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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Psi Dabura, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Psi Dabura (サイダーブラ Saidābura) is the EX-Fusion of Psi Devilman and Dabura.


Psi Dabura is as tall as Dabura while gaining sclera become a darker pink colour and gaining a dark-coloured pupil-less irides in both his eyes. He has Psi Devilman's facial shape with Dabura's beard and red markings around his eyes while his face, ears, hands, and exposed chest are blue. He has Dabura's Dark Potaras while the rest of his upperbody was red along with his wings being red and black. He has Psi's horns which curved similar to Frieza's Second Form while lower body his dark pink while the bands around his forearms and lower legs are pastel pink. He doesn't have a tail, but has white-tipped black boots.


While having a personality that's comprised of both of them, however, his personality seems to lean more towards Dabura's personality as he is very sadistic in terms of his battle actions and methods of disposing of enemies.


Dragon Ball Advanced[]

Super Bardock Saga[]

After deciding to work with Time Patrol to defeat their common foe - Psi Devilman and Dabura used the Metamo-Ring that Psi had stolen in order to fuse into Psi Dabura.


The individual powers and magic of Dabura's Demon God Second Version and Psi's Super Devil 2 states combine together and significantly increased.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki or with his wings.
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of ki.
  • Magic - The ability to use magic.
    • Seeds of Evil - A magical ability in which Psi Dabura summons powerful bolts of lightning from the sky to strike his opponent and cause them to undone manipulation sorcery.
    • Gluttonous Dread - A magical ability in which Psi Dabura transform all latent life energy from a person and/or planet into marble-sized energy spheres and launch them at into the area causing explosions with size that is disproportionate to the size of the spheres.
      • Toxic Greed - A magical ability in which he draws in the energy spheres that he created to create a boulder-sized energy sphere which he imbues with magical powers that can poison his enemies.
    • Sudden Sloth - A magical ability which causes his target to trick the mind into believing that one is exhausted.
    • Agonising Wrath - A magical ability in which he wraps his target in magical energy and proceeded to induce intense pain to them used via his spear.
    • Golden Pride - A magical ability in which he taps the ground with his spear before pointing his spear at his opponent which causes a surge of golden energy to engulf his target causing significant damage.
  • Sphere of Energy - An energy sphere that Psi Dabura tried to use but Gosuto destroyed before he could follow through.
  • Double Axe Handle - A standard rush attack that Psi Dabura can use.
  • Giant Evil Impulse - An energy sphere attack used by Psi Dabura in Giant Demon God.

Forms and Transformations[]

Super Devil 2/Demon God Second Version[]

A hybrid variation of Psi's Super Devil 2 and Dabura's Demon God Second Version - combining the powers together and is the base form of Psi Dabura. As a result - he has a black, purple, white, and red aura which was jagged and flame-like.

Giant Demon God[]

Main article: Giant Demon God (SSJJ)

A transformation in which Psi Dabura becomes a Great Ape-sized Demon God as a using all the kiri that he could produce.

In this form - his bottom snout, front-side of neck, hands, insides of his ears, his tail except the tip, and portion of his chest was blue. The rest of his body was red along with him having red and black wings. He retains Psi Devilman's horn which have become black and gains a reddish-white aura.
