Dragonball Fanon Wiki

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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Solar Power, is the property of Hyper Zergling.

Solar Power
Appears in The Mrovian Series
Inventor Arce-Albumians
Users Arce-Albumians
Class Power Up

"I’ll have you know that the last system’s star was yellow!"

Solar Power is a trait inherent to Arce-Albumians.


The spectral type of the nearby star determines how much of his/her own full strength an Arce-Albumian can access and is only applicable when the Arce-Albumian is within the star's habitable zone or closer. An Arce-Albumian's power level after being exposed to a star that is not red can continue to be maintained for about three Earth days without the presence of said star. If not exposed to a non-red star for three days, on the fourth day, the Arce-Albumian's strength will rapidly drop to a Power Level between 5 and 7. Below is a chart that displays the rough accessible percentage of an Arce-Albumian's present peak power level to the respective spectral type of the present star, rounded to the nearest percent.

Stellar class Power level %
O 100%
B 100%
A 69%
F 40%
G 8%
K 7%

For example, under the effects of a Class O or B star, Nukket has a full power level of 830,000. Under the effects of a Class G star, his power level is only at 65,000.
