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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, New Future Watagash, is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.

New Future Watagash

Manga name New Future Watagash
Alternate names Watagash of the New Future
Debut Universe 1 Saga
Appears in
Race Parasitic Alien
Date of death Age 853
Allegiance Time Breakers
  • Watagash (present timeline counterpart)
  • Towa (superior)
  • Greatdevilman (parasitic fusee/host)
  • New Future Watagash (新しい未来のワタガッシュ) is the New Alternate timeline counterpart of Watagash, and dangerous parasitic alien.


    Watagash was released in Conton City by dark magic-controlled New Future Tights, and set to attack the Time Patrol. He manages to possess Greatdevilman due to his natural wickedness, and proceeds to battle Goku, and EX Gohan, but he is ultimately destroyed by EX Gohan.


    • Flight
    • Possession
    • Eye Laser

    Form and Transformations[]

    Infected Greatdevilman[]

    Watagash infects Greatdevilman to battle the Time Patrol, and first battles Goku, but he is unable to hit the Saiyan Warrior. He is later killed by EX Gohan to stop him from destroying the Time Nest, and set to the Otherworld.
