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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This page, Nitro's Empire, is property of KidVegeta.

Nitro's Empire



September 3, Age 766


Eastern and Southern territories


Nitro (†)

Main Members:

Nitro (†)
Fassfu (†)


King Cold's Empire
Cooler's Empire
Frieza's Empire
Arcterial's Empire
Icer's Empire


Nitro's Empire is the territory of the Planet Trade Organization which is overseen by Nitro. During the imperial maximum (before Frieza and King Cold's deaths), his was the smallest territory of the three sons of King Cold. This was due to him being the youngest son. Upon his death in Age 766, his territory was transferred to his daughter Yuki, continuing on as Yuki's Empire.


In Age 745, Nitro came to Tuhak Ecli to purchase Chaiva from the Galactrix Arena. He offered ₩500,000 for her to Sowrspot. The Faerin would take no less than ₩3,000,000, so he killed her and broke Chaiva out of her holding cell. Afterwards, Chaiva became one of his elite warriors. The emperor soon tasked Nroop, his scientist, with creating a half-Saiyan, half-Arcosian hybrid daughter for him from Chaiva and Nitro's cells.

Known members[]

Subjugated species[]

Planets controlled[]

KidVegeta's factions
Planet Trade Organization factions King Cold's EmpireCooler's EmpireHaimaru's EmpireFrieza's EmpireKuriza's EmpireNitro's EmpireYuki's EmpireArcterial's EmpireIcer's EmpireKatchiguri ForceThe PlantainsAbo and Kado's Elite ForcePlanet Trade Organization Rebels
Earth factions Z FightersCapsule Corp. Security ForceMasamune/MasamuneSolipsist ColonyMakare's BandIboinoshishi SchoolRed Ribbon ArmyRed Ribbon Army RemnantNew Red Ribbon ArmyChàoxing GonMorizakura-gumiChildren of ChaosSons of PiccoloRed Dragon BrotherhoodDragons of the DawnShallot's crewNight SnakesWolfe's WingsWhite TigersNegative Utilitarianism LeagueShunko OnsenStarchasers
Alien/other factions First Generation GodsSecond Generation GodsDamani DominionVenyi AcademyCorvos LeagueElder CircleMajin MaraudersMajin CultPriests of AmoonThe Faceless WarriorsKonatsian ProtectorsSaiyan EmpireTigahl EmpireFaerin EmpireGalactrix ArenaSlagg's CrewIce BreathersObliteration NationTuffle governmentZhukin's tribeNappa's tribeDogom's tribeVegeta's tribeZorn's tribeParagus' tribeCreissa's tribeNindagoDemon Realm Royal FamilyExperimental VanguardCrimson EmpireZalama's TriumvirateTelnauki EmpireHealth at Every ConsciousnessThe Pink TacoMohane EmpireBichibichi's