Salsa(サルサ) is the Hybrid Half Saiyan who is 1/2 Saiyan and 1/2 Majin. He is also the child of Dariasu and Vanilla.
Early Life[]
Salsa had quite the great life and he enjoyed it thoroughly. He loved training with his father to become stronger,
Even though this was true, From the time that he was born to when he became an adult Salsa always had a deep darkness that resided within him. When he was 18 Salsa would be manipulated by Mira and Towa. After gaining control of his mind they would try and make him kill his family. This was in order to see if they had full control over Salsa or not. After doing so Salsa would try to kill his mother (Vanilla). After unsuccessfully doing so and almost being killed by Vanilla this would cause Salsa to get infuriated unlocking his Super Saiyan Blue 5 Transformation (A transformation that combines Super Saiyan 5 Ki with Super Saiyan Blue Ki. After being startled awake Dariasu would try and stop his son, eventually resorting to unleashing his Super Saiyan 7 transformation to defeat his son. Once this happened this mind control would fade and Salsa would go back to normal. For the power that he displayed during the fight Salsa would gain the epithet of Salsa the Divine and Salsa The Enraged.
Salsa typically appears to be indifferent on most matters. He is capable of being flamboyant and energetic, but it is unclear how much of this behavior is forced and how much is his normal personality. Salsa can be defiant on some occasions and overestimates his own ability. Salsa can sometimes be prone to being quite rude to others as well. Despite this, Salsa has shown a soft side to him, being extremely caring towards a very few select people that he is close to i.e family and friends.
Personality In Great Ape[]
While using Great Ape Salsa is very controlled but also has the advantages of Great Ape at his disposal.
Personality While Being Mind Controlled[]
While being mind controlled by Mira and Towa Salsa was quite different. He was more viscous, rageful, sociopathic, powerful, and vengeful, getting so angry that his mother bested him that he was able to push his body into unlocking a new transformation.
Powers And Abilities[]
Ki Blast-
Ki Wave-
Ki Control-
God Ki-
God Ki Sensing-
Super Breathing-
Ability to breathe in Space-
Many Other Abilities
Super Saiyan God-
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan-
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 3
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 5-
Physical Appearance[]
In Base Form[]
While in base form Salsa seems calm and reserved, he has black spikey hair, black eyes, and broad shoulders, being quite muscular.
Salsa usually wears a yellow and black gi, with yellow and black leggings, along with large yellow and golden wristbands.
Appearance In Super Saiyan Blue 5[]
While in this state Salsa's hair becomes longer, his hair becomes blue with 2 white spots, and changes form. His eyes become white with blue around them, his body grows fur that is blue, he becomes more muscular, his gi completely tears, his tail becomes blue, as divine aura circulates around him.

Salsa in his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 3 form.