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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Solar silva, is the property of Xeno wheat.

"bravery ain't always about not bein' afraid of nothin', it's about have the courage to face your challenges despite being afraid."-Wendy to kabocha

Wendy Silva(ウェンディシルバ Wendi shiruba) is a young female hybrid saiyan being 40% saiyan, 40% ryuulyite, and 20% majin(DNA granted to her by the fact majin azrail fused with her father), having the

ability to stretch her limbs and tolerate immense stress on the the body, wendy also have a much faster healing process than most however this healing factor is at best comparable to that of piccolo's. she does not possess the immense regeneration of a majin, blows damaging the internal organs can and will kill. she was an orphan that survived alone until she was found wondering the wild by her brother kabocha who wondered how the girl survived for so long alone. together they'd both travel and help each other survive up until they met a man named ilex upon adventuring the woods who'd later be revealed as their father, kab and solar set off to train with one of the last of the z fighters, android 17. with his guidance and mentorship kab was noticed and recruited to the time patrol via an anonymous recommendation, though he refused to go without solar which is how she was able to tag along and be introduced to TokiToki city. watching her elder brother go off and get stronger while taking on these critical missions only made her want to become stronger herself, so as kabocha's adventure unfolded (the events of xenoverse one) she sat on the sidelines training until finally they took notice to her hard work. not took long after the creation of conton city solar found herself being hand picked for a special mission.(events of xenoverse2) this is when her story really began.

Concept and creation[]

If it hasn't been clear enough the concept of wendy is more or less a dbz variant of wendy marvell, while these characters are technically the same person these two are also very different giving their history and the universes in which they are brought up in. Red enjoyed wendy's character and simply wanted to transfer the character into his verse in a method that made sense. in a way that'd she'd belong where she is instead of just thrown in and tweaked.


wendy is a child that was allegedly abandoned by her parents as an infant and left to fend for themselves, in normal conditions she would've died but thanks to her physiology she managed to survive on her own up until the age of 6, her brother kabocha had seemingly ironically crossed paths. quickly making friends due to both being in the same situation they began traveling together and growing a deep bond, not knowing that Wendy was his younger sister he felt more like a father than a brother, taking it upon himself to take care of her.

Solars beginning

eventually they met a saiyan by the name of ilex, he seemed nice at first but he had suddenly began attacking the two forcing them to fight back, it was later revealed that he was only testing their strength to see what was their current lvl. once he was done he brought the two to one of the last allies of the z fighters in that timeline left. android 17, willing to train them in exchange that they keep with his patrols during the entire course. it had took around 7 years for kab to be suddenly hand picked to go off to tokitoki city and become a time patroller via an anonymous recommendation. it was really had a time they needed someone like him the most. in the end, ka pulled through and defeated demigra. not too much longer after the events of demigra and kab's battle the time patrol took note of solar training all that year and decided to finally give her a shot at being a time patroller.



Solar long hair

general appearance(manga)

Wendy is a petite girl with fair skin. during her introduction, she had shorter, black hair that reaches down to her upper back(shown in later imagines deeper in the wiki). after the time skip she had attained long, black hair that reaches down to her waist, with two bangs framing her face which reach down to her chest alongside her brown eyes. she has elongated canine teeth.

At first, she wears a white compression shirt with one long sleeve and one short sleeve, she wore gray jean shorts with fluffy rims at the bottoms, she also wears thin black compression pants underneath her shorts.

During her time in conton city after the events of kalama, Wendy grows out her hair and wears her hair up in pigtails held together by two animal ear like attachments. Two strands of hair hang down on each side of her face. She wears a long black jacket that acts as a dress with a hoodie underneath. wendy has majin pores traveling up her thighs and arms along with a few smaller ones going across her face. she has a tail that stretches out to about 2.5 or 2.8 feet. (I'm assuming)



Wendy is a very shy but proud girl, after a while of hanging around certain people she can escape her shy-esc nature and be more social. typically her shyness kicks in when surrounded by a large groups of people or when alone. thanks to kabocha she tries to leave her shell and be social which is what makes her eager to try and make friends. as her time in the time patrol passed she began to learn how to handle her composer better when in social situations and hide how she truly felt which usually worked out for the better, it helped her make many new friends but on the inside she's just a swelling ball of anxiety. when it comes down to fighting at times she can seem like an entirely alternative person, having strong confidence in herself and her ability to back up her talk if she dared chose to do so, people suspect that this sudden change is due to her blood boiling passion for combat which she inherited from her father just as she inherited a much stronger since of pride from her mother.

As most ryuulyites do, Wendy suffers from motion sickness when riding on any form of transportation.

Solar shy


Magic, Ki and Abilities[]


  • Superhuman Strength: As a ryuulyite, wendy possesses immense physical strength, far more advanced than that of any human being, and most alien races. she is strong enough to effortlessly break all Earthling-made materials or weapons, move in increased gravity without any discomfort, and even lift a suit capable of sinking through a planet.
  • Superhuman Speed: wendy can move/react at hypersonic speeds, enabling her to travel great distances in short periods of time, or move at "untrackable" speeds while in combat.
  • Superhuman Durability: wendy's body is far more durable than that of normal human beings, being essentially invulnerable to most Earthling-made weapons. However, while naturally durable thanks to her physiology. if she does not defend herself correctly, and when lowering her guard, even an ordinary gun shot, is capable of dealing damage.
  • Superhuman Senses: wendy is able to think and react at extremely high speeds, easily able to dodge or catch projectiles fired from weapon. As a ryuulyite, wendy also has enhanced senses of smell, hearing, reflexes and sight, which further increase her combat senses and instincts.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Wendy can combine unarmed attacks with her Sky Magic and ki in order to make up for her reduced size, making the blows she lands stronger and increasing their range with the wind currents characteristic to her Magic.


Wendy has a Decent mastery over her Ki, the natural life force every being possess, and uses it to increase his fighting abilities. also due to her ether and ki being fused together she can make a form of energy she calls starlight energy which is how she got her nickname, solar. this starlight energy can typically be identified by its intense heat.

  • Flight – The ability to take flight through the manipulation of ki. However, as a Saiyan, wendy already possesses the innate ability to fly.
  • Ki Sense – The ability to sense the energy of other beings. she can also completely hide her ki to prevent someone else senses his.
  • Ki Transfer – wendy can grant some of her energy to a wounded person to restore some of their energy.
  • Spirit Control - solar gained the basic level of Spirit Control, allowing her to sense ki at a much greater distance.
  • Starlight energy - Starlight energy allows her to both cast and manipulate plasma and all its properties, she can also absorb this energy usually done by absorbing her own through some time of charging to either boost her speed or offense. She can fight while charging sense in most cases the energy is already generated within her during the charging phase.
  • SL Spirit Fission - SL Spirit Fission allows the user to separate and manipulate energy from their target such as negating the effects of magics and other abilities that would normally nerf, poison, etc. this also grants them the ability to do things such as undo Fusion or Absorption techniques such as draining stamina through physical contact and adsorbing energy to add onto her own. and free trapped souls.


Offensive Techniques[]

  • Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Finger Beam - The user holds out their index finger and releases an energy beam from their fingertip.
  • Energy Wave - A ki blast wave.
  • STARLIGHT Kamehameha – A signature attack of goku's which is modified with by solars starlight energy. the kamehameha as a base attack is a powerful Ki blast fired with two hands after concentrating a large amount of Ki. Goku first learned this technique after witnessing Roshi use it to extinguish the fire on Fire Mountain.
    • starlight rain – starlight rain is an ability in where solar flies into the air then makes it rain thousands of rapid ki blasts, these blasts turns anything or anoyone it touches into a bomb, the more the person or object is hit the more devastating the explosion will be when she sets it off.
    • Starlight unbrella – a reverse version of starlight rain, instead of firing rapid fire ki down upon her enemy she simply shoots her ki up to form an umbrella which protects from both physical and ki based attacks.
    • Star buster – solar raises her hand forming and orb with her startlight energy, she can either use this orb as a ranged attack or absorb it to allow it to charge within her body. if she feels it is ready she'll deal a punch to her opponent and release all of her starlight energy at once. this attack makes the opponent feel as if they are burning inside out and usually brings the opponent near death if not completely to if landed directly.
    • she has enough control over her ki to improv with her attacks if needed be, while these aren't all her listed techniques it gives an idea of what she can do.

Supportive Techniques[]

  • Solar Flare – The user places their hands close to the center of their face with the fingers spread toward their eyes. The user then calls out the name of the technique, which provokes a white light to fire out and blind everything watching except the user, since they are projecting the light.
  • Kaio-ken - A technique that multiplies the user's ki for a "heart beat" - thus increasing his/her power and speed and enabling him/her to inflict serious damage to opponents who are considerably stronger than him/her. However, the downside of the Kaio-ken is that it takes a heavy toll on the user's body, making them more vulnerable to enemy attacks. While in the state, the user's aura color becomes crimson. The technique requires the use of ki control to handle it properly.
  • Planetary energy absorption- she can absorption a specific amount of energy from every plant on a planet, however she can't take an amount of in which would kill the plant.
  • Evil Containment Wave – A technique designed to seal demons away by sucking them into a container with a special "Demon Seal" ofuda on it. The move requires huge stamina and endurance to perform, if user does not have enough life force they will die soon after performing it, despite the success of the technique.
  • Energy Shield – A technique used to generate an energy shield around the user to protect them from attacks.
  • Energy Landmine – wendy drops from her hands small energy spheres that explode at contact.
  • God Bind - By channeling her ki through her hands, she can use the energy generated to stop an opponent in their tracks.
  • Cloning - solar can split her power, using it to create clones which are made of ki and only contain as much power as she puts into them
  • Healing - Wendy is able to heal herself by holding her palm up to a wounded body part.


  • Assult Mode- a transformation based off of Dragon force, on sage's home planet the form is actually called dragon force. while most members of this alien race have dragon like features only a hand full achieve dragon force which is a form that brings out their more dragon like features such as scales on the skin, sharper teeth and claws to rip through flesh. however since solar is a hybrid this form grands her pink eyes together with longer hair, now pink instead of black, that curves and points upwards. she also has white scales, she gains small wings that spring out of her back, and smaller ones on her wrists and ankles. she can achieve this form By consuming air with high concentration of Ether, Wendy has been shown to be able to enter Dragon Force. after after her training to prepare for kalama's next attack she's shown to be able to access it at will. usually this would increase her base power by x8 however this can be stacked with transformations such as super saiyan. if she tapped into dragon force while in super saiyan it'd be her power level while in super saiyan x8. when does this she also takes the complete appearance of dragon force so their be no way to truly tell if she's merged a transformation with D.F.
    Starlight kaioken
  • STARLIGHT KAIO-KEN- Starlight kaioken is a altered kaioken, it works the same but adds more speed than power. for every level of kaioken the users speed is increased by x5. starlight kaioken is a blend of solars starlight energy and kaioken itself.
Ssj2 solar
  • Super Saiyan – This form multiples solar's power by 50x her normal amount.
  • Super Saiyan 2 – The direct successor to the first Super Saiyan transformation. It is very similar to the original form in appearance and attainment; however, the power output is far greater, as speed, strength, and energy output all drastically increase. According to some sources it is 2x the strength of a Super Saiyan.
  • Ssj3 solar
    starlight Super Saiyan 3 – The third form of Super Saiyan and the successor to the second transformation. According to some sources it is 4x the strength of a Super Saiyan 2, however this transformations passively activates her starlight energy allowing her speed to be 8x greater than it is in ssj2
Solar ssj4
  • Super Saiyan 4 – A Saiyan transformation that is a different branch of transformation from the earlier Super Saiyan forms, such as Super Saiyan 2 and 3. this form makes her 50x stronger than she would be in ssj3. her starlight energy does also passively activate while in ssj4.


the aspect of this character remains all the same, incase if you are unfamiliar of the magical abilities of wendy marvell. i'll leave them down below.

thanks to being part ryuulyite she’s able to tap into one of their many forms of elemental magic, while all ryulyites all use magic there are only one type of each element(or “slayer” if that helps make more sense) each generation. Sage used wind magic she was also one of the few who could access dragon force, she tapped into this transformation when trying to stop frieza from taking over her planet but ultimately failed in the face of the rulers golden glory. However she was later saved by her husband, ilex.

she’s also gained a knack for magic due to being part majin, while not used a lot majins have Shown to be capable of elite level magic such as healing others instantaneously without the cast of energy or simply transforming someone into food or an object, they’ve also shown to be able to break curses.

Sky Dragon Slayer Magic (天の滅竜魔法 Ten no Metsuryū Mahō):one with the ability to manipulate air. Their Magic also allows them to heal people with the gravest of injuries(depending on the roll ofc). Their proficiency in healing allows her to use even just a kiss to heal other people and they can counteract other Magic. Their Magic also has support spells, which can increase attack power and speed, to both herself and her others. They can eat air meaning they don't really need actual food, but can't heal as well in polluted areas. Their Magic also allows them to sense air currents, which can be used to predict the weather. As all slayers they show natural resistance to attacks that match their element.

  • Sky Dragon's Roar (天龍の咆哮 Tenryū no Hōkō): A version of Dragon's Roar. When using this attack, the user breathes a hurricane-like blast at her target.
  • Sky Dragon's Roar + Cure: A variation of Sky Dragon's Roar with the additional power of the user's healing Magic. This spell is unique in its coincidental offensive and healing properties.
  • Heal (ヒール Hīru): A type of healing Magic which is powerful and believed to be long-lost where the user manipulates clean air, to perform various feats, such as draining poison from an infected victim. and can even revive people that are in a near-death state.
  • Troia (トロイア Toroia): A type of healing Magic shaped in the form of a ball which Wendy used to heal illnesses such as motion sicknesses. If continuously used, the spell becomes useless. The user is unable to cast the spell on themselves or others if they themselves are suffering from motion sickness.
  • Sky Dragon's Wing Attack (天龍の翼撃 Tenryū no Yokugeki): This Magic features The user expelling a whirlwind of air from her arms to attack her surroundings.
  • Sky Dragon's Claw (天竜の鉤爪 Tenryū no Kagizume): the user jumps and lifts their feet and unleashes large winds the moment the leg is swung down at the target.
  • Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang (天竜の砕牙 Tenryū no Saiga): the user charges and swipes the target with their fingers leaving a wake of wind behind as they do so.
  • Sky Dragon's Wave Wind (天竜の波颪 Tenryū no Namioroshi): The user swings their hand and subsequently generates a large and very powerful tornado.
  • Leading Sky Arrow (天空甲矢 Tenkū Haya):The user cloaks one of their legs in a whirlwind of a Sky Dragon's air, thrusting it at her target.


  • Enchantment (付加術 Fukajutsu): A large portion of the spells in Wendy's possession are enchantments, which allow her to attach her Magic Power to someone or something (including herself) to boost their natural parameters.
  • Momentary Wind (瞬間の風 Shunkan no Kaze):The user gathers wind at their feet to boost their speed.
  • Vernier (瞬足バニーア Banīa): A spell that speeds up the movement of the target, including the caster themselves, for a short period of time. Incantation of this Magic: "Fast wind that runs in heaven... VERNIER..."
  • Ile Vernier (速度倍化イルバニーア Iru Banīa): By chanting "Ile Vernier",the user is able to cast the spell twice in succession, thereby doubling the speed-increasing capabilities. She could also chant Zepto Vernier( ゼプトバーニア Zeputo Banīa) which allows her to mimick Teleportation.
  • Arms (剛腕アームズ Āmuzu): After reciting an enchantment, the Caster then targets a region of the body in which to increase damage output, such as the arms, for a short period of time. Incantation of this Magic: "Power of the stout arms that tears heaven... ARMS.."
  • Ile Arms ( Iru Āmuzu): By chanting "Ile Arms", Wendy is able to cast the spell twice in succession, thereby doubling the offense-increasing capabilities of Arms
  • Armor (アーマー Āmā): A spell that enhances the defense power of the target, including the Caster themself, for a short period of time.
  • Ile Armor ( Iru Āmā): By chanting "Ile Armor", Wendy is able to cast the spell twice in succession, thereby doubling the defense-increasing capabilities of Armor
  • Body Anomaly Reversal Magic, Raise (状態異常回復魔法レーゼ Jōtai Ijō Kaifuku Mahō Rēze): By using this spell, Wendy can negate the effects of Magic used on herself or other people.
  • Anomaly Resistance Enchant: Re-Raise (状態異常耐性リレーゼ Jōtai Ijō Taisei Enchanto Rirēze): A supportive spell that will protect Wendy from any Magic of anomaly effect targeted towards her.
  • Deus Corona ( Deusu Korona): By chanting "Elemental resistances rise!", Wendy is able to temporarily increase her defensive capabilities quite significantly. However, against powerful enough attacks, the resistances added onto her can be broken through
  • Deus Eques ( Deusu Ekuesu): By chanting "Physical ability rise!", Wendy is able to temporarily increase her general physical capabilities
  • Concept Enchantment (概念 Gainen Enchanto): This enchantment allows Wendy to focus on forging different types of attributes with other attributes, techniques, or people. Such as gathering Spiria in the area to create a Spirit Art that can be used to enchant a person who uses Magic or an ordinary weapon.
  • Separation Enchantment (分離 Bunri Enchanto): This enchantment allows Wendy to separate Magic from a person or object. m.
  • Deus Zero ( Deusu Zero): Wendy is capable of casting this high-level enchantment, which allows her to negate Magic and other enchantments from people.
  • Magic Enchantment
Secret Arts[]
  • Shattering Light: Sky Drill (照破・天空穿 Shōha Tenkūsen): A special spell where Wendy forms a fast wind barrier with her arms spread out, and by moving them in a counter-clockwise direction, causes the barrier to contract inwards towards her opponent.
  • Unison Raid ( Yunizon Reido): An ability which allows two Mages to unite their Magic into a single, combined and stronger attack. this can also work in the a case of where Wendy consumes or absorbs another element while not guaranteed she has a chance to make the magic her own and combined it with other attacks in her arsenal.
  • spells and info sited from here