Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Shan, is the property of Nobody700.


Shan is a martial artist who fought in the World Martial Arts Tournament. He was killed after the tournament by his master Sirius.


He is very arrogant, and very proud. He insults his enemies, and he threatens people who annoy him. He also has no problem with killing.

He also has a strange habit of chuckling at many things, even when nothing is said.

He does care for his disciples, even killing a pedophile who attacked them, though he let him live because he wanted him to help win the tournament, so he does have somewhat mixed goals.

He does greatly fear his master Sirius, actually freezing when he appears in front of him.


He was able to get to the semifinals in the previous tournament, and was able to get to the finals. He also took out a bear who was a 50 Dan at karate with one kick. By human standards, he would be a 500 Dan at karate. Compared to humans, he would be very powerful, but compared to the main characters, he is nowhere near them. He is the second strongest student of the Crane School.


  • Solar flare: ability to blind someone.
  • Tri beam: His ultimate attack, where he destroys everything in his distance.