Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Something Demonic, is the property of MajinGogito.

This article, Something Demonic, takes place in an alternate universe or timeline,
and is not considered a part of the main Dragon Ball Timeline.
Dbz Cooler 002

This article is currently under construction and is incomplete at the moment.

Thousands of years before the beginning of Dragon Ball, this story tells of the life of Zoeck. Zoeck, a Namekian, has most of his life explored from his childhood to his exile to his rebirth and everything in between. He goes from just a Namekian on a quest for power to the God of Destruction within the Fifth Universe.

Author's Notes[]


  • So, I've created this story to acknowledge the background of the character, Zoeck. This will explain how he came to be the God of Destruction. Feel free to leave questions and comments of the story on the talk page.
  • This story will use the languages of many races (most often Namekian language) occasionally in the story. During these cases, the translation in our language will appear in Italic after the sentence.

