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This page, Slagg's Crew, is property of KidVegeta.

Slagg's Crew

Age 753


Age 768


Outside Planet Trade Organization space


Captain Slagg (†)

Main Members:

Captain Slagg (†)
Crusty Pete (†)
Second mate (†)
The janitor (†)
Slagg's crew (†)




Slagg's Crew was a group of former Planet Trade Organization soldiers who became pirates in Age 753 after blatantly disobeying Hail and Polaria while on a mission in the campaign against the Nikkarin Empire. Thereafter, they hijacked the Sovereign, a prison ship owned by Arcterial, killed its captain, and became one of the largest and most notorious pirate crews in the known universe.


In Age 735, Sommon was the sight of a huge territorial dispute between Medler and Slagg's crew. The planet's surface was reduced almost entirely to glass, leaving only the single mining town of Syrne remaining. At this time, Slagg was still an officer of the Planet Trade Organization, and he was successful in pushing the space pirate out of imperial space.

In Age 767, Slagg and his crew found a Cell Jr. floating through space. they nursed it back to health and began leeching its energy to power the Sovereign, the largest ship in the Planet Trade Organization's fleets. Early in this story, Captain Slagg spent much of his time watching the Cell Jr., sometimes conversing with him, though the Cell Jr. remembered little of their interactions and he hated Slagg anyway. After the Cell Jr. escaped the Sovereign and killed Crusty Pete, Captain Slagg pursued him to a nearby asteroid field. While the Cell Jr. was distracted, he snuck up behind the creature and knocked him out with a punch to the back of the head. Slagg returned the Cell Jr. to the creature's holding cell. He ranted at the creature for killing Crusty Pete, promising to make the Cell Jr.'s life a living hell as punishment. Captain Slagg rarely came back to see the Cell Jr. thereafter, instead spending most of his time conquering planets.

After the Cell Jr. escaped from his cell again and killed the janitor, he decided to hunt down and kill Slagg before escaping. He soon tracked Slagg to the control room. There, the Cell Jr. engaged in an epic duel with the pirate captain, culminating with the Cell Jr. plunging an energy sword into Slagg's back. Slagg fell to the ground and went limp afterwards, causing the Cell Jr. to scream out in victory, thinking he had won. The Cell Jr. then left the control room to find a place to Instant Transmit to. Slagg had not in fact been killed by the attack and he followed the Cell Jr. out, sneaking up behind the creature and puncturing his skin with a portable energy sucking device. The Cell Jr. was distracted by searching for a nearby planet to Instant Transmit to, so he didn't realize what Slagg had done until all of his energy was gone. Then, the captain took the Cell Jr. into his arms. He promised to make the Cell Jr.'s life an unending hell for what the creature had done to him, Crusty Pete, second mate, and the rest of the pirate crew. Slagg hit the Cell Jr. over the head and waited for his medics to come patch up his wounds.

In Age 768, Medler and Slagg met at Serrokin Pass once again met to settle their feud in a duel. When Medler stood victorious, it is said he rose like the Mehyr Vehki over Slagg's corpse and proclaimed himself God-Emperor of the universe. Slagg's entire crew was wiped out along with him. What happened to his captive Cell Jr. remained unknown, but it was not beyond the realm of possibility that Medler took it for himself.

Known members[]

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