Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Original Future Goten (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Original Future Goten

Moto Mirai no Son Goten
Manga name Original Future Goten
Alternate names Future Goten
Future Son Goten
Son Goten
Debut Fanga: "Demon Realm Invasion Saga"
Appears in
Race 1/2 Saiyan-1/2 Human-type Earthling
Gender Male
Date of birth Age 800
Status Alive
Address 439 East District
Occupation Martial Artist
Martial Artist Teacher
Allegiance Future Dragon Team
  • Goten (main timeline counterpart)
  • Future Goten (alternate timeline counterpart)
  • Future Goku (father)
  • Future Chi-Chi (mother)
  • Future Gohan (brother)
  • Future Pan (niece)
  • Future Bulla (bestfriend)
  • Naraku (mentor)
  • Original Future Goten or simply Future Goten is the son of Future Goku and Future Chi-Chi after they revived and their timeline was restored.


    Future Goten wears a green trench-coat similar to Future Trunks with a yellow T-Shirt underneath, purple pants and golden boots along with brown gloves. His hair is spiky, straight, and titled.


    Future Goten is kind-hearted and considerate of others while mature while preferring training over most things. Similaritiy between his present counterpart and himself are; he's love of bikes, fun-loving, and well mannered.


    • Flight
    • Ki Blast and Sensing
    • Kamehameha
      • Super Kamehameha
    • Risking it all for Friend

    Forms and Trasnformations[]

    Super Saiyan[]

    Future Goten managed to obtain Super Saiyan following intense training with Future Goku. However, he wasn't as proficient with it as Goku had become, and required extra training with Future Kami to reach his full potential.

    = Future Super Saiyan[]

    By using the powers his gained from Naraku; he managed to obtain Future Super Saiyan while he was in an energy clash against Shroom. He was able to increase his support by a fraction, and nearly helped over power him before Shroom gained the upperhand by blasting Future Pan away.
