Ran is a playable character in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 5. She is a villain and was a hero until she got stuck in her Super Saiyan form. She was so powerful in her Super Saiyan form that she manipulated people into giving her more power then she destroyed them. Her species is Saiyan of course and she has never transfomed out of her ssj form and has never went higher. Goku has tried to take her down but she always escaped and got stronger. Ran destroyed her parents when she got stuck in her Super Saiyan form because both of her parents have transformed into Super Saiyans so she thought it was their fault. Ran can create her own androids to destroy people or capture them so she can manipulate their power. Cell has e
ven tried to absorb her to rule the world but she manipulated his power. She is also available in Dragon Ball: Super Blast.