Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Page owned by IP user on Dragon Ball Fanon Wiki

Full Disclaimer: This is 50 Years after the events of Dragon Ball Astral.Also some characters are made by me or my friends so credit to them :D.

Crossover Moves Alert

I will be working on both projects so expect updates daily.Alright lets begin:

Age: 850, the Earths defence is crumbling as a power that no one suspected was possible emerged in the Underworld, in the outer rim of the galaxy there was severe casualties and the Stargate fell,after that the galaxy would become a anarchy as there was no way to controll it and Aiden,Shiro,Goku,Vegeta,Ori and the Z Fighters couldent keep up, Aiden used a Special move as he made thousands of clones everywhere to keep track.Vegeta on the other hand protected the Inner Rim, the most populated area,Aiden was in the Outermost Rim and the rest ware spread out inbetween that, they managed to supress the chaos but not for long, Goku was put into doubt about his kind nature and should he continue it, or is it better to go Primal and defend with violence.It seemed like it was stopping but then reports of planets disspearing would mean one thing: The Boss has come out.But it was pointless, he couldent be tracked so what out heroes did is take hostages, to no avail.

Shiro:Damn it, We'll never find him

Aiden:Patience my Brother.

Goku:Dang, i wanna fight him

Vegeta:Kakarot dont be a foul, we dont even know how strong he is.

Gohan would then Interupt Vegeta:I think we can find him Shiro.


Gohan: We will trace his hits and find a pattern like what location there centered in

Shiro: Thats a good plan.

And so they did it, they found his hideout.Afterwards the Group trained for 5 Years each in the H.T.C (Hyperbolic Time Chamber).

The Narrator: Its time to see, if there training was worth it.

The heroes go to the planet as Aiden tells them to keep low,Shiro and Aiden go in taking out the guards and making a signal for them to come in,Then they meet the boss:An Male Acrosian as they Launch at him,It was an intense battle as everyone gave in 110%,and the boss was taken down.

Everyone: Finnaly, it has ended.

As everyone would go home,and take a much deserved rest.

((So I Hope you enjoyed it if you do then please comment down bellow, if you dont like something tell me so i fix it))

The Planet of Operation for the boss was Planet Jubi (yes naruto refrence now shush)
