Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Omni & Melait: Alternate Universes Ep 1. Yandere Ball: Metraxis Supreme, is the property of OmniOtaku.

This page, Omni & Melait: Alternate Universes Ep 1. Yandere Ball: Metraxis Supreme, is property of Creeperman129.

Dbz Cooler 002

This article is currently under construction and is incomplete at the moment.

Just felt like doing this one day. This is basically a high school anime with DBMS, DBSH and DBZ characters in it.

The Dream[]

Aya the Yandere[]

Aya-Chan's alarm goes off and shes springs out of bed in a hurry and gets ready quickly.

20 mins later...

Aya-Chan: No! I'll be late for school!

Aya runs around a corner into Omni-Kun and she knocks her and him onto the floor. Omni-Kun stands up and helps up Aya-Chan.

After Summer[]

Omni-Kun and Melait-San are walking towards school.

Melait-San: So, here we are, our first day back at School. Omni-Kun, did you finish your homework over the summer.

Omni-Kun: Oh crapbaskets, I forgot about that
