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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Merged Ginyu (SSJJ), is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.

Merged Ginyu

Gattai Ginyū
Manga name Merged Ginyu
Alternate names Ginyu
Debut Manga:"Dabura and Psidevilman Saga (SSJJ)"
Appears in
Race Ginyu's race/Namekian Frog
Gender Male
Date of death Age 852
Allegiance Time Breakers
  • Captain Ginyu (SSJJ) (Fusee)
  • Ginyu Frog (Wish Clone) (Fusee)
  • Towa (SSJJ) (Boss)
  • Merged Ginyu (合体ギニュー, Gattai Ginyū) is a fusion born of the union between Captain Ginyu, and Ginyu Frog (A Wish Clone of Captain Ginyu in a Namekian Frog) through the Towa's merging ability.


    Merged Ginyu head resembles the Namekian Frog's head complete with its shape, antennas, and eyes, but has Ginyu's horns protruding from his head. He has Ginyu's body builder, clothes, but has webbed hands, feet, and the spotted bluish-green skin. He also has the Frog's tail which is longer, and can freely move it.


    Ginyu's power is described to be pitiful compared to the Time Patrollers, but after getting the Supervillain upgrade he strong enough to fight against God 1st Form Dial.

    Techniques and abilities[]

    • Flight
    • Ki Manipulation and Sensory
    • Crusher Ball - A technique used by Jeice, and mostly used by Merged Ginyu.
    • Blue Hurricane - As above, but Burter's technique
    • Recoome Eraser Gun - As above, but Recoome's technique
    • Telekinesis
    • Milky Cannon
      • Dynamite Pressure
      • Acid Milky Cannon - A combination of Acid, and Milky Cannon