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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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This page, Shallot's crew, is property of KidVegeta.

Shallot's crew

Age 321


Age 377




Shallot (†)

Main Members:

Shallot (†)
Shallot's crew (†)




Shallot's crew was a group of Makyans who lived on Earth. They were led by Shallot, the father of Garlic. They made their home originally in the islands far south of South City before moving to the Sacred Land of Korin. There, they harassed the local Karinga Tribe until Korin arrived and killed all of them sans Garlic.


Shallot's crew formed many years before they moved to the Sacred Land of Korin. Only after Garlic was born did they begin pillaging the countryside. They killed those who stood against them, abducted the Karinga Tribe's women, and burnt their lands. The tribe called in a samurai army to deal with the Makyans, but the soldiers were wiped out by the aliens. They spent most of their time at the top of Korin Tower drinking, smoking, and playing poker.

When Korin arrived, a shaman alerted him about the Makyans and he agreed to eradicate them. After climbing to the top of Korin Tower, the legendary senbyo fought the crew, killing every last one of them without so much as breaking a sweat. Garlic escaped after his father threw him from the tower before the fight. He was able to fly away, presumably back to the islands south of South City where the most of the rest of the members of his species on Earth lived.

Known members[]

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