This article, Raz the Demon Saiyan, is the property of Mortal Reminder616. |
Raz is Demon/Saiyan Hybrid who serves the Dark Empire along side his wife Towa & best friends Chilla & Reptile.
Raz is a semi-chaotic young man who enjoys fighting & destroying for sport & for the Dark Empire. He knows there is a time & a place for his thrust for combat & wont impulsively do so but he does have a bat habit of not being serious when he should be, often cracking jokes or not paying attention. But when he is serious, he’s known for getting things done.
Raz is also is known for his dark sense of humor, laughing at things that no sane person should laugh at.
Raz seems to also have an affinity for older women. This has been apparent by adamantly listening to Towa. Even before she married him, Raz guarded some as the most beautiful women in history as Bulma & Chi-Chi.
Preternatural Skills-[]
- Magic: Raz is very skilled at Magic is considered a master at it. While he admits he's not the best mage, he's still able to match mages like Moro.
- Manipulation Sorcery
- Energy Absorption: Raz can absorb all forms of energy
- Conjuration: Raz can conjure various constructs from nothing.
- Dark Magic: Raz was taught Dark Magic by Towa & is able to infect other fighters with Dark Energy.
- Qigong: Raz is a master of controlling his Ki. He's spent years training & cultivation, Raz has 1 of the most powerful qigong practitioners in existence.
- Spirit Control: Raz can perform advanced Ki manipulation which grants him various abilities.
- Self-Size Manipulation:
- Reality Manipulation:
- Forced Spirit Fission:
- Elementokinesis:
- Materiokinesis:
- Cloning:
- Ki Perception: Raz has the ability to perceive through Ki. He he has developed his Ki sensing abilities more than the average warrior resulting in unusual abilities.
- Flash-Precognition:
- Retrocognition:
- Radar Sense:
- Godly Ki Sense: The ability to sense ki and power levels.
- Telekinesis: Raz has immense telekinetic power being able to move galaxies.
- Telepathy: Raz can communicate with others using his mind. He can also read the minds of others too.
- Ki Blast:
- Flight: The ability to take flight through the manipulation of ki. Combined with his ability to survive the vacuum of space and his tremendous speed, Raz has no need for space craft.
- Kiai: Raz can affects the air currents around him with ki to produce powerful shockwaves in order to strike the opponent. He's very proficient with this power being able to preform various application of Concussive Force & Vibration Manipulation.
- Spirit Control: Raz can perform advanced Ki manipulation which grants him various abilities.
Combat Skills-[]
- Brawling Proficiency: Raz is very proficient in unorganized brawling & often mixes it with his martial arts in order to be unreadable.
- Martial Arts Mastery: Raz is a master martial artist who has trained for years & has trained against some of the most skilled martial artists in history. As a result, he’s become 1 of the best fighters in history being able to compete against to take on both Goku & Vegeta themselves in terms of skill. Raz’s martial arts is a mixture of Muay Thai, Pankration, & Taekwondo.
Cognitive Skills-[]
- Combat Perception: Raz is able to analyze his opponents & understand how they fight.
- Muscle Mimic: Raz can mimic almost any attack he sees.
- Creativity: Raz is extremely creative & is part of the reason why he's so powerful. With his creativity, he's experimented with his ki control in & as a result of his consent experimentation with his ki, he has learned to preform many feats with his Ki that most never even knew possible.
Over All Power:
Mutated Primordial Saiyan/Demon Realm Race Physiology: Raz's Saiyan heritage is of the Primordial Saiyans due to being Zekeeni's clone. His Demon heritage is of the Demon Realm race. Along with this, he’s been genetically altered. The mix of these 2 races end up with an extremely powerful creature:
- Primordial Saiyan/Dark Energy/Evil Ki: Raz's Ki is very unique with it already be naturally dark (crimson/black) but also being a unique mixture of Ancient Saiyan Ki & Dark Energy.
- Saiyan Power: A genetic trait that continually lets a Saiyan increase in raw might and general performance against adversity, either by recovering from great injuries or enduring great struggle in battle. Raz's can access this power via his rage (which is boundless). Raz's however is much more advanced. He can augment his power mid-battle. When he does use this trait (either mid-battle or normally), the power boost is notably significant. He can also use it to evade attacks that have previously almost killed him.
- Supernatural Regeneration: Raz can use Saiyan Power mid-battle to heal his wounds. This basically grants him a healing factor so potent it renders him almost immortal.
- Atmospheric Adaption: Raz was genetically altered to not have a Saiyans main weakness, not being able to survive the vacuum of space. Raz can withstand the vacuum of space with no issue & combined with his flight, he can transverse the universe with ease.
Combat Techniques-[]
- Onslaught: Raz will surge his arms with red electricity. He then can claw his opponent, slicing them in various ways. He can also dismember them in various ways.
- Super Dark Kamehameha
- One-Handed Dark Kamehameha
- Bending Dark Kamehameha
- Towa: