Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Date of Birth
Year 759
Date of Death
"Cabba's Brother?! A Saiyan with a tail!"
Sadala Galactic Forces (Captain)
Sadala Army (Sadala Galactic Forces)
Cabba (Brother)

Scallion (スカリオン, sukarion) is a Saiyan and the protagonist in Dragon Ball Converse. He is a Saiyan from Universe 6 (Where the story takes place), as well as a Captain of his own squad in the Sadala Army and is introduced in the first chapter in the story "Cabba's old friend?! The crumbling Kingdom!"


Scallion is a slim yet very well-built man of average stature, standing at 176 centimeters tall (5’9”). His hair is black and spikes upwards like adult gohan and has two large bangs hanging down, then has one thin bang that hangs normally. He eyes always appears serious in in nature, which goes along with his personality. Unlike the rest of universe 6 saiyan who doesn't have a tail, Scallion does from his devolving birth defect, as such he possesses a tail. His eyes are identical to universe 7 Saiyans.

Scallion wears a black form-fitting sleeveless shirt with an olive thin sleeveless high neck collar jacket reaching his abdomen showing his bear arms and dark grey fingerless gloves, Black baggy pants and dark grey boots.


Scallion's dominant traits are his frankness and his utter fearlessness, remaining composed in almost every situation. He also has a strong sense of justice and is willing to help people in distress. Even when he is severely injured, he tries not to show weakness and stays strong in front of his companions. He is also mostly indifferent to materialistic desires such as fame and fortune and can be very selfless. He is also not arrogant at all and is both polite and serious in-person. In battle, he is extremely serious to the point that he takes even the weakest of enemies with great caution, unlike most fighters. He is also stoic and quiet when he is around a large group of people or with people he doesn't know, stated by Cabba that Scallion is a person who could be construed as somewhat blunt but also extremely loyal whether it be to comrades or job offers as well also tends to get incredibly offended if he's betrayed by those without honor.




  • Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.
  • Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Saiyan Power - A genetic trait that continually lets a Saiyan increase in raw might and general performance against adversity, either by recovering from great injuries or enduring great struggle in battle. Scallion's Saiyan Power is slightly more advanced compared to normal Saiyans. Stated by Cabba was the reason why he became a Captain at a young age.
  • Mimicry - The coveted ability to copy another fighter's technique after seeing it used only once.
  • Energy Wave - A ki blast wave.
  • Explosive Wave – A burst of ki emitted from the entire body
  • Wild Sense – A variation of the Afterimage Technique that allows the user to counterattack right after dodging the opponent's attack.
  • Ki Sense - The ability to sense ki but cannot sense power levels currently.
  • After Image Technique - An ability to move so swiftly that an image of the user is left behind.
  • Kiai– A technique where the user affects the air currents around him with ki to produce powerful shockwaves in order to strike the opponent at mid-range.


After being enraged and attempting to turn into a great ape to win against ???. He succeeded in gaining the Wrathful Form. In this state, he possesses small eyes with yellow-iris and black pupils, and his hair stands up akin to Super Saiyan. This state also possesses a green aura and can also generate yellow bio-electricity. Scallion deduced that this state is the utilization of a Great Ape's power, which was banned from using by the King himself, in his base form. It is a utilization of the Great Ape form's power, physical strength, and durability in humanoid form. This grants Scallion a 10x Multiplier, same multiplier of the original Great Ape. A drawback of this form is that using it also hurts the Scallion due to the constant eruption of their power, with the growls Scallion lets forth in this form being due to pain rather than fighting spirit. It is later mastered and no longer have this affect.

  • Spaceship Scallion travels through space with a spaceship from the Sadala Galactic Forces.


  • Like all other Saiyans, Scallion's name is a pun on a vegetable. His name is a pun on the English word, "Scallion".