This article, Nipu, is the property of MandarinB. |
Nipu is a low-class Saiyan child who participates in Age 737's Saiyan Placement Trials. He is Lero's first opponent, and is knocked out pretty easily in the first round.
He is a minor character in Dragon Ball: Uprising. His name is a pun on the vegetable Turnip.
Nipu is a full-blooded Saiyan and so as a result he shows all the normal traits of a Saiyan his age. He has incredibly short black hair, black eyes and a tail. He is the third tallest of contestants in Arena B, behind Kaido and Kohl.
At the start if the Placement Trials Arc, he is wearing standard issue black and yellow Planet Trade Organization armor.
Not much is shown of Nipu's personality due to to his lack of dialogue, but it can be inferred that he doesn't exactly exert himself when it comes to battle planning due to his quick defeat at the hands of Lero. He at least understands good humor, as he laugh's at Kaido's retort towards Lero, but that is all the personality that is shown.