Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Sealas (Time Labyrinth), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Sealas
Alternate names Mysterious warrior
Debut Fanga: "The Former Time Patrollers"
Appears in
Gender Male
Date of death Age 950
Status Deceased
Occupation Galactic Patrolman (formerly)
Time Patroller (formerly)
Allegiance Time Patrol (formerly)
Galactic Patrol (formerly)
Affiliations Sealas (counterpart)
Ahms (Time Labyrinth) (creation/fusee)

Sealas (シーラス Shīrasu), is the inconsequential inhabitant of the Time Labyrinth before the Dark Empire turned him into a real entity.


Sealas closely resembles Hit in terms of facial features, though he sprouts large tentacles from his head. Over his gray skin; he has a white Galactic Patrol armour with blue gems, and a dark red sash over his black pants. Sealas also has a black staff with a white knob.


Sealas and Ahms are encountered in the Satan House Section of the Time Labyrinth as Future Trunks and Xeno Trunks make their way through. They proceed to battle against the former Patrolman and are overpowered when Ahms absorbs Merus and Good Buu, and later Mr Satan, Goku, and Vegeta. Sealas battles against Future Trunks and is eventually absorbed by Ahms and merged into Sealahms.

Sealahms proceeds to overpower them, however, he was killed when Sealahms was vaporised by Xeno Trunks' Advanced Arcane Rebellion Trigger.


Sealas was able overpower Future Trunks.


Sealas (Combined Form)[]

Main article: Sealahms

The result of Ahms absorbing Sealas having previously absorbed Merus, Good Buu, Goku, Vegeta, and Mr. Satan.
