Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Metraxians, is the property of OmniOtaku.

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This article is currently is still unfinished,and will be finished over time.

The Metraxians were a race of immortal godlike beings who lived on the planet Metraxi , who were all killed by The Revived Demon god Demigra in age 1,000, except Omni's Mother, who died in the year 2,014 due to a failing revival system.


The Metraxians live in the North Galaxy, on thier home planet Metraxi. Thy share the Galaxy with Humans, Demons , The long Destroyed Saiyans, Animals and Namekians.

The Metraxian Revival system[]

Probably the most notable thing about the Metraxian biology is their revival system. Whenever a Metraxian is close to death,(Or dead) they can revive themselves. But if their souls are corrupted and evil (Like most Metraxians), The revival system won't work. This is the cause of the destruction of the Metraxians, and their planet Metraxi. Omni's mother escaped  Via time Pod to Earth in the year 2,000. If a Metraxian revives themselve, say at the age of 23, they would be stuck in that phsyical and biologocal age.


Most, if not all Metraxians have White hair and Grey eyes. They usally wear black as it is a traditional colour. Highly ranked Metraxians (like Omni's mother) have Metraxian markings on thier faces.


The first Metraxians were came into being in the year 204. It is not known how they came into being, but quite quickly, by the year 299: The Metraxians had already built Superior technology and thier cities were thriving. They had Colonies across the Galaxy by age 367 and a couple of centries later, in 750, The Metraxians had bulit a Galaxy hopper, Meaning they cold travel across galaxies. For the next 250 Years, The Metraxian race plunged into darkness. The Metraxians discovered the ability to fly, and thier extremeley high power levels, and the higher ranked Metraxians declared themselves Gods. All execpt Omni's Mother. Soon the Metraxian race became evil and corrupted. This all stopped in age 1,001, where Some Unknown Demons summoned Back Demon God Demigra. Demigra swiftly destroyed the Metraxians and thier Planet. Omni's Mother used her time pod to Go to Earth in age 2,000.
