Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Necalli (ねカリ Nekari) is the main antagonist of the Nekari Special (ネカリ特別 Nekari Tokubetsu), and a minor recurring antagonist of Dragon Ball Heroes. Necauli is a ancient Saiyan awoken from years long sleep, sent to rise from an ancient civilization from which he had been raised, and destroy the Earth, recreating his civilization from scratch to have dominion over the planet.

Concept and Creation[]

Necauli is created as a Saiyan who is an actual brute, a literal beast, and not just someone who goes over 9000 in terms of power. His faceclaim is Nekalli from Street Fighter V, who he is also based off. Like Necalli, some parts of his origin is tied to Mayan Mythology.

His etymology is based on Nekalli's name, and the Cauliflower. Nekalli means “Fight”.


Necauli is a very aggressive character, mostly relying on his brawny brute strength, but what truly puts him high is that he may transform, like the other characters, but he has, unlike most, a genuine fighting spirit. He also searches for souls of powerful fighters to devour, which could arguably be done by anyone within his level range, but in some cases, he searches for powerful individuals, and holds his own to such, like the Super Saiyans themselves.


Soul Sealer[]

A technique he taught himself after his hunger for true power, power he'd use to rebuild his civilization to reconquer the world. This technique allows him to completely own one's soul, if he so chooses to consume it for himself, or take it elsewhere. This was achieved through years long slumber, and fasting.

Crawling Beast[]

This technique makes Necauli release all his energy in a spew of slime-like projectile, grounded aimed towards enemies, like an entity.

The Calling[]

A bewildering Roar channeled by all his hate and energy.

Heart of Gold[]

Ceremony of Honor[]

Soul Offering[]


  • His given name, Necalli, means “Battle”, whilst his last name means “Vegetable”.