Rocky is the illegitamate son of King Manto and an unknown human mother. Due to his mixed race, he is orange instead of the usual Cykreasian blue.
Information (Dragon Ball CM)[]
Age: 17
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Relatives: King Manto, Dolph
Height: 6 ft. 6 in.
Weight (Earth): 270 lbs.
Weight (Cykrease): 540 lbs.
He is most known on Earth as a great fighter who is unmatched for the past 2 years, but one could not tell from his demeanor. He is very approachable and sensitive, if not unthreatening. It is perhaps this aspect that is the cause of his opponents taking him lightly. If his loved ones are assaulted, however, he becomes enraged to the point of nearly going insane, and will not hesitate to eliminate the threat completely. When and if he shows anger, it is usually the offender's fault. His mother was killed on Rocky's 10th birthday, sending him to near-suicidal depression.
To be seen...
to be seen