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This page, Mohane Empire, is property of KidVegeta.

Mohane Empire

17,539 years Before Age




Universe 12


Mohane Emperor

Main Members:

The Mohane Empire is a small interplanetary empire located in Universe 12. A diminishing galactic power, the empire was attacked by Dr. Kommon in Age 479, resulting in the loss of Kopai and nearly twenty percent of the imperial population. In more recent times, it has become a moderately-successful commercial/tourist operation, with its military might being much reduced from centuries' past.


During the events of The Deathless Scraps in Age 479, Dr. Kommon destroyed Kopai and everyone living on it, as well as five High Councilors, though he was not known to have perpetrated the event at the time. Instead, the destruction was blamed on a Khorphaxal outbreak and a faulty security lockdown system.

High Council[]

The Mohane Empire's High Council is comprised of eighteen seats of elected representatives split across five planets:

  • Mohane: 7 seats
  • Wahapul: 5 seats
  • Kopai: 2 seats
  • Hoku-Leho: 2 seats
  • Julahi: 2 seats

Known members[]

  • High Councilor Makko (†)
  • High Councilor Yuli (†)
  • High Councilor Dahudaro (†)
  • High Councilor Baiwasu (†)
  • High Councilor Lekulu (†)

Subjugated species[]

  • Mohanian
  • Kopaian
  • Leho

Planets controlled[]

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