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This page, Solipsist Colony, is property of KidVegeta.

Solipsist Colony

April 4, Age 701


January 19, Age 749




Unknown (†)

Main Members:

49 solipsist monks (†)


Makare's Band (†)


The Solipsist Colony was a group of 49 monks who lived in the caves of Igaron mountain east of Orange Star City. They practiced the philosophy of solipsism, spending long hours arguing with one another over which one of them was real. The samurai lord Naigo became interested in them after learning that they possessed scrolls detailing the art of ki control.


The solipsist monks spent their days in the caves of Igaron mountain arguing in philosophical debates over which one of them was the only real person in the universe. Eventually, Naigo learned about them and their supposed knowledge of controlling ki. He spent weeks with them learning how to create ki attacks before Daniel Parroda hired General Blue and the Blue Legion to murder them, which they were quite successful in doing. Afterwards, Naigo used their scrolls to train himself in the art of ki control, though he made far less progress without living teachers.

Because Daniel sent the Red Ribbon Army to kill the monks, Makare personally assassinated him, so they were avenged in a way.

Known members[]


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