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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Mr. Poko Poko (SSJJ), is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.

Mr. Poko Poko

미스터 포코 포코
Miseuteo Poko Poko
Manga name Mr. Poko Poko
Alternate names Black Demon Shenron
Mr. Boke
Debut Game: "Dragon Ball Online"
Dabura and Psidevilman Saga
Race Advanced Eternal Dragon
Gender Male
Date of death December, 993 (spirit destroyed)
  • Dark Namekians (Apparent Creators)
  • Chocolay (Comrade)
  • Naraku (Comrade/Mentor/True Creator)
  • Mr. Poko Poko is a demonic Advanced Eternal Dragon created by the Dark Namekians.


    He arrives in Age 950 with his comrades, and helps Naraku take of Planet Plant. He served as an Eternal Dragon, and a combatant. He fought against the Time Patrol, and was eventually left paralysed by Future Gohan after their battle.

    During the destruction of Universe 1; he's body seems to remain unchanged by Virus Naraku, and was destroyed along with his spirit.


    • Flight
    • Ki Blasts
    • Fire Breath
    • Wish Granting - As an Eternal Dragon; he is capable of granting wishes.


    Potential Unleashed =[]

    Mr. Poko Poko had his potnetial unleashed by Naraku, and used this form to fight on par with Super Saiyan 3 Ultimate Goan, but was outclassed by Future Gohan. While in this form; he emits a dark aura, and has an increased in muscle mass.


    After consuming a vial of Gestalt Souls; he mutates into a grotesque form, and gains green blank eyes. His left arm transforms into tentacles, and grows spikes out his back. He manages to overpower Super Saiyan Blue Future Gohan, but was left paralysed by his Spectral Super Saiyan Blue form.
