Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Nappa (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Nappa
Debut Manga: "The Needs of the Many"
Anime: "Gohan's Rage"
Appears in
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT
Dragon Ball Super
Race Saiyan
Gender Male
Date of death November 3rd, Age 762 (revived December 24th, Age 762)
May 8, Age 774 (revived)
Age 850
Status Deceased
Address Arlia
Occupation General (formerly)
Ruler of Planet Arlia
Double Agent for the Time Breakers
Allegiance Frieza Force (formerly)
Arlian Military
Time Breaker
Time Patrol
Affiliations Vegeta (superior)
Mentors Mira (Dragon Ball Advanced)

Nappa (ナッパ Nappa) is a Mid-Class Saiyan from Planet Vegeta, and Vegeta's partner in combat. He was the secondary Antagonist of the Vegeta Saga.


Dragon Ball Z[]

Nappa arrived on Earth with Vegeta and fought against the Dragon Team. He defeated the majority of the Dragon Team, but was defeated Goku and later killed Vegeta.

As Vegeta was considered one of Frieza's member at the time of the Vegeta Saga - Nappa was resurrected by Shenron and attempted to exact the revenge on Vegeta by stealing the spaceship of Galactic Patrolman, but as soon as enters Namek's atmosphere - he is sent back to Earth by Porunga.

Dragon Ball Advanced[]

Nappa's battle with the Z-Fighters was one of the target eras of Towa's Time Distortion.

Z/Super Saga[]

He was revived by Towa and recruited into the Time Breakers. He received rigorous training from Mira in order to amplify his abilities. At an undisclosed location with Past Vegeta, an individual that looked like Goku, Turles, Slug, Nappa, Raditz, and another Masked individual whom resembled a Namekian. Towa berated Turles and Slug for failing in their objectives and the loss of two her Masked warriors. Mira confirmed that the era they were in was Age 850 as Towa held out some odd-looking Dragon Balls that were darkened in the colour and confirmed that they were the "legendary" Dark Dragon Balls that were created by powerful magic and that they scatter through time. She proceeded to summon Dark Shenron and said that she's going to make sure that they don't fail again and told them that they are allowed exactly three wishes of any kind.

Towa turned to Dark Shenron and instructed the dragon to grant her wish of granting all the power that Slug had when he and Katas were one being - which caused a surge of energy to emit from the Namekian warrior. Towa looked to the individual that looked like Goku and referred to him as Ginyu - Ginyu confirmed that he is an alternate version that kept Goku's body and said that he'd indeed want a wish. Ginyu wished to have full access to Goku's physical traits and potential to which Dark Shenron granted without any problem. Slug asked his Masked counterpart - calling him by name - if he wanted a wish but Masked Slug stayed quiet. Mira instructed the Dragon to grant everyone standing before it except him and Towa a power boost that'll surpass the power of Dial's true form to which the Past Vegeta protested before a surge of any energy course through his body, however, before Dragon managed to make his wish Slug asked the Dragon to exclude him. Mira berated Past Vegeta that he didn't care about his "stupid pride" and that they had an objective to fulfil as well as scolded Slug but the Namekian warrior said that he wanted to know how powerful he has really become after Towa's wish. Past Vegeta angrily responded that such victory won't feel as great because their power wasn't earned. Mira told him to shut up and get ready for training as he was going to train every one of them as Dark Shenron dispersed across time.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of ki.
  • Bomber DX - An energy attack used by Nappa.
    • Dark Bomber DX - A corrupted version of Bomber DX.
    • Final Vacation Bomber - A team attack used by Past Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa and a combination of Galick Blazer, Vacation Delete, and Bomber DX respectively.
  • Blazing Storm - A technique used by Nappa.
  • Break Cannon - A mouth energy technique used by Nappa.
    • Ultra Break Cannon - A more powerful version used by Nappa in his Great Ape form.
      • Ultra Dark Break Cannon - A dark energy and more powerful version of Ultra Break Cannon.
  • Eye Laser - The user shoots laser-like beams from both eyes.

Forms and Transformations[]

Great Ape[]

As a Saiyan - Nappa is able to transform into the Great Ape form thanks to his Tail and a full Moon.

Dark Magic transformation[]

Towa uses her magic to empower Nappa to give him a power boost along with glowing red eyes and a purple aura. While in this form; he is able to Corrupted Ki Blasts as well as corrupted versions of his attacks.

Super Saiyan[]

Thanks to rigorous and harsh training from Mira as well as intense rage at Mira threatening to destroy Planet Vegeta before Raditz, he, Past Vegeta, and the original owner of Past Ginyu's body were born which prompted them to transform into Super Saiyan. Thanks to the wish made to Dark Shenron that made their base form as powerful as Dial's True Form who at the time of wish was considered to be as powerful as Super Perfect Cell - thanks to this wish; he surpasses even Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan in power.

Super Saiyan 2[]

Through his determination to defeat Bee and a response of need; Nappa was able to ascend to Super Saiyan 2. His goatee grows and becomes a spiky beard. While his power pales in comparison to Supervillain Giant Bee - his power is substantially high.
