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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Mirayo (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Mirayo
Debut Game: "Dragon Ball Fusions"
Fanga: "An Ancient Forbidden Power!"
Appears in
Dragon Ball Advanced
Race Demon Realm race
Gender Female
Status Alive
Address Demon Realm race
Occupation Martial Artists
Allegiance Team Jamila

Mirayo (ミラヨ Mirayo) is a melee combat queen who once dominated the Demon Realm. Her beauty and strength was both admired and feared


Mirayo is a melee combatant and prefers to use physical attacks to take down her opponent.


She has white hair, blue skin, and purple eyes along with a purple helmet similar to Kid Chi-Chi's helmet. She has black wristbands and vest identical to Majuub's with a purple shirt underneath and a purple cloth similar to one worn by Kibito. She has dark blue pants and lower half of a Supreme Kai's outfit similar to Kibito's albeit with black in appearance with black boots.


She was invited to join Team Jamila for the 2nd Timespace Rift Tournament, however, they were unable to secure enough victories to go to the first round, but had enough to take the Redemption Round. Mirayo was selected to be the fighter for the Redemption Round.

She instantly defeats Nenjo in her first fight for the Redemption Round.


Mirayo is a capable fighter and was able to achieve a level of speed that not even Dispo can track her movements. She was able to strike down Super Saiyan 2 E-type Nenjo with a single attack.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of ki.
  • Ki Sense - The ability to sense ki.
  • Power Dilution - Mirayo is able to hinder or even completely nullifies her opponent's power to the point that she can even prevent certain types of transformations.
  • Burning Razor - A ki-slash of fire-infused energy fired from her sword.
  • Burning Axe Assault - Mirayo channels fire into the tip of a sword and solidifies the fire in order to make her sword appear as an axe and proceeds to assault her opponent before firing a large fire-infused energy wave at her opponent.
  • Hi-Speed Assault - Mirayo infuses her hand with ki before dashing forward with immense speed to strike her opponent's in their waist (right or left side) attempt to deal extreme damages as well as leaving a gaping waist.
    • High-Speed Razor Assault - Mirayo grabs her sword while it is sheathed and darts at her opponent at with immense speed while slashing her opponent in the waist.
    • High-Speed Whirlwind Slash - Mirayo uses her Hi-Speed to quarter her target.
  • Cutter Toss - Mirayo can toss the blade on her helmet as a projectile.
    • Cutter Toss EX - A variation of Cutter Toss that Mirayo uses while controlling the blade with Telekinesis.
  • Telekinesis - The ability to control objects with her mind.
  • Ultra Beam - A laser beam fired from her helmet.
    • Ultra Beam EX - Mirayo's version of Photon Strike fired from her helmet.
    • Burning Ultra Beam - A more powerful version infused with Mirayo's fire-enhanced energy to magnify the Ultra Beam attack.
      • Burning Ultra Beam EX - A more powerful version of Burning Ultra Beam infused with her ki.
      • Burning Beam Blast - A combination of Burning Ultra Beam and Special Beam Blast used as a team attack by Mirayo and Petros after their Ultra Beam Blast failed to land a decisive blow.
    • Ultra Beam Blast - A combination of Ultra Beam and Special Beam Blast used by Petros and Mirayo as a team attack. Mirayo and Petros fire their attacks at the same time with the Special Beam Blast coiling around Mirayo's Ultra Beam and enhancing the attack.


  • Razor - Mirayo wields a Chokuto with the edge on the lower half of the blade. She refers to her sword as Razor. Razor also seems to have the ability to absorb fire.


  • Mirayo vs. Nenjo (Super Saiyan 2 E-type)