Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki


The article Ryoko is a part of the Fanon Canon, which follows its guidelines accordingly.

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This article is currently under construction and is incomplete at the moment.

Ryoko (涼子, Ryōko) Is the Legendary Super Saiyan after Broly and is the main antagonist in Fanon Canon

Kanji 涼子
Rōmaji Ryōko
Titles The Legendary Demon Saiyan, Devil Saiyan, Super Saiyan Devil
Personal Status
Birthdate July 5
Age 25
Gender Male
Height 6'3
Weight 178lbs
Blood Type AB
Hometown Tech-Tech
Affiliation 7th Universe
Occupation Destroyer
Unique Traits Legendary Super Saiyan
Transformations Super Saiyan, Legendary Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan 4


Is the son of two Saiyans who were sent to Tech-Tech Planet to protect Tarble. As a baby he was very loud and active. His parents were not interested in his power level but more interested in his weird outburst. So many of Tech-Tech's finest Doctors and Scientist began to study the boy. They determined the boy had to much power leaving the body but it seemed that the boy had no limits he would keep getting stronger. So the scientist gave him curse to "seal" his hidden powers. Since that day Ryoko went from being this energetic loud baby, to a quiet angry little man.  

Though having no access to his LSSJ skills, Ryoko was still able to make tremendous progress in his fighting ability. He was able to defeat every warrior in Tech-Tech with ease at the age of four and was able to control his Great ape transformation at 5. Though he did not only further his skills in fighting, he would further his knowledge in technology and science. He created his own Spaceship at the age of 6 and discovered that there was more than one universe on his own.  

At the age of 8 he watched his parent be killed after a revolution took place in Tech-Tech. That is when his saiyan blood began to awaken, he unlocked the Legendary Power of the Super Saiyan. He stopped the revolution but then was controlled shortly after. The beings in Tech-Tech realized that Ryoko could be their key to controlling other planets. So they made a new seal to unleash his hidden abilities when needed.  

So he was sent off, to capture resources for Tech-Tech.  


As a baby he was not very chubby and was pretty big. He had long spiky black hair similar to vegeta and a long unusual black tail.


Powers and Forms[]

Kamehameha , dragon fist ,super dragon fist ,and aal attacks of GOKU,GOHAN AND GOTEN

Super Saiyan Edit[]

Legendary Super Saiyan Edit[]

Legendary Super Saiyan 3 Edit[]

Super Saiyan 4 Edit[]

Ascended Super Saiyan 4 []

Super Saiyan God Assense[]

Super Saiyan God Blue 1,2,3[]

Super Saiyan God red 1,2,3[]







