Recoome is a member of the Ginyu Force. He is the most flamboyant member as he is seen striking poses more often in battle than Captain Ginyu himself, and generally behaving in a deceptively goofy manner. He is the altered timeline that Recoome arrives at Frieza Force along with the Ginyu Force members.
(See this picture)
Recoome: altered has a same personality of his main timeline during Beyley's time traveling.
Dark Frieza Saga[]
During Ginyu ordered his comrades to search the planets to conquer, Recoome senses someone's energy and decide to quick go to the Planet Namek without Ginyu's notices. With arrival on Planet Namek, Recoome pops out from his space pod and jumps into the ground where he sensing someone's energy.Abilities[]
He has a same attacks like his main timeline counterpart.