Dragonball Fanon Wiki

RIP Akira Toriyama. The legend of your being will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki


May 9, Age 753. Goku and King Piccolo's fight is over. Goku is seriously injured. He has two broken legs and a broken left arm. Tien Shinhan is hurt and tired. I can't do the mafuba because the container is broken, but I fought Drum and exhausted him. Piccolo is going to kill Goku, then kill Tien. 

But Goku can still fight his right arm is unharmed, Piccolo sees how Goku using a Kamehame has to propel himself, Goku is reaching where Piccolo is, then puts his fist forward with the intention of crossing Piccolo.

Goku"Acabare contigo"

Goku "I'll kill you"

Piccolo's first impulse is to put his efferent arms and return the attack but he quickly changes his mind to a better one and at the last moment he dodges Goku.

Goku "Oh no" says the young "earthling" who is totally exposed to Piccolo not only does not know how to fly is exhausted in that attack he used all the Ki he had left to fight. Piccolo smiles mischievously and throws a burst of Ki on his back, seriously damaging the "earthling" and then kicks his chin and uses his best attack on Makosen, giving Goku a full blow. Goku has passed out, Piccolo holds him by the foot and then throws him away.

Goku falls in a forest, the trees he finds in his fall, finally Goku falls to the ground seriously injured and passed out.

In the battlefield King Piccolo rejoices in his victory.

Piccolo "Did you really think you could do something against the King of demons Piccolo? Poor unhappy, I will finally take care of that man who has 3 eyes then I will take care of the Western Capital, hahaha"

Piccolo goes down to the ground and stands in front of TenShian.

TenShian "I will not beg you damn bastard"

Piccolo "In fact you'll feel like begging human damn ..." Piccolo spits in his face.

Piccolo "You will be dead" Piccolo using his technique the Soumasen (laser eye attack) pierces the two kidneys of Ten Shian causing him to spit blood and is dying several seconds until he died bleeding his last words were "Chiaotzu

... I'm sorry I can't avenge your death ... but we'll see each other again "Ten Shin smiles when he says this and falls dead on his knees.

King Piccolo "Pathetic"

Yajirobe, who saw Piccolo kill TenShian, runs away at full speed in his car, however Lunch, Yamcha and Bulma did not have the same fate.

Piccolo leaves the hole where he killed Ten Shian and sees 3 Earthlings: Bulma, Lunch and Yamcha.

Piccolo "Maybe I should have a little more fun" he says smiling.

Yamcha gets ahead a little and gets in front of Bulma and Lunch.

Yamcha swallows and puts himself in combat position.
