This article, Planet Wood, is the property of Wuu1h. |

Planet Wood was a planet discovered by the ancient Woodpeckers. They inhabited the planet and managed to adapt to the flora of the Planet, which had many large trees. Gradually the woodpeckers built a city on this planet until something unexpected happened: the planet was invaded by numerous termites from Mars, who devoured and rotted most of the planet's trees, not to mention that they also devastated the city. The Woodpeckers did not like the position of the termites and decided to fight a war with the termites, the war lasted several days, and in the end the termites lost. The Woodpeckers stole the termites old rockets and abandoned Planet Wood. The Woodpeckers then found the Earth decided to live on it, the flora of the Earth was very reminiscent of the flora of the Planet Wood, the Woodpeckers then decided to stay, but away from human civilization, and then they started living in the forests of the Earth
Flora and etc
Planet Wood has flora similar to that of Earth. Planet Wood has giant trees and is inhabited by alien ants and woodpeckers. The planet has great peaks and also has volcanic areas, the planet also has several islands that are located in a large ocean.