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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Mrovian orbital defense laser, is the property of Hyper Zergling.

Orbital defense laser
Debut Proving Intentions
Appears in Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series
Inventor Mrovians
Users Mrovians
Class Cannon
Color       &       (platform)
      &       &       (laser)
Similar techniques Point-defense laser

An orbital defense laser is an automated cannon used by the Mrovians.


An orbital defense laser consists of a large cannon mounted on a platform that is about 30 meters (100 feet) across and suspended in orbit above a Mrovian-controlled world. The cannon focuses a violet pulsed laser with the same power output as that of a Full Power Energy Wave fired from a being with a power level of 2,900. Orbital defense lasers are exceedingly accurate and virtually impossible to dodge, even by entities of immense power, due to the instantaneous nature of a laser; that being said, such powerful entities are invulnerable to these pulses and have no real need to evade them. An orbital defense laser cannon is fairly durable and would take a being with a power level of 17,000 to be able to permanently disable the weapon in a single full-power strike.


Each Mrovian-controlled world has at least several dozen orbital defense lasers in high orbit.
