This article, Shadow Dragon Saga (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time.. |
The Shadow Dragon Saga is the eleventh saga of Dragon Ball Advanced and fourth of the Grand Tour Arc.
The Shadow Dragons[]
Goku, Vegeta and Gohan immediately head out to gather the Dragon Balls, but notice that they are cracked and discoloured. However, they had back thinking nothing on it when they're outside Bulma's house ready to summon the Dragon and revive everyone killed by Super 17. Instead of Shenron appearing; an evil-looking version of Shenron appears and instead of granting them wishes - the dragon insults everyone and in a foul-mouth tone - compliment and insults them on overusing the Dragon Balls and explains what the Shadow Dragons are. After explaining things to them; he scatters the Dragon Balls with the seven Shadow Dragons in multiple directions before dissipating. Mr. Popo and Old Kai confirm Black Smoke Shenron's information as true and Old Kai berates Bulma for making the Dragon Radar. After learning of the Shadow Dragon and what will occur if they don't stop them. Goku and Gohan fly off after the Two-Star Dragon. Vegeta requests for Bulma to speed up the secret project as he flies off and immediately attacks Rage Shenron. After being overwhelmed in their respective fights both Rage and Haze Shenron transform into their Super forms, but despite that they are easily defeat as Pan and Goku use their Grandfather-Granddaughter Kamehameha while Vegeta destroys Rage with his Final Shine Attack. Trunks manages to find Naturon Shenron with assistance from Bulla and they are about to battle him when he absorbs Bulla and transforms into his Super form. Trunks powers up to his Potential Unleashed form and proceeds to punch Naturon Shenron in the jaw, but is knocked down by the Dragon's jaw. Naturon Shenron uses Dragon Galick Gun on Trunks, but he dodges it and is about to fire his Super Galick Gun - he is taken by surprise as Naturon Shenron fires Final Flash at him after getting behind him. Trunks is able to recover from the attack and proceeds to punch him in the gut before knocking him down with a kick to the head before being swatted down. Naturon Shenron brutally assaults Trunks and knocks him into a carpark. Trunks feigns defeat and manages to bait Naturon into releasing Bulla from his stomach and proceeds to pull her out before he fires his Super Galick Gun while Bulla fires her Galick Gun as Naturon slowly returns to normal. The energy waves engulfs the Shadow Dragon reverts to his base form and as the Shadow Dragon is vaporised - he insults the siblings and tells them that history will repeat itself and they continued to misuse the Dragon Balls. Trunks goes to leave with Bulla, but suddenly she is Frozen in ice as Eis Shenron reveals himself. They proceed to trade blows with one another while Goku flies off to find another Shadow Dragon. Trunks continues to fight Eis Shenron and appears to have been injuried as he moves rubble off himself and stand up. He proceeds to continue battle against Eis Shenron and is able to hold his for a while as Trunks is kicked into a bank and proceeds to use Dragon Ball Blast resulting in a massive explosion while Vegeta looks for another Shadow Dragon and is blasted in the back as he is about meet up with Goku. Vegeta falls into the water as Goku notices a blue-skinned woman appear. She identifies herself as Oceanus Shenron and begins powering up in order to take on Goku.
Goku and Oceanus Shenron stare each other down before she launches Gale-force winds at Goku lacerating him, but he is able to shake off the attack and proceeds knocks her into the water. Oceanus travels underground before emerging with large vortexes of water and proceeds to use them to attack Goku. He powers up to Super Saiyan and manages disperses the twisters before proceeding to assault Oceanus. However, she is able to protect herself with a wall of water before using her Compressed Tornado Blast on Goku knocking him into the water. Goku emerges from the water in his Super Saiyan 2 form and uses his mastery ability to calm his mind and allow him to use Kaio-ken alongside his Super Saiyan 2 form and proceeds try to attack her, but she creates a wall of air and manages to deflect his attack. She continues to hit Goku with her tornadoes as they damage his outfit and even lacerates him. She continues until using Giant Waterspout Blast on him knocking him into a coastal village. Goku attempts to hit her with a Super Kamehameha but her wall of air deflects away from her and proceeds to punch him in the gut before following up with Storm Dragon Wave destroying the village and a large section of the region. He transforms into her True Nature form and uses her Raging Breath Blast leaving Goku critically wounded. She than proceeds to transform into her Super form and proceeds to mercilessly pummel Goku left and right before kicking him to the ground before he is healed by Kibito Kai after the fused Supreme Kai realises that the Shadow Dragons have an unusually amount of energy around them. Oceanus uses her Tower of Water ability to trap Goku and attempt to drown him, but Goku is able to regain movement and use Instant Transmission to get behind her, but she uses Air-Water Blasting Wave and sends Goku flying. He finally enters his Potential Unleashed form and porceeds to pummel him as Goku recovers from her energy attack and dodges most of her punches. Oceanus Shenron uses her Air-Water Blasting Sphere, but Goku counters with True Kamehameha and manages to prevent it from hitting as he contiues to fight back. The energy clash continues for sometime until Kibito Kai teleports behind her with her noticing and uses his Shin Gekiretsu Shin'ou'hou from behind causing her to become distracted as he continues to fire his attack at her push her further into her own attack. Goku powers up to Kaio-ken x20 to enhanced his True Kamehameha and manages to "shatter" the blasting sphere and pierces Oceanus Shenron through the gut as Kibito Kai's attack connects with Goku's and the collision causes the centre to expand into a massive sphere the eventually swallows Oceanus Shenron and slowly disintegrates her. The lake and air begin return to normal as the waves disappear and gale-force winds die down. The Sixth-Star Dragon Ball. As Goku is relaxing; a fiery explosion occurs above and reveals Gohan falling from the sky and crashes into the ground. Goku and Kibito Kai are unable to make it who attack Gohan and rush over to him to heal him.
Gohan recovers and powers up to Super Saiyan 2 and Nuova Shenron descends to ground and reveals himself to Goku. Gohan reveals the time he used to wear the Four-Star Dragon Ball in his hat and it was his most prize possession to which Nuova Shenron has full knowledge of and further knowledge of Goku's attachment to it. Nuova uses his Nova Death Ray against Gohan, but he dodges it as he throws the lens at Goku knocking him to the ground. He continues battle against them and even compliments them both for their abilities and respond by using similar abilities such as his Nova Star as Goku and Gohan counter with Super Kamehameha and Super Masenko respectively. Nuova decides not to wait and kicks Goku in the gut forcing him to release his attack and cause the Nova Star and Super Masenko to cancel each other out in a fiery explosion. Gohan grabs him by the wrist and throws him into the ground, but Nuova uses his Heat Armor to burn through the ground as Gohan follows while blasting him and makes a makeshift cave as a result. The two continue to trade blows underground, but Gohan learns the Heat Armor makes physical attacks difficult as Gohan burns his knuckles after attempting to punch him. Gohan survives Nuova's Flaming Dragon Blast and powers up to Super Saiyan 4 to battle him. Nuova Shenron is impressed by Gohan's power and states that Piccolo would be proud. Gohan thanks him and requests that he power up as well so it could be a good fight to which the Shadow Dragon gladly agrees to. Nuova Shenron breaks his shell and proceeds to battle against Gohan evenly. Goku gets up and is almost hit by giant fiery energy ball to shoots through the lake the leaves a gaping hole in the ground as most of the water is vaporised as a result. Meanwhile; Vegeta has recovered from the attack and finds Trunks amongst the rubble from Yahhoy Bank. Trunks realises most of the city was left in ruins as he senses Goku on another side of the planet fight against another Shadow Dragon. Vegeta tells him that he needs to help Bulma complete and a project before telling him to go assist Kakarot. Nuova proceeds to use his Sun Gun Attack but Gohan manages to dodge it as the the blast it sides of the giant hole in the lake as Gohan uses it to get back to surface. They continue to battle against each as they counter each others attacks before Gohan punches Nuova into the ground. The Shadow Dragon is amused at his powers, but believes Gohan can achieve more to which Gohan responds by entering his Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4 form and demonstrates that he is even more powerful than before by unleash earthquake-inducing energy through out the area. Nuova uses Supernova Star on Gohan and manages to blast him into the ground as he proceeds to power up. Nuova uses Burning Saucer, but Gohan dodges as they continue to clash with one another before striking each in the face. Nuova Shenron transforms into his Super form and proceeds to overpower and pummel Gohan. Gohan reverts back to normal before Kibito Kai restores his clothes as Goku powers up to his Potential Unleashed as he gets ready to face off against Nuova Shenron. The two of them smirk at each other in exceptation of their battle and get into their battle stances.
As Goku powers up to Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4 - Eis Shenron arrives and kicks Gohan into the ground. Goku proceeds to battle Nuova as Eis Shenron enters his True Form before launching a barrage of Ice Blasts and other ice-based attacks. He freezes the lake with his Ice Ray and nearly freezes Gohan with his Super Ice Ray. Gohan grabs Eis Shenron's wrist and uses it to lift himself up and kick him in the head; knocking him into the frozen lake as Goku and Nuova Shenron clash for a second time. Goku uses his Kamehameha x10, but Eis Shenron uses Gohan as a shield causing him to be reprimanded by his brother for his dirty tactic. Goku is an enraged as he is hit by Eis Shenron's Dragon Ball Blast and sends him into the ground. Goku proceeds to prepare his True Kamehameha x10, but Eis Shenron transforms into his Super form before the energy wave hits him and uses his Ice Field ability to freeze the area and the energy attack. He punches Goku in the gut, but he recovers as Gohan powers up to his Potential Unleashed form. Kibito Kai throws over his Potara Earrings and tells Goku to use the fusion as he is knocked down and reverts to his base form. They both agree to a potara fusion and fuse into Gokuhan. Gokuhan speeds past both Shadow Dragons deflecting all energy blasts from Eis Shenron and sending Nuova Shenron flying with a barrage of punches. Nuova uses his Supernova Star against him, but Gokuhan transforms into his Super Saiyan form before countering it with a ki blast. Nuova continues to battle with his style of fighting while Eis Shenron plays dirty and chastises his brother for fighting with honour. Eis Shenron uses his Frozen Star against the fused warrior, but he manages to intercept it by throwing a rock at the energy blast. Gokuhan finally decides to take the fight seriously and powers up to his Super Saiyan 4 form and proceeds to punch Eis Shenron in the gut followed up with a punch to the head before blasting him away and sending him flying into Nuova Shenron. Gokuhan fires his Kamehameha at the two of them and they respond with an energy wave. However, he is able to overpower them both and engulf them with his attack. Both of a seriously injured by the attack as Gokuhan uses Instant Transmission to dodge Eis Shenron's Super Ice Ray before using Hyper Movement to attack him. As he proceeds to effortlessly take the two down - he is eventually defeated when Eis Shenron destroys his Potara Earrings - causing him to separate. Eis Shenron prepares to kill Gohan, but he is hit in the back by a ki blast from Pan. Goku uses Instant Transmission to get behind Eis Shenron and punches him in the back of the edge, however, it has no effect on him as he uses his Reverse Icicle Claw to impale Goku through the shoulder as he grabs Pan to protect himself from Gohan's Masenko earning him disgust from Nuova Shenron. This act enrages Gohan causing him to go Super Saiyan 4 while Kibito Kai heals Goku and proceeds to ruthlessly attack him. Goku proceeds to concentrate his mind to re-enter his Mastery form, but his body reacts differently. Remembering everything that he has been ever taught - Goku begins to undergo a different transformation. Eis Shenron is to absorbed in his fight with Gohan to notice.
Gohan is punched in the gut and knocked into Pan before picking Pan up by her hair and prepares to kill her, but Goku speeds directly up to him and knocks him away. Old Kai looks at Goku through his crystal ball and smirks at the fact that Goku has achieved Ultra Instinct. He recants and believes it just to be a sign, but still is impressed that he was able to achieve the form. Goku proceeds to kick Eis Shenron and knocks him into the ground as Nuova Shenron attempts to blast him from behind, but Goku simply turns around the at the same time blast flies towards him causing it to miss him entirely and hit Eis Shenron instead. Goku kicks Nuova Shenron in the back before staring down Eis Shenron. Goku proceeds to kick Eis Shenron as he charges at Goku before the saiyan rushes towards, however, Eis Shenron blocks Goku's wrist and punches him in the gut - sending him flying across the ground and into the frozen lake shattering most of the ice before crashing into the bank on the otherside. Gohan realises that Ultra Instinct -Sign- disappeared as Goku was about to hit Eis Shenron again. Gohan laments the mistake of Eis Shenron and powers up to Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4 as he continues to power up before being punched in the face and sent crashing into Goku before recovering and continues to power-up. Goku tries to get up, but is struggling as Nuova Shenron helps up and allows him to watch his son's fight with Eis Shenron. He tells Goku that he refuses to help Eis Shenron in his dirty tactics and the two seem to bond over their shared beliefs. After finishing his power up; Gohan and Eis Shenron continue to clash through out the area as it reshapes are with deformation of the ground and shattering of the frozen lake. Gohan lands on a pillar of ice and proceeds to prepare to use his Fierce Fury Flash against the Shadow Dragona and manages to hit him. However, Pan appears from the smoke along with Trunks and he realises that Eis Shenron switched places with them prior to being hit causing his own attack and thus enrages Gohan. With his Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4 form enhanced by his rage - Gohan proceeds to pummel Eis Shenron and manages to kick him into the cave created by Gohan and Nuova Shenron. Gohan proceeds to continue to power up causing him to gain an increase in muscle mass as his hair and fur begin to glow. His aura increases in sizes as his aura blankets the area as his hair turns white and his fur turns black. As he unleashes his power; Eis Shenron backs away from him in fear and is about to prepare an energy wave, but Gohan impales him through the gut with a punch. Gohan's increases speed impresses both Goku and Nuova Shenron as Gohan punches Eis Shenron in the chin before following up with Super Masenko. An energy wave crashes into the ground as Eis Shenron is vaporised by the attack as the frozen lake returns to normal and as Gohan returns to Goku. Nuova Shenron agrees to hand over his Dragon Ball and leave, but as he does a ki blast pierces him from behind - shocking before Gohan and Goku.
Goku clutches Nuova as he succumbs to his wounds as Syn Shenron introduces himself and mocks Nuova Shenron for his honourable methods and proceeds to prepare to face as Gohan as Gohan's form fails and reverts to his base forms. Syn drops replicas of the Black Star Dragon Balls on the ground before blasting Gohan away with a ki blast. Goku gets up and tries to attack the Shadow Dragon, but receives punch to the face. The saiyan warrior is knocked into the ground as he recovers from Syn's punch and transforms into Evolved Super Saiyan 3 and proceeds to continue fight the Shadow Dragon, but he is overpowered each time before gaining enough power to transform into Super Saiyan 4. He is able to overpower Syn and easily knocks him to the ground, however, Syn Shenron begins to summoning the Dragon Balls to him and swallows them. Trunks, Goten, and Pan try to stop the Dragon Balls, but they are too late as Syn Shenron transforms into Omega Shenron. Omega Shenron immediately proceeds to assaultGoku and manages to knock him away with a ki blast before Goku powers up to Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4, but he is knocked back with ki blast. Omega Shenron proceeds to create gigantic vortex of wind blowing all the fighters away and flattening the area. Gohan powers up to Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4 and proceed continue into the imperfect True Super Saiyan 4 form which proves to be a match, but Gohan is unable to maintain it for too long. Gohan proceeds to relax his energy and channels his ki as his aura begins to include "sparkles". He proceeds to assault Omega Shenron' as he continues to back the Shadow Dragon into corner before losing his form for a second time and being knocked away by a powerful gust of wind. He uses Thunder Rage against Goku causing him rippling pain across his body, but enables him to concentrate his mind briefly and once again awakens Ultra Instinct -Sign-. He is able to break free from the attack and is able to knock down the Shadow Dragon with ease. He is able to maintain the form longer than before as he is able to dodge all of Omega's attacks while sending him flying with well-timed attacks. Omega uses Raging Blizzard Surge freezing the entire region while causing lighting to hit in random areas - destroying a house while another strikes Central City destroying it along with King Castle. Goten and Kibito Kai manage to rescue Videl before the East District is destroyed and places her at remains of the Lookout along with Master Roshi, Android 18, Tien, and Bulla as another bolt of lightning destroys their residences respectively. Goku is seems unaffected as he emerges from the blizzard and goes to attack Omega, but is immediately knocked down by the Shadow Dragon as soon as his form fails. Omega spends the next for hours continuing to release his blizzard attack and freeze the planet as Satan City is about to be frozen over only to be stopped by a ki blast by Vegeta from behind. Omega looks at him and is amused that he is become a Super Saiyan 3 and tells him that the form won't have any impact on him. Vegeta simply calls out to Gohan and demands how he can transform freely into Super Saiyan 4 to which Gohan replies that he uses special implants and can activate them by the snap his fingers to enable him to transform into Super Saiyan 4. He tells everyone to stay back as Bulma arrives in a large aircraft and shoots him Blutz Waves causing him to undergo a transformation to Golden Great Ape.
Final Battle[]
Vegeta momentarily begins to go on a rampage before his prior experience and control of the regular Great Ape form allow him to regain control almost immediately and attack Omega Shenron before transform into a Super Saiyan 4. The energy that Vegeta received while fused as Vegito has enabled him to have a higher amount of ki and is able to match Goku's current power as a Super Saiyan 4. Vegeta is unable to overpower Omega Shenron and is knocked down with ease as he attempts his Final Shine Attack. Omega is able to use the blizzard to mask himself from Vegeta while hiding his energy. He proceeds to knock him down before kicking him using the blizzard to his advantage; he proceeds to use knock Vegeta down with a flip-kick and knocks him into the ground with a double axe handle. Gohan standards up once again as his in his imperfect True Super Saiyan 4 form again and finally manages to evolve it further into the perfected version. He is able to overpower Omega with ease and almost kills him with a Masenko. However, he senses a surge of negative energy as Omega Shenron consumes the replicas of the Black-Star Dragon Balls and transforms into his Alpha Shenron form. Alpha is able to match Gohan's power and knocks him to ground as Vegeta is vastly overpowered. Gohan realises that Alpha is only horsing around with him and Vegeta, and as he realises it - Alpha uses his full power and knocks them both away. Gohan decides to transfer all but energy he needs to live on as does Master Roshi, Kibito Kai, and Trunks resulting in Gohan returning to his base form - Vegeta is able to access Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4 as he is surprised by his power and uses it to match Alpha. Goku is surprised by the power he received especially the energy he received from Gohan and Master Roshi. He proceeds to watch the fight as Gohan receives an unexpected donation of energy from an unknown source as he stands up along with the others ready to fight. Vegeta punches Alpha in the face before blocking a punch from the Shadow Dragon and proceeds to push him to ground with an open hand and charges his Big Bang Attack. Instead of launching it; he hits the Shadow Dragon in the face with it before jumping away as the energy sphere explodes. Alpha uses his Negative Karma Ball against him, but Vegeta deflects it with his Big Bang Attack before using his Consecutive Big Bang Attack to blow away the blizzard. Gohan than enters his True Super Saiyan 4 form once again, and transfers some of his energy to Goku along with Master Roshi, Master Roshi, Kibito Kai, and Trunks - raising Goku's power to match Vegeta's power. Goku approaches Vegeta as he returns to his fighting stance and they contemplating fighting together before Vegeta confesses that they'll both die if they fight Alpha Shenron. Goku admits that they are no match for the Shadow Dragon now that its power is rising. Vegeta suggests fusion in order to stop him for again; Goku is surprised by the request and uses Instant Transmission in order to practise the technique without any problem as Gohan takes over the fight as Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks and head off to assist them. Under Gotenks' guidance; they end up botching the fusion twice with them resulting in a fat and skinny Gogeta before finally fusing successfully. Gogeta decides to train briefly with Gotenks using the Super Saiyan form and eventually manages to transform into Super Saiyan 3 and defeat Gotenks before he separates back into Vegeta and Goku, and return in their Super Saiyan 4 forms. Gohan flies past Vegeta and crashes into a frozen mountain as Alpha Shenron greets the two Saiyans for a second battle. Goku asks Kibito Kai to heal Gohan as the two proceed to unleash their ki and cause earthquakes and a thunderstorm. Vegeta and Goku proceed to announce their attention to fuse as Gotenks arrives and proceeds to attack Alpha Shenron in order to keep him busy.
Alpha knocks Gotenks away as Goku and Vegeta get in position while Gotenks kicks the Shadow Dragon in the face, but is knocked away as Alpha fires a ki blast at the two, but Gotenks flies in front as they fuse together as Super Saiyan 4s. Gogeta immediately catches Gotenks before Alpha Shenron can finish him off and proceeds to place him on the ground and face the Shadow Dragon. Alpha attempts to rush at him, but he is knocked back by a hi-speed attack. Alpha Shenron attacks again, but is knocked back a second time. Gogeta proceeds to punch the Shadow Dragon in the face followed up by a Galick Kamehameha - after the energy beam hits Alpha - the fused warriors proceeds to kick the Shadow Dragon in the face before following up with a flurry of punches and kicks. Gogeta replicates himself before using Bluff Kamehameha on him leaving Alpha confused and enables him to use Galick Kamehameha again destroying his own duplicates and knocking back Alpha Shenron. Gogeta senses a rise in the Shadow Dragon's power and immediately enters his Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4 state and uses Galick Starfall - sending the Shadow Dragon into the ground. Alpha Shenron uses Karma Ball barrage, but Gogeta uses simple ki blast to repel them into space while catching one of them and turns it into a Positive Karma Ball before absorbing into and access Ultra-Powered Super Saiyan 4. He continues to overpower him with physical attacks and manages to grab him by the face as he drags him across the ground before using Ultimate Impact against him. Alpha tries to draw energy from the Namekian Dragon Balls to transform further, but Gogeta easily intercepts the energy and converts it into positive energy allowing him to use it to use Showering Positivity to blanket the area and is able to unfreeze the area while dealing an extreme amount of damage before kicking him in the face. His power continues to grow as Gogeta shows the perks of someone transfering energy as a True Super Saiyan 4 as immediately enters Imperfect version and uses Raging God against the Shadow Dragon destroying his arm before flying through the volley and punching the Shadow Dragon in the chest and sends him into the ground. Alpha uses the Electric Slime he took from Rage Shenron to restore his arm before clashing with Gogeta as the two continue to clash with one another as Gogeta avoids each of his attacks with precision and uses his kiai to create an invisible strike and manages to send the Shadow Dragon flying into the stratosphere. Gogeta uses Instant Transmission to intercept him and kicks him back down into the ground. The others just watch the battle in utter astonishment especially in how fast Gogeta is getting strong to point that most of them have dropped their jaw. Gogeta fires another Galick Starfall followed by a Galick Kamehameha as Alpha dodges each of the energy bullets and is struck by the energy beam - sending him into the ground. He kicks the Shadow Dragon in the face followed with a punch and proceeds to shouldercharge him. Gogeta proceeds quickly charges his ki and through a sheer force of will is able to enter True Super Saiyan 4 and proceeds use Big Bang Kamehameha and as the energy blast is about to hit the Shadow Dragon - he defuses and technique disappears. Vegeta is confused and asks Goku for an explanation, but Goku doesn't. However, Kibito Kai defuses that the True Super Saiyan 4 form must have shaved 20 minutes off the form as prior to Gogeta using the form - the two had only 23 minutes left. Knowing that have to wait an hour to fuse again; Vegeta believes they are out of options, but King Kai reminds him of the technique he showed causing Vegeta to get embarrassed and at first he refuses, but relents as it would be less embarrassing to him than doing the Fusion Dance a second time.
Gohan in his True Super Saiyan 4 form, Goku in his Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4 form, and Vegeta in his standard Super Saiyan 4 form stand together as they perform the Warrior Fusion and fail the second step, but simply do it again and manage to fuse into Vekan. Vekan immediately proceeds to attack Alpha Shenron is able to overpower him instantly. He fires his Galick Kamehamesenko at the Shadow Dragon sending him crashing into the ground before using Stardust Fall. He proceeds to dash at Alpha and kicks him in the gut before grabbing him by ankle and slamming him into the ground multiple times before throwing him at a mountain. The battle continues as Alpha is knocked around like a ragdoll before realising that Vekan is fighting to kill him and decides to take the fight seriously. Vekan blocks a kick from the Shadow Dragon and hurls him directly at the ground before kneeing him the back as Alpha manages to get up and fly up to stratosphere as he launches his Ultra-Karma Ball at the fused warrior, but Vekan simply uses Super Breath to deflect it into space. Vekan uses Soaring Fist against Alpha Shenron and sends him crashing against a mountain before stopping himself in mid-air. Vekan follows up with Shockwave Flurry and manages to destroy several mountains and debris created during the fight before hitting the Shadow Dragon numerous times before eventually the Shadow Dragon falls to the ground due to his injuries. Vekan proceeds to prepare his Galick Kamehamesenko as Alpha Shenron stands up. Vekan fires his attack at the Shadow Dragon as the energy wave is about to hit him Alpha dodges it as Vekan teleports behind him and uses Big Bang Kamehameha before using 100x Big Bang Kamehameha against. Alpha Shenron is critically injured by the attack allowing Vekan to follow up with Big Bang Kamehamesenko combining 100x Big Bang Kamehameha with Super Masenko instead of the regular Big Bang Kamehameha and Masenko resulting in a massive energy wave hit the Shadow Dragon and decimates most the area as Alpha Shenron is swallowed by the energy wave. The former lakeside town and lake disappear in the energy wave - most of the Southern Continent inhabitants are able to see the explosion while one of the inhabitants complains that the lake was a national park. Animals at Yajirobe's Prairie as a massive shockwave knocks down the trees and a small fissures ravage the area. The energy "dome" settles as it reveals that one of the replicas of the Black-Star Dragon Balls have been destroys as Omega Shenron emerge from the smoke and compliments on reverting him to his previous form as Vekan compliments him on surviving the attack as he proceeds to tell him that one more will surely end him. Omega use his water manipulation to create large pillars of water from the moisture in the ground and uses it defend himself, but Vekan simply uses an energy sphere to force the Shadow Dragon to move. Omega Shenron notices something off about Vekan and slowly realises that his energy has decreased due using his last energy wave, but also decreased over the course of his fusion. King Kai explains to Gregory that fused warrior's power will gradually decrease over time if the fusees were in their base form, but since Vekan's fusee weren't his power is decreasing rapidly and his previous attack has cut his power down immensely. Vekan realises his own weakness and attempt go for the killing blow by using Super Galick Kamehamesenko and unleashes it on Omega Shenron, but he uses Orb of Water before the attack hits him. The energy wave manages to destroy the top of Mount Kiwi as it is redirect into space. However, as the smoke clears Omega Shenron emerges from some rubble revealing that it left battered and bruised before swallowing the six remaining replicas and transforming him into Near-Alpha Shenron. Both of them a severely weakened and Alpha even admits that True Super Saiyan 4 Gohan would be enough to kill at the moment. Syn attempts to make a near replica to replace the one that was destroyed, but Vekan manages to stop before becoming severely weakened. King Kai urges him to separate or he'll die - causing Vekan to force his fusion to end prematurely. Goku and Vegeta appear to be almost drained and makes remark about being the Ultimate Super Saiyan 4 is worth it, but takes its toll. Gohan reverts to a regular Super Saiyan 4 as he prepares to take on Syn once again.
Gohan proceeds to rush him, but he is knocked away with ease as he almost faints from exhaustion. However, he notices Syn with his daughter and transforms into True Super Saiyan 4 again to kick him away, but the Shadow Dragon responds by trying to kill Pan only to cause Gohan to become enraged and gain power boost due to his anger. Despite being severely weakened - he is able to overpower the Shadow Dragon and knocks him into the ground before kneeing him in the chest followed up with him grabbing Syn by the neck and slamming him into the ground. Pan realises that Gohan is dangerously close to killing himself by overexertion and tries to tell him to stop, but he is too furious to listen. She start begging someone to end it as quick as possible - as she makes her plea - Goku reawakens in the Ultra Instinct -Sign- form and proceeds to focus his thoughts as Gohan continues pummel the Shadow Dragon as he pants from exhaustion while Old Kai watches Goku and seems to smile as Goku's hair turns a silvery-white colour and it comes clear that he has completed the form. Goku achieved Ultra Instinct - as soon as the form is complete - he proceeds to dash directly at Syn Shenron. For a moment it appears that he missed but after a few seconds - the Shadow Dragon is sent flying into the ground as Gohan's anger subsides due to the shock of saying his father's new form. Goku proceeds to overpower Syn Shenron vastly as he wipes the floor with him and sends him crashing into ground. Goku's speed alone alters the terrain around him as the ground deforms and mountains far away from him crumble away. He proceeds to request King Kai to help him gather energy from around universe to create a Universal Spirit Bomb. As he fights - energy from around the universe gather into his Spirit Bomb as he directs the negative energy into it causing it to be converted into positive energy while kicking Syn in the chest while dodging all his energy attacks with nothing but instinct and proceeds to punch him in the gut followed by a kicking to face and ends it with backflip knee kick to the back - sending him flying into a piece of debris. Syn notices the Spirit Bomb and is shocked about how big it's already gotten as Goku explains its energy from the entire universe. Eventually, it reaches the size the Goku was hoping for as he continues to battle against the Shadow Dragon before sending Syn flying into space with a kick to the head and proceeds to launch the Universal Spirit Bomb by kicking at the Shadow Dragon. King Kai is surprised by Goku not using the gathering stances, but Goku simply quips back that King Kai is unobservant and tells him that he used the stance in middle of his hi-speed movements. Syn Shenron quivers in fear as the giant energy sphere inches closer to him before hitting and surrounding him as he crumbles dust along with his replica Dragon Balls while regulars fall back to Earth. Goku lands on the ground as he confirms Syn Shenron's death to everyone before Shenron summons himself looks directly at Goku - he tells Goku of the risks of the use Dragon Balls saying that the risk was put in place to prevent overuse, but Bulma's Dragon Radar made it easy for overuse. He apologises to everyone before telling Goku that he currently has the power grant 3 limitless wishes for just this summoning and Goku wastes no time to revive everyone that was killed by the Shadow Dragons and Dr. Myuu's invasion while restoring the damages. Shenron tells Goku to be wise in his next wish as he plans to disappear for a century. Goku asks Shenron for a location that allow him to remain for a century without him aging and Shenron tells him about the Dragon Realm as it has no means time flow - he can remain their for as long as he wants. Goku asks Shenron for a chance to say his farewells before asking for his wish following a tearful farewell. Pan stays behind at the battle site - still destroyed as Goku only wished for damages that the Machine Mutants and Shadow Dragons caused to be fixed - with Vegeta; she asks what he is going to do and he says that as he picks up one of Goku's wristbands that he'll continue to improve and do what he can for the world until he passes before handing Goten the wristband. He leaves the battle site as Pan remains behind as Chronoa watches over before asking Face to ensure that the current timeline's Shenron will never spawn Shadow Dragons and as result the current timeline Shadow Dragons disappear from existence. Dial lands on Ukkoruk with his daughter and greets Pend asking him for his help with something.
Major Characters[] |
Support Characters[]
The Final Grand Tour[]
- 309 - The Shadow Dragons
- 310 - Goku vs. Oceanus Shenron
- 311 - Gohan and the Four-Star Dragon
- 312 - Father-Son Unite
- 313 - Eis Shenron's Mistake!
- 314 - Syn Shenron! Union of the Shadow Dragons
- 315 - Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta!
- 316 - Super Saiyan 4 Fusion!
- 317 - Warriors Unite! Birth of the Ultimate Super Saiyan 4!
- 318 - The Universal Spirit Bomb! The Final Grand Tour!
- Goku & Gohan vs. Haze Shenron (Base/Super)
- Vegeta vs. Rage Shenron (Base/Super)
- Goku & Pan vs. Haze Shenron (Super)
- Trunks & Bulla vs. Naturon Shenron
- Trunks (Potential Unleashed) vs. Naturon Shenron (Super)
- Trunks (Potential Unleashed) & Bulla vs. Naturon Shenron
- Trunks (Potential Unleashed) vs. Eis Shenron (Shell)
- Goku (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 2: Kaio-ken) vs. Oceanus Shenron ("Princess Oto"/True Nature/Super Oceanus Shenron)
- Goku (Potential Unleashed) vs. Oceanus Shenron (Super Oceanus Shenron)
- Goku (Potential Unleashed) & Kibito Kai vs. Oceanus Shenron (Super Oceanus Shenron)
- Gohan (Super Saiyan 2) vs. Nuova Shenron (Shell)
- Gohan & Goku vs. Nuova Shenron (Shell)
- Gohan (Base/Super Saiyan 4/Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4) vs. Nuova Shenron (Shell/True Form/Super Nuova Shenron)
- Goku (Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4) vs. Nuova Shenron (Super Nuova Shenron)
- Goku (Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4) vs. Eis Shenron (Shell/True Form/Super Eis Shenron)
- Gokuhan (Potential Unleashed/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 4). Eis Shenron (Super Eis Shenron) & Nuova Shenron (Super Nuova Shenron)
- Goku, Pan & Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Eis Shenron (Super Eis Shenron)
- Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-/Base) vs. Eis Shenron (Super Eis Shenron)
- Gohan (Base/Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4/Imperfect Super Saiyan 4 Evolution) vs. Eis Shenron (Super Eis Shenron)
- Gohan (Imperfect Super Saiyan 4 Evolution) vs. Syn Shenron
- Goku (Base/Evolved Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan 4/Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4) vs. Syn Shenron (Base/Omega Shenron)
- Gohan (Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4/Imperfect Super Saiyan 4 Evolution) vs. Syn Shenron (Omega)
- Goku (Base/Ultra Instinct -Sign-) vs. Syn Shenron (Omega)
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan 3/Golden Great Ape/Super Saiyan 4) vs. Syn Shenron (Omega)
- Gohan (Imperfect Super Saiyan 4 Evolution/Super Saiyan 4 Evolution) & Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Syn Shenron (Omega/Alpha)
- Vegeta (Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4) vs. Syn Shenron (Alpha)
- Gohan (Super Saiyan 4 Evolution) vs. Syn Shenron (Alpha)
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3) vs. Gotenks (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3)
- Gotenks vs. Syn Shenron (Alpha)
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4/Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4/Ultra-Powered Super Saiyan 4/Imperfect Super Saiyan 4 Evolution/Super Saiyan 4 Evolution) vs. Syn Shenron (Alpha)
- Vekan (Super Saiyan 4-Full-Powered Super Saiyan 4-Super Saiyan 4 Evolution) vs. Syn Shenron (Alpha/Omega/Near-Alpha)
- Gohan (Super Saiyan 4/Super Saiyan 4 Evolution) vs. Syn Shenron (Near-Alpha)
- Goku (Ultra Instinct) vs. Syn Shenron (Near-Alpha)
Dragon Ball sagas | |||||||
Dragon Ball | |||||||
Son Goku Group | Emperor Pilaf • Tournament | ||||||
Red Ribbon Army Group | Red Ribbon Army • General Blue • Commander Red • Fortuneteller Baba | ||||||
Piccolo Group | Tien Shinhan • King Piccolo • Piccolo Jr. | ||||||
Dragon Ball Z | |||||||
Saiyan Group | Vegeta | ||||||
Namek/Frieza Group | Namek • Captain Ginyu • Frieza | ||||||
Frieza/Android Group | Garlic Jr. • Trunk | ||||||
Androids/Cell Group | Androids • Imperfect Cell • Perfect Cell • Cell Games Saga | ||||||
Majin Buu Group | Great Saiyaman • World Tournament • Babidi • Majin Buu • Fusion • Kid Buu • Peaceful World | ||||||
Dragon Ball Super | |||||||
Gods of the Universe Group | Battle of Gods • Resurrection ‘F’ | ||||||
Zen-Oh Group | Universe 6 • 'Future' Trunks • Universe Survival | ||||||
Universe 7 Group | Broly • Galactic Patrol Prisoner | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced | |||||||
Warriors of Time Group | Z\Super • Dark King Demigra | ||||||
Cell-X Group | Super Bardock • Age 993 • X | ||||||
God of War Group | Fallen Time Patroller • Age 1000 | ||||||
Grand Tour Group | Black Star Dragon Ball • Baby • Super 17 • Shadow Dragon | ||||||
Revenge Group | Return of the Demon Clan | ||||||
Timespace Rift Group | 2nd Timespace Rift Tournament • Majin Vegeta • Bimfutsu | ||||||
Zenkai World Group | Universe Salvation • Galactic Patrol Most Wanted • Galactic Conquest | ||||||
Karo Group | Universal Field Trip | ||||||
Dr Gero Reborn Group | Neon Blue | ||||||
Frieza Homeworld Group | Icicle and Icefall | ||||||
Dragon Ball Revelations | |||||||
Ginny Group | Majin Dōka • Piccolo III • Ultimate Piccolo • Zaiko • Ginny | ||||||
Evil Gogeta Group | Evil Goku • Evil Gogeta • Evil Confinement • Clash of Saiyans | ||||||
Android 22 Group | Jamie Saga • Intern Saga • Android 22 Saga • Super 18 Saga • World Terror Saga | ||||||
Karma Group | Tekken • Fallen Angel • Warp • Datenshi • Karma | ||||||
Waru Group | A Demonic Tournament • Age 666 | ||||||
Spin-off | |||||||
Dragon Ball Fairy Tales | Toi Saga • Glacier Saga • Guardian of Toi Saga • Imaginary Friend Saga • Genie Saga | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced pe-revamp | Z/Super Saga • Episode of Bardock • Dabura and Psidevilman • Universe 1 • Tale of Two Coolers • Cell-X • Demon Realm Invasion • Dark Empire • Evil Dragons of Time • Descent of Mechikabura • Temporal Disturbance |