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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Sei-Sen 先生 (DBK), is the property of Angeloading.


(せん) (せい)

Anime name Sei-Sen
Manga name Sei Sen
Debut Dragon Ball Keisho 継承 | EP 1
"New World"
Appears in Dragon Ball Keisho 継承
Race Human-type Earthling
Gender Female
Date of birth October 30, Age 978
  • 155cm (5'1") "kid"
  • 163 cm (5'4") "teen"
  • 168 cm (5'6") "adult"
  • Weight
  • 46 kg (100 lbs) "kid"
  • 58 kg (128 lbs) "teen"
  • 62 kg (137 lbs) "adult"
  • Address STH 5557404 V. | South District
  • Martial Artist
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Allegiance
  • Wolf Style Dojo
  • Z-Fighters
  • Affiliations
  • Unnamed parents
  • Master Renji (mentor)
  • Jin Judoka (husband)
  • Sei-Sen ((せん) (せい) ) is an Earthling martial artist and one of the most powerful warriors of Earth, as well as one of the two deuteragonists of Dragon Ball Keisho 継承. Considered as one of the greatest female martial artists of all time, she gained a great reputation when she won the 97th Tenkaichi Budokai in the beginning of the series.

    Today, she helps defend Earth from trouble along with the Wolf Style Dojo, which she helps run alongside her husband Jin Judoka, and the rest of the Z-Fighters of the new generation of Earth.



    Sei-Sen was born in a rural village in the East District on October 30th, Age 978. Since an early age, she always had a passion for martial arts and began training regularly with ki by the age of four. At the age of six, a powerful tornado struck her village, leaving Sei-Sen an orphan. Needing a way to feed herself, she began entering small martial arts tournaments that she found on her travels, besting nearly every opponent she came across despite her age.

    At ten years old in Age 988, she won a small tournament taking place in the hills of East District. In the crowd of this tournament was Master Renji, the Wolf Hermit and leader of the Wolf Style Dojo, one of the most prestigious martial arts dojos on Earth. Seeing a lot of potential in her, Master Renji took her in and she quickly became his top student.

    Dragon Ball Keisho 継承[]

    97th Tenkaichi Budokai Saga[]

    Sei-Sen and a few other Wolf Style Dojo students entered the 97th Tenkaichi Budokai, which took place when she was twelve. In the months before the tournament, she trained extensively and made her way up to Dende's Lookout at one point, meeting and training with an elder Namekian warrior by the name of Piccolo. The tournament finally came on May 7th of Age 991. She easily swept through the preliminaries and once the final tournament began, she made it to the final and won against Kenju Zu, one of the Crane School's top prodigies. Sei-Sen, now declared "Strongest Under the Heavens" was impressed at the skill and power of her semi-final opponent and went to speak to him after the tournament, but bore witness to his own master punching him repeatedly for his failure in the semi-final against Kenju Zu, the runner-up of the tournament. Curious of the story behind this, she decided to follow Jin Judoka and his master, Tachizo the Broken, home, sneaking into the camp while Tachizo wasn't looking and talking to him about what had happened. Jin Judoka explained that he intended on killing her due to her victory against him as it humiliated him and caused his master to view him as a failure, but decided on telling her to leave quickly before she was spotted.

    Dragonball world tournament stage by aniartluke82 dbbfgcx-fullview

    Months later, Sei-Sen returned when Jin Judoka and Tachizo were training and Tachizo gave his student a task; to kill Sei-Sen here and now and begin a vengeance quest on all of the Z-Fighters. Due to the kindness Sei-Sen had shown him, he hesitated. However, he eventually caved in and decided to try to kill Sei-Sen, but she was able to easily overpower him. As ahe began to leave, she watched as Tachizo began to once again beat Jin Judoka into a pulp. She then watched as the boy suddenly snapped and in a fit of rage, killed his master with a deadly spinning kick to the neck.

    Sei-Sen watched as the boy began to have a panic attack after accidentally killing his own master, bringing her to quickly fly back and reassure him that this was his chance to reinvent himself, informing him that her own master, Master Renji, was impressed by him and wished to see him one day for training. After a long heartfelt conversation, she managed to convince him, thus beginning a lifelong friendship. A few other students began to be accepted into the Wolf Style Dojo, and the group of young prodigies continued training for the road ahead.

    Majin Clan Saga[]

    More coming soon...

    Character Description[]


    Physical Appearance[]

    Sei-Sen is a woman with an athletic and muscular lean build. She is of slightly above average height, standing at about 5'6" (168 cm) as an adult. Her eyes are brown and her hair is black and down to her waist, with bangs around her eyebrows in the front. Her appearance doesn't change very often other than obvious changes once she ages into adulthood, but she typically likes to style her hair in different ways when out in the city, or hanging out in a casual setting with her friends.


    Sei-Sen is noted to be a very friendly and understanding individual, sometimes being naive as a child. Her immediate kindness towards Jin Judoka upon their first interaction after the 97th Tenkaichi Budokai showed this, and played a big part as to how their relationship developed. As an adult, she seems to adopt a bit more of a fiery personality, seeming irritated at opponents attempting to wreak havoc. She is in most ways a people person, being very close with Jin Judoka and always wanting to spend time with him. Sei-Sen is very honor-driven, taking her lessons from Master Renji very serious. When hanging out with her best friend Brasierre, she is typically the "goofier" of the two.


    Sei-Sen's overall goal in life is not something she is working towards, as she simply wishes to keep enjoying her martial arts lifestyle and constantly reaching new heights in strength and skill. Martial arts is all she ever knew in life, and it gives her a sense of purpose and enjoyment. She is by most means a flat character in terms of arc, staying relatively consistent in her outlook on life throughout the series.

    Powers and Techniques[]


    Korogaku Island, the island in South District where the Wolf Style Dojo is located

    Fighting Style[]

    Sei-Sen fights in a unique style known as the "Okami Jinsoku-Ryū" that was formed by the Wolf Style Dojo. This style is heavily based on the art of reading an opponent and waiting for the right opportunity to strike, favoring quick precise strikes over brute strength. Her fighting style heavily revolves around overwhelming the opponent with constant action, with her stamina and athleticism helping a lot with this tactic. She favors attacking from range, using a lot of ki blasts.


    • Flight
    • Basic Combat
    • Ki Manipulation/Control
    • Ki Sensing
    • Rapid Perception/Analyzation
    • Extreme Endurance
    • Extreme Strength
    • Extreme Speed


    • Taiyokami Wave 太陽神: Her signature technique. A typical ki-wave technique that builds up ki from every point of her body into her fists, releasing them in a golden wave that can follow a fleeing opponent.
    • Yoroijin 獣の鎧: Strengthens her body to be able to endure almost any attack, deflecting it back to the opponent. This technique takes a lot of stamina to hold and if broken through, her body is much more vulnerable. Jin Judoka taught her this technique.
    • Kōsoku Fist 光速: Spins her staff at incredible speeds and begins attacking, with dozens of attacks per second. These attacks do no damage until the combination is concluded, following with them all hitting at once and doing devastating damage.
    • Solar Flare 太陽拳: A blinding technique formed by martial artist Tien Shinhan, and passed throughout the generations.
    • Fist of the Kami 神の拳: Gathers donated energy into her fist and charges forward into a flying punch, where silhouettes of all of the individuals that donated ki forming behind her. Similar in concept to Jin Judoka's Jinseiken technique.


    • Sei-Sen is heavily inspired off of Chi-Chi.
    • Her name is a pun off of the word "sensei".

