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This page, Planet Frieza 294, is property of KidVegeta.

Planet Frieza 294

Planet Frieza 294
Featured in Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten

Feeding Time


Pronunciation plan-it freez-ah too huhn-drid nahyn-tee-fawr
Parent star type G-type main-sequence
Orbital characteristics
Orbital period 562.3 d
Satellites 3
Satellite names Meyino, Helnu Oer, Buhavn
Physical characteristics
Equatorial radius 5201.3 km
Polar radius 5183.9 km
Surface area 22.9% land
87.1% water
Mass 1.90814×1025 kg
3.2 M
Equatorial surface gravity 47.0736 m/s2
4.8 g
Axial tilt 25.71°
Surface temperature
Minimum −37.1 °C
Mean 8.6 °C
Maximum 40.7°C
Composition 65.44% nitrogen (N2)
22.71% oxygen (O2)
8.57% argon
2.01% carbon dioxide (CO2)
1.12% water vapor (H2O)
0.15% trace elements
Sentient Species Unnamed natives, Planet Trade Organization members
Sentient species 1 population 0
Sentient species 2 population 329
Number of major cities 193 (natives), 4 (resettlement)
Technology level Tier 6 (natives), Tier 2 (resettlement)

Planet Frieza 294 is a Planet Trade Organization-controlled world. It is in Lord Frieza's territory.


This planet was conquered by Vegeta and Ledas shortly before the Genocide of the Saiyans. They did not much struggle with its native population, as they were weak, amphibious creatures. Most of the world was covered in marshlands, with the inland areas being hilly grasslands. This planet does not have many trees. Its oceans are not very deep and are all saltwater. There is no freshwater on the planet.

After being conquered, the planet was added to Frieza's territory as a mining world, and was later reinforced with several outposts. Larzune farms were added into the inland areas, although this world never became one of the more important food producing wolds in Frieza's empire.

During the events of Feeding Time, Naemi visited this outpost. She killed and fed on all 588 Planet Trade Organization soldiers before leaving, which resulted in her galactic bounty being raised to ₩90,000,000. The planet was resettled with a population of 329 three years later.

In Age 778, Somen visited this world and found it overrun with space pirates.

Notable facts[]


  • Planet Frieza 294's native population:
    • At height: 4,157,940,337
    • At lowest point: 0.
  • Planet Frieza 294's Planet Trade Organization population:
    • At height: 588.
    • At lowest point: 0.


Planet Frieza 294 is still around.

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