Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Ryoga (U93), is the property of Brudikai222.

Ryoga is one of a mystical dragon race that existed 3 billion years ago. Until Amaterasu decided to destroy their planet  to make room for Earth. Ryoga wasn't on his planet at the time of it's destuction but saw the bits of rock Amaterasu left behind. He figured that if his family, his home were to be destroyed nothing else should exist. Ryoga flew over the universe destroying planet after planet and eveutally entire galaxies, until he came to Earth. He was stopped by Amaterasu and was sealed away in a book, he stayed trapped in that book in amaterasu's cave for 10,000 years until Brudikai found it and opened it, dispite his mother told him countless times not to. Ryoga was free to roam the Earth again. To thank the saiyan for freeing him Ryoga took over his body, unlocking a transformation called Super Saiyan of the Black Dragon.

Ryoga regular dragon

Ryoga's giant form

Ryoga set his sights on west city but when he arrived he couldn't destroy a thing. Brudikai's idiot brain and pure heart tainted ryoga's dark heart, and because of that Brudikai got his body back. Brud pleaed with his mother not to seal Ryoga back into the book if he could prove that Ryoga changed. Brudikai succeeded in proving that Ryoga changed. The new Ryoga who was once destruction incarnet, is now a sarcastic, logic obsessed, only destroying things when needed, dragon  Ryoga bonded with Brudikai not just by friendship but through his body. If Brud ever were to die Ryoga would Die too. Ryoga lives at Capsule Corp. with Brudikai and his family

Ryoga Vistur
character image
Dragon Ball PD Character
Vital statistics
Aliases/Nicknames: Black death

The Black Dragon

Flying World Eater

Birthplace: unknown
Power level: unknown
Homeworld: unknown
Species: Dragon
Gender: Male
Birthdate: unown
Date of Death: Immortal until Brudikai dies
Height: 6'7 in in Bipedal form

1202 ft 4 inches In giant

Weight: 279 Bipedal

90,000 tons in giant

Hair Color: none but has scales with purple highlights
Eye Color: deep purple
Personal Weapons Systems
Chronological & Political Information


Fire- Like all dragons Ryoga can breath fire. His fire is a black and purple flame that can melt most substances. The only thing It can't melt is a God's being.

Shape Shifting- Ryoga can change his size at will

Super Saiyan of the Black Dragon- Ryoga can only use this form when he fuses with Brudikai's body. Brud gains a super saiyan 4 look but with black hair and fur.
