and that would be quite a shame."
Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Hidden Memories of Chaiva

Sowrspot is a Faereth who owns many gladiators she enters in the Galactrix Arena. She appears in Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Hidden Memories of Chaiva. Her name is a pun on the word soursop.


A Faereth, Sowrspot is very human-like, except with purple skin and pointy ears. She is an elder woman with a wrinkled face and gray hair. As a wealthy individual, she wears long blue elegant robes.


On the planet Tuhak Ecli, Sowrspot buys Chaiva from Tanghor, and then to determine Chaiva's placement Galatrix Arena, she pits the Saiyans against her other gladiators, starting with Tarofky. Chaiva defeats Tarofky and eight other of Sowrspot's gladiators until she herself loses to Jelsun. Sowrspot enters Chaiva in the League Two championships, of which her first opponent, owned by another master, is Hwaninbum. Chaiva wins her first gladiator fight, and then proceeds to defeat the majority of her foes over the next six years. After defeating Pukco, Chaiva, now an adult, is ready to enter the Premier League of gladiators, where each fight is to the death. In preparation, Chaiva spends several weeks training with Hikain, Sowrspot's strongest gladiator and the previous Premier League champion. Sowrspot inevitably enters both Hikain and Chaiva in the tournament, and both tear through their respective brackets and meet in the finals. Chaiva defeats Hikain, who accepts his death, and finishes him off with a painless point-blank energy wave.

Impressed with the new Champion of the Galatrix Arena, Nitro, who watched the fight, offers to buy Chaiva off Sowrspot, who charges Nitro far above what he is willing to pay. Having no patience to negotiate, the space emperor promptly decapitates Sowrspot with an eye laser.
