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This page, Planet Trade Organization Rebels, is property of KidVegeta.

Planet Trade Organization Rebels

Age 738




Cooler's region



Main Members:

Lenomi (†)
Planet Trade Organization rebels




The Planet Trade Organization Rebels were a group of former soldiers in Cooler's armies. They were actively engaged in trying to kill Cooler and destroy the Planet Trade Organization as a whole during the Lauto Saga of Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten. They were eventually destroyed by Digranite in volume II of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Planet Trade Organization.


In Age 739, a small group of these rebels was first seen attempting to recruit a strong warrior, Banas, to their ranks during a planet-clearing operation on Planet Cooler 403. He rejected their offer and killed them. Some years later, the rebels dispatched a team of their soldiers to Planet Cooler 092 in order to enact revenge on Banas. After those forces were pushed back, Guva, the governor of that planet, ordered his elite soldiers to find the rebels and eradicate them. From hacking into the ships of the defeated rebels, The Plantains were able to find where the rebels came from, and they immediately set out to kill them. Each of the Plantains who went to the rebel hideout (Ledas, Lieme, Payar, and Meloon) had a small army of Saibamen in their possession to help them fight off the numerous soldiers.

The rebels were located on a vanadium mining rig owned by the Planet Trade Organization. The Plantains snuck aboard the rig and then set loose their Saibamen to attack the rebels. It didn't take long for the Plantains to completely destroy the rebel forces. Ledas dueled with the strongest member of the installation, Lenomi, and killed her. However, as Lenomi did not seem to be a leader herself and the number of rebels on the vanadium mine was relatively low, it was assumed that they were merely a part of the rebel cause, and not the entirety of it.

Later, in order avert suspicion about his own rebellious tendencies (which were, admittedly, nonexistent) Banas took Ledas taken to Cooler's Capitol Planet, The Stomping Grounds. After the captain declared Ledas a rebel, Cooler's high councilors began to interrogate him. What was noted at that time was that Ledas was neither the first suspected rebel being questioned nor the last. There were numerous other potential rebels being interrogated concurrently with the Saiyan boy. This showed how seriously Cooler took the threat of the rebels. He even eventually showed up and fought Ledas himself, trying to force Ledas to tell him where the main rebel base of operations was. Of course, since Ledas wasn't a rebel, he couldn't tell Cooler and had to flee before dying at the hands of the Arcosian.

Known Members[]

KidVegeta's factions
Planet Trade Organization factions King Cold's EmpireCooler's EmpireHaimaru's EmpireFrieza's EmpireKuriza's EmpireNitro's EmpireYuki's EmpireArcterial's EmpireIcer's EmpireKatchiguri ForceThe PlantainsAbo and Kado's Elite ForcePlanet Trade Organization Rebels
Earth factions Z FightersCapsule Corp. Security ForceMasamune/MasamuneSolipsist ColonyMakare's BandIboinoshishi SchoolRed Ribbon ArmyRed Ribbon Army RemnantNew Red Ribbon ArmyChàoxing GonMorizakura-gumiChildren of ChaosSons of PiccoloRed Dragon BrotherhoodDragons of the DawnShallot's crewNight SnakesWolfe's WingsWhite TigersNegative Utilitarianism LeagueShunko OnsenStarchasers
Alien/other factions First Generation GodsSecond Generation GodsDamani DominionVenyi AcademyCorvos LeagueElder CircleMajin MaraudersMajin CultPriests of AmoonThe Faceless WarriorsKonatsian ProtectorsSaiyan EmpireTigahl EmpireFaerin EmpireGalactrix ArenaSlagg's CrewIce BreathersObliteration NationTuffle governmentZhukin's tribeNappa's tribeDogom's tribeVegeta's tribeZorn's tribeParagus' tribeCreissa's tribeNindagoDemon Realm Royal FamilyExperimental VanguardCrimson EmpireZalama's TriumvirateTelnauki EmpireHealth at Every ConsciousnessThe Pink TacoMohane EmpireBichibichi's