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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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This page, Rambutala, is property of KidVegeta.

character image
ラムブタラ, Ramubutara
Detailed Information:
Appearances: Monkeyboy's First Vacation
Nicknames: Agent-R
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Central City, Earth
Birthdate: November 3, Age 732
Date of Death: June 13, Age 776
Birth Power Level: 0.0001
Maximum Power Level: 8
Personal Pronouns: わたし
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 143.6 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Rank: Recon expert
Organizations: New Red Ribbon Army (Age 752 - Age 776)
Favorite Food: Halibut soft tacos
Favorite Vehicle: NRRA helicopter
Hobbies: Online blackjack, playing guitar, getting "massages"
Family: Nhobusa (boss)
Vestigia (comrade)
Zeshmedinokov (comrade)
Morucan (comrade)
Tresparson (comrade)

Rambutala (ラムブタラ, Ramubutara), is a human who comes from Central City. He joined the New Red Ribbon Army at the age of 20 and was transferred to the Crimson Fingers to monitor the Makyan presence in the region. He worked there for the rest of his life. He is featured as a secondary character in Monkeyboy's First Vacation.



Rambutala is a sallow-skinned man with long black hair that is slightly curly on the sides. He is of average height and weight. Rambu sports a thin mustache and goatee. Like most SAARO agents, he wears a black-and-white suit, black gloves, and a dark pair of sunglasses when out in public. He has two pistols on him at all times (one holstered on his belt, the other strapped to his left ankle).


Rambutala is a sly, haughty man. He is highly driven and resourceful, which is a big reason why Nhobusa uses him for recon and deception to advance the New Red Ribbon Army's goals. While he appears outwardly friendly to Jia, in reality, he's misogynistic and only cares about one aspect of her being, as seen in chapter 4 of Monkeyboy's First Vacation, when he attempts to have his way with her before executing her. He drinks the most alcohol of any SAARO agent, though he swears he's not an alcoholic. He's a fairly good shot but less inclined to fight than Vestigia, Morucan, and Tresparson. He's extroverted and loves to party. More so than other members of SAARO, he's known across the Crimson Fingers, spending most of his time on Hosomaki or Raskintown. Rambu has a significant vice for getting massages that finish with a happy ending.


Monkeyboy's First Vacation[]

In the sixth scene of chapter 1, on June 9, Age 776, Shoekki, Ryori, and Ledas went to the Sea of Clouds Onsen before returning home. While they enjoyed a nice soak, a man entered the room, making a beeline to them, and entering the pool nearby. The man broke the awkward tension in the air by conversing with Shoekki. He warned them to stick together when they left so the skinchangers wouldn't get them. Ryori didn't believe in the skinchangers, but the man was convinced something was out there, be it human hitmen or demons.

He asked them if they were packing heat. Foolishly, Shoekki admitted they weren't. The man told them to be careful, for tourists were the easiest prey. Ledas asked the man why they were called skinchangers. He revealed that the skinchangers could assume the appearance of their last victims, which was often how they lured prey to their doom. Not long after, the boys decided to pack in for the night, leaving the floating man behind.

In the third scene of chapter 3, on the evening of June 12, Age 776, after Ledas and Ryori participated in the all-you-can-eat competition, they noticed Shoekki entertaining a group of girls at a table while Jia talked to a man Ledas recognized at another table. That guy was the one who'd talked to them in the Sea of Clouds Onsen.

In the fourth scene, that night, Ryori got up to use the restroom. On his way back, he heard voices coming from the hallway outside his room. Jia was talking with a man, pointing a pistol at him. Ryori freaked out, though he held his tongue. She told the man he wasn't taking Ledas. He was surprised, thinking that had been the plan. She promised to shoot him if he tried, offering to let him go if he backed off. The man was unwilling to abandon his mission. Jia said that Ledas wasn't evil, hadn't done anything to harm the planet, and that there was no reason to kill him. The man said that Ledas had destroyed his organization's lab, which Jia clarified had been an act of self-defense. Ryori didn't know what the hell was going on. The man called her a rat.

Before she could respond, Jia slumped over. A second man appeared behind her, pulling a syringe out of her back. He told the other man to affix the device, whatever that meant. He disappeared into Ryori's room, dragging Ledas out moments later by his tail, a strange crown-like thing attached to his head. The other man slung Jia over his shoulder.

They left the house. Ryori couldn't help but follow. He had to stop them somehow. The men exited out the back door, going down the dock. He shadowed them. They were preoccupied, talking to one another. He wasn't seen as he followed them to their boat. After they boarded it, he waited for them to descend below deck before jumping overboard. He leapt under a tarp, knowing that no matter what, he couldn't allow those guys to kill Ledas and Jia. He'd die before letting that happen.

In the first scene of chapter 4, in the wee hours of June 13, Age 776, the New Red Ribbon Army boat containing Jia, Ledas, and Ryori (unbeknownst to Nhobusa and Rambutala) arrived at Asazari. The men took their prisoners into the outpost while Ryori hid underneath a tarp. He waited a while before following them in.

He found himself in a tunnel where a large metal door prevented him from entering. Thinking he was screwed, Ryori noticed a small booth to the left with monitors on inside (although the light was off). He snuck over, opening the door as quietly as he could. A woman was asleep in front of a wall of monitors showing camera feeds of the island. He spotted the men on the feed in the telescope observatory talking with another guy in a white lab coat, Jia and Ledas lying unconscious at their feet. He realized he was on Asazari, thinking it weird these guys were government operatives.

In the second scene, a few minutes later, Nhobusa ordered Zesh to wake Jia and Ledas. Zesh injected them with a serum to remove the sedatives from their systems. They stirred, growing confused when they got their bearings straight. Ledas didn't know where he was. Nhobusa told him that didn't matter, as he'd be dead soon. He told him the New Red Ribbon Army did not forget what he had done to them. Ledas would pay for those he'd killed.

When the boy got to his feet, Zesh turned on the ki-restraining device, sending an electrical charge through his body. He fell to his knees, crying in pain as his own ki was used against him. Jia called him a monster. Nhobusa sarcastically welcomed her back to the realm of the living. She reminded him King Furry had ordered them to stand down against Ledas, but Nhobusa wasn't having it. He didn't take orders from Furry and would soon overthrow him if things went according to plan.

He ordered Rambutala to record Jia's meltdown so they could watch it later while sipping champagne. He told Jia she had been naive to fall to their simple trick in the Ohano house. Her betrayal would have karmic repercussions. Ledas didn't understand how she knew these men. Jia admitted they were colleagues. Nhobusa clarified that she was a member of the New Red Ribbon Army. Their main goal since Age 774 had been finding a way to kill Ledas. She had known about it the whole time. Nhobusa tried to turn Ledas against her, but he wasn't having it, saying he trusted Jia completely and wouldn't fall for their crap.

Nhobusa admitted that after Cardinal had died, he had become the New Red Ribbon Army's leader. Jia reported directly to him. Ledas was startled to hear of Cardinal's demise. Rambu found it hilarious Jia hadn't told him about it. Nhobusa questioned why Jia hadn't told Ledas about the plan to kidnap him that night, as she had known about it beforehand. He wasn't swayed, saying he'd talk with her about it after killing them. Nhobusa wasn't concerned, thinking Ledas couldn't harm them with Zesh's ki-restraining device impairing him.

Zesh increased the device's power, causing an electrical field to form around Ledas, frying his body with his own energy. He fell to the ground screaming. Jia begged them to stop hurting him. Nhobusa reminded her that they were getting revenge for Ledas killing Cardinal, Oscalpano, Dewberry, Kindler, Morucan, Tresparson, and all the rest. There would be no peace, no reconciliation. Jia didn't understand why they were torturing Ledas instead of just shooting him or throwing him into the ocean, but Nhobusa dismissed her concerns, stating there was only one way they could kill him for certain (as the ki-restraining device didn't remove Ledas' muscles, reaction time, and general durability).

He whistled. A moment later, Chervil and a host of his elite soldiers two dozen strong entered the room. Nhobusa shook Chervil's hand while Jia gawked at him. Nhobusa gave the order for the Makyan to kill the boy. Chervil was most eager to oblige, for he was avenging those of his people Ledas had killed. Nhobusa implored Jia to watch as Rambutala tossed her away from the action. Chervil's minions formed a circle around him and Ledas. Ledas rose to his feet despite the pain he was feeling, facing his opponent with tenacious resolve. Ledas told Chervil he had no hope of beating him, which the Makyan laughed off as childish hubris.

Chervil elbowed him, beginning their cataclysmic fight. Ledas retaliated with an uppercut (much of the room was destroyed in the process). The pair exchanged blows, leveling severe hits upon one another without letting up. Nhobusa was surprised Ledas could keep up with Chervil even with the ki-restraining device operating at nearly maximum power. Neither one had much defense. They took a lot of hits. The telescope was destroyed during their clash, which made Nhobusa wince. He knew that'd require a lot of zeni to replace.

Because of Chervil's broken hand, he had to work extra hard to hit and parry, and it wasn't long before his stamina was running low. As time wore on, Ledas got the better of the exchanges, landing blow after decisive blow against his opponent. It wasn't long before Chervil was running on fumes. He approached the Saiyan after taking a bad hit, goading him. Ledas didn't answer, instead throwing himself at the Makyan once more. They rose into the air, exchanging blows at a rate Nhobusa couldn't comprehend. What he could see confirmed his worst fear—Ledas had more stamina, more power, more discipline, and probably more experience. He was slowly wearing away at the King of the Demons. He realized Ledas would've destroyed Chervil had the ki-restraining device not been active.

Having had enough, Chervil fired an icy blast of ki from his mouth at Ledas, who didn't attempt to block it. The attack rolled over him, encasing him in a frosty prison, freezing him solid. Chervil took a victory lap to the applause of his crew. Jia became hysterical. The other demons praised Chervil's cunning. Chervil said Ledas hadn't known who he was dealing with, causing him to pay the ultimate price.

As if on cue, the floor rumbled, the air grew hot, and Ledas burst from his icy tomb with an echoing scream. Furiously, he called Chervil a cheap shot artist and a coward, demanding he fight him for real. Chervil wasn't one to take orders. He powered up his Freezing Breath again. Ledas charged him down, mirroring his previous action.

However, when Chervil unleashed his attack, Ledas back-flipped, rising to the air, and created a pearlescent half-bubble of energy to deflect the attack. He shot a kiai through the bubble to angle the attack right back at Chervil, entombing him in ice. Without remorse, Ledas smashed Chervil across the face with a spinning back heel, shattering his head and killing him. His minions were most upset. They attacked at once, though he tore through them with ease, taking only a blow or two to eliminate each one in a whirlwind of attacks.

Ledas landed before Nhobusa, turning his sights on him. Zesh protected him by sending the ki-restraining device into overdrive (and risking it overheating), which caused Ledas to fall to his knees again, recalibrating against the pain. Nhobusa congratulated him for defeating the Makyans, saying it had been his plan all along to use Ledas to rid the world of their presence (which was partially true). Ledas was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why Nhobusa hadn't hired him to kill them if that were the case. Nevertheless, he wouldn't forgive Nhobusa for abducting him and Jia.

Nhobusa was unfazed, telling Zesh to end the boy's misery. Ledas whirled around, focusing on the doctor when Nhobusa shot him in the back with a tranquilizer. Ledas tried to shoot a Finger Beam at him but couldn't. He threw himself at Nhobusa but fell unconscious in the air, skidding to the ground harmlessly.

Nhobusa declared victory, ordering Rambutala to drag Jia away. Jia begged for them to show mercy to the boy, but Nhobusa wasn't having it. He activated the intercontinental ballistic missile, which rose from the floor. He explained to Jia that the only way they could ensure Ledas' death would be to hurl him into the sun. Zesh unscrewed the door and threw Ledas into the missile before retreating with Nhobusa, Rambutala, and (unwillingly) Jia out of the room. They watched from the hallway window. Nhobusa pressed another button, and the missile shot into the sky, bathing the room in fire upon its exit.

He threw Zesh the remote, feeling a deep sense of relief. Rambu whined that he had been promised a fun time with Jia. Nhobusa granted him that final dishonor, though he reminded him Jia would have to end up in the ocean at the end. Realizing what was about to happen to her, Jia fought and cried. Didn't make a difference. Nhobusa reminded her that betraying the New Red Ribbon Army had consequences. She would reap what she sowed.

In the third scene, a few minutes later, Ryori reached the hallway outside of the telescope observatory. He watched quite a bit of the Ledas and Chervil fight before witnessing Zesh stuff the Saiyan in the intercontinental ballistic missile. Then, Nhobusa shot him off into space. He was numb. Rambutala dragged Jia down the hall. Ryori hid behind a stack of boxes. As they passed, Jia and Ryori's eyes met. He silently implored her to remain quiet with a finger over his lips. Terrorized though she was, she honored his request.

In the fourth scene, after Ledas returned to Earth, he asked Ryori where Jia was. Ryori said another NRRA soldier had carried her off, though he didn't know where they were. Ledas closed his eyes, sensing for her. Locking onto her location, he shot off, tearing through walls and rooms to reach her as quick as he could. The sedatives in his bloodstream drove him with desperation. He didn't have long before he fell asleep. He had to end this now.

When he came upon Rambu, the man was holding a shot glass and a bottle of alcohol. Jia was chained to a bed. It was clear what was about to happen. Ledas knocked him over upon entering. Rambutala rolled over, unholstering his pistol. Ledas killed him with a Finger Beam from his tail before he could do anything.


  • Rambutala is the final agent in the New Red Ribbon Army to be killed.