Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Moolin (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Moolin
Debut Fanga: Battle of Fusions
Game: Dragon Ball Fusions
Appears in
Dragon Ball Advanced
Race Namekian
Status Alive
Occupation Martial Artist
Allegiance Team Yamcha
Affiliations Grand Elder Guru (parent)
Yamcha (teamate & mentor/team leader)
Krillin (teammate & mentor)
Android 17 (teammate)
Android 18 (teammate)
King Piccolo: TR (mentor)
Mentors Yamcha

Moolin (ムーリン Mūrin) is a Namekian warrior and one of Grand Elder Guru's sons.


As a child - Moolin resembled a miniature version of Piccolo who wore a turban and cape like Piccolo but a belt and pants similar to Good Buu's belt and pants with the addition of Potara-like earrings.

As an adult - his outfit consisted of a Hanfu-style top that was dark blue with dark purple sleeves and on the front, the 'Ma' symbol (魔), written in kanji within a large white circle with black lining underneath he wore a dark purple sleeveless shirt and dark purple pants with black boots with orange lacing.


Moolin was a mischievous Namekian who seemed to idolize King Piccolo upon meeting the evil Namekian during his first time in the Timespace Rift. As a child - he would pretend to be "the next Demon King after Piccolo" but in truth was just a mischievous child and retreat easily after being threatened.

As an adult - he is calm and humble, not showing much personal desire beyond fighting with his team and assisting them in getting their wishes. Moolin does not have a wish and merely participates out of sheer sportsmanship. However, he retains some of his mischievous personality as he still uses moves like "Poop Toss" and tendency to use feints to get an edge in his fights.


Moolin is a B-ranked fighter.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of ki.
  • Ki Sense - The ability to sense ki.
  • Makankoha - A Ki-slash version of Special Beam Cannon.
  • Poop Toss - An ability that shocks the opponent by throwing a piece of poop from a stick at his opponent.
  • Eye Laser - Moolin is able to use Eye Laser.
  • Regeneration - As a Namekian - Moolin can regenerate.
  • Masenko - An ability used by Piccolo that Moolin managed to learn at some point.
    • Super Masenko - A more powerful version of Masenko.
      • Full Power Masenko - A full-powered Masenko that is even stronger than Super Masenko.
  • Mamekosen (魔眼光閃 Mamekōsen) - An Eye Laser-variant of Makosen. Whilst charging his attacking - his eyes become blank orange before firing reddish-orange beams from his eyes.
  • Amazing Spear - A variation of Demon Hand in which Moolin sends a flurry of elongated punches at his opponent.