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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Off the Stratosphere, is the property of Hyper Zergling.

Off the Stratosphere
Debut End of Another Emperor
Appears in Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series
Inventor Cuber
Users Cuber
Class Rush Attack / Explosive Wave
Color       &       &      

Off the Stratosphere is an attack used by Cuber in his Super Saiyan transformation.


In one swift sequence and in order, Cuber hits the opponent with a Drill Kick, vertically launches the opponent with a Shine Burst, kicks the opponent back down with another Drill Kick, vertically launches the opponent again with a Shine Burst, and then finishes off with a blue-white Super Explosive Wave, inflicting massive amounts of damage.


After becoming a Super Saiyan for the first time due to witnessing Nitro seemingly-fatally wound Chaiva, Cuber swiftly kills Nitro with this attack, leaving only elementary particles.
