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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Ruccola (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Debut Video Game: Dragon Ball Fusions
Fanga: Ésora (Dragon Ball Advanced chapter)
Appears in
Dragon Ball Advanced
Race Saiyan
Gender Female
Date of birth After Age 1300
Status Alive
Address Earth
Occupation Martial Artist
Fashion Designer
Allegiance Team Jamila
Affiliations Vesica (father/mentor)
Eruca (mother)
Jamila (teammate/team leader)
Sesamy (teammate/fusee)
Mirayo (teammate)
Petros (teammater)
Yardrat Elder (mentor)
Mentors Vesica
Yardrat Elder

Ruccola (ルコラ Rukora) is a Saiyan from the Post-Age 1300 Saiyan Recreation era. Her name is a pun on Rocket.


Ruccola has long dark brown hair and wears a vest inner shirt similar to Android 18 and a skirt and knee-high boots similar to Bulla.


Ruccola is a capable fighter despite her obsession with fashion and her appearance. She disposed of her tail after her displeasure of with her Great Ape form as well as thinking that it looked silly.



Ruccola was born to a Saiyan General in the Post-Age 1300 era and a Saiyan socialite. Ruccola was personally trained by her father while her mother taught her about fashion. She was employed by her mother at a Clothing and Fashion company working as a Fashion designer while also training under her father.

At some point before being recruited by Jamila; Ruccola was trained by a Yardrat Elder.

2nd Timespace Rift Tournament[]

Ruccola took part in the Timespace Rift Tournament as a member of Jamila's team. She fought against Krillin during the Quarterfinals.


Ruccola is a capable fighter is able to fight on equal grounds with Krillin.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of ki.
  • Ki Sense - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Spirit Control - An advanced technique to manipulate ki.
    • Gigantification - The ability to enlarge herself.
    • Cloning - The ability to copy herself.
    • Instant Transmission - A teleportation technique.
      • Ruccola-Sesamy Combo - A team attack using Ruccola's Instant Transmission and Sesamy's Shock Tornado followed by a punch to the gut from the both of them.
    • Healing - The ability to heal others.
  • Toriseishindan - An homing energy sphere attack used by Ruccola. Ruccola crosses her right index and middle finger and then makes the finger gun gesture while her fingers are crossed while charging ki from tips of her fingers. She then fires a bird-shaped energy sphere imitating the recoil of a real gun.
    • Toriseishinha - An energy wave version of Toriseishindan.
    • Super Toriseishindan - A stronger, eagle-shaped energy sphere variation of Toriseishindan.
      • Yokuryūseishindan - After cloning herself using her Spirit Control - Ruccola uses Super Toriseishindan and fires four eagle-shaped energy spheres which initially fly randomly out before merging into a massive pterodactyl-shaped energy sphere which then proceeds to home in on her target.
      • 'Toriseishindan Barrage - An energy sphere barrage variation of Super Toriseishindan.


Great Ape[]

Ruccola has prior experience of transforming into a Great Ape.
