Rigeta is a warrior-type Namekian, and is set to appear in Dragon Ball: Descendant.
Design: Rigeta resembles most Namekians, especially Piccolo. Rigeta is a tall, muscular Namekian, standing at 7 feet tall, he is a darker, more faded shade of green. He mostly wears clothing from Earth, as he wears a brown leather jacket, black, fingerless gloves, brown pants(as Americans call them).
Personality: Rigeta shows traits similar to other Namekians, being fond of nature, often protecting it when needed. Rigeta displays a slightly more rational side, as he developed a rivalry with Friddge, as seeing members of Friezas race reminds him of the destruction of Namek. Rigeta is shown to have a deep friendship with Greetra, a dinosaur-like spawn of King Piccolo who decided to fight alongside Goten, Trunks, and the other protagonists of the upcoming show.
Abilites and Techniques:
- Physical Capabilites, Rigeta is shown to be extremely deadly when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.
- Durability, Rigeta is quite durable, being able to withstand most attacks from his opponents.
- Regeneration.
- Agility, as Rigeta can dodge most attacks with relative ease.
- To be added.
- Rigetas name comes from “arigeta”, meaning Alligator in another language, which just so happens to be another green, somewhat reptillian creature.
- Rigeta's PL is 70 trillion, same as Broly.