This page, Master Mashiro, is property of KidVegeta. |
Tokuze Mashiro | |
character image | |
虎仙人, Tora Sen'nin | |
Detailed Information: | |
Appearances: | Nineteen Assassins |
Nicknames: | Tiger Hermit |
Species: | Human |
Gender: | Male |
Birthplace: | Central City, Earth |
Birthdate: | July 16, Age 688 |
Date of Death: | October 20, Age 752 |
Birth Power Level: | 0.0001 |
Maximum Power Level: | 112 |
Personal Pronouns: | 私 |
Height: | 5'10" |
Weight: | 154.2 lbs |
Hair Color: | White |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Rank: | Martial arts master Teacher |
Organizations: | White Tigers (Age 736 - Age 752) |
Favorite Food: | Unagi maki |
Favorite Vehicle: | n/a |
Hobbies: | Sparring, meditating, smoking from his pipe, playing Go |
Family: | Zhajiang (student) Shumi (student) Huo-Guo (student) Zadich (student) |
Tokuze Mashiro (虎仙人, Tora Sen'nin) is a Human featured in Nineteen Assassins. A skilled martial artist, he's the leader of the White Tigers and serves as one of the major antagonists of Nineteen Assassins.
Mashiro is an older man of average height. He is thickly built. Mashiro has white hair and a bushy white mustache. His eyes are brown. His face is moderately wrinkled, though he's not super old. He wears a white gi, a black belt, and black boots.
Mashiro is a stern, noble man. He has a more hands-on approach to teaching than Master Shen. His students love him deeply and are unquestionably loyal to his cause, showing the extent of his charisma. He's a pragmatic, straightforward guy, not the type to hide behind riddles or vague words. Despite his age, he's fairly naive, not expecting the Cranes to use the Dodon Ray during the Suma practice tournament. When he serves as the tournament referee, he exhibits minor bias towards his school throughout the matches. He tried to get Yurin to rejoin the White Tigers during the tournament, his plea earnestly desperate (she wasn't swayed), showing he still believed in her. He does not approve of swearing. He was uncharacteristically terse with Zhajiang after learning of Shumi's death, leading the latter to believe his master was disappointed in him (which is not really true). His love for his students was clearly seen when he went to Akki to avenge Shumi. There, he fought Togarashi along with Shen. The two were able to beat the Makyan after a difficult battle, though Mashiro was severely wounded during the fight. Shen took that opportunity to kill Mashiro, showcasing again Tokuze's naive nature. He should have seen that coming had he been slightly more cunning.
Nineteen Assassins[]
In the second scene of chapter 1, Zhajiang went to tell Master Mashiro the students' plan. Mashiro told him that he had met with Master Shen to organize a tournament between their schools to serve as practice before they entered the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. It would happen in two days. Zhajiang told him that they'd do an assassination mission tomorrow, but Mashiro forbade it, for he didn't want any of them to get wounded before the show match. He made Zhajiang promise they wouldn't get mixed up in anything before the Tournament of Suma.
Begrudgingly, the boy did so. He left soon after.
In the third scene of chapter 3, the Tigers and Cranes met at the Suma tournament grounds while dozens of onlookers watched. Shen noticed one of the Tigers wasn't with them. Mashiro promised the tournament would go forward with three versus five. He offered Yurin one last chance to rejoin his school, but she refused. She stepped up to fight Zadich. Mashiro read out the rules, which were the same as the World Martial Arts Tournament's.
Then, their fight began. Yurin danced around Zadich, refusing to get too close because she was obviously slower, smaller, and weaker. The crowd jeered, causing Yurin to attack haphazardly. Zadich responded with several kicks and punches that swiftly knocked her out. The spectators went wild. Two men ran off with Yurin on a stretcher. Chiaotzu entered the ring next. He used telekinesis on Zadich before rushing at him. However, the Tiger was able to break free and kick him out of the ring easily. With that, Chiaotzu was eliminated.
Shen sent Paik into the ring next. The crowd chanted Zadich's name. He drank in their passion, hyping himself up. While Chiaotzu was removed from the area on a stretcher, the fight began. They went at each other with a much higher pace than the previous battles, Zadich taking the offensive. Paik withstood his assault, responding with a flying kick that shattered his arm, knocking him to the edge of the ring. He appeared unconscious, so Mashiro began the count. Before he got to seven, Paik grabbed Zadich and threw him out of the ring, ending any hope of him coming back.
Huo-Guo entered the ring. Shen told Jaoros to warm up, as Paik had been wounded in her battle. He didn't have much faith in her to win a second round in a row. The girls played it cautiously early on, circling one another and making superficial attacks. Without warning, Huo-Guo charged Paik, pinning her to the ground, raining punches down upon her. They flipped over, Paik hitting Huo-Guo in the nose, breaking it. Huo-Guo regained the dominant position, battering her foe bloody before Paik shot her in the chest with a Dodon Ray, sending her into the air. Mashiro was outraged, telling Shen they had agreed to not use any lethal attacks. Shen promised Huo-Guo wasn't gravely injured. During the commotion, she rose to her feet and leveled an attack on Paik from behind that knocked her out.
Jaoros was furious, thinking that she'd only lost because of referee interference (which was true). Tien told him to take out Huo-Guo in front of the crowd to protect the Cranes' honor. The cheater deserved it. Shen was pissed, but agreed with Tien. Jaoros ran out to fight Huo-Guo.
In the fourth scene, Jaoros quickly dealt with the worn-out Huo-Guo. Zhajiang entered the stage. Jaoros took the offensive, but Zhajiang responded with a kick that made him bleed. After exchanging hits, the boys broke off, Zhajiang charging up a Denkoken and slapping Jaoros across the face with it. Jaoros retaliated with a Dodon Ray, but he dodged it. He followed that up with a Solar Flare, taking Zhajiang unaware. He fired more Dodon Rays at the Tiger, though Zhajiang was able to dodge them despite being blinded. Jaoros' power was rapidly expending with each energy attack. Zhajiang closed the gap and spun around him, hitting him from behind with another Denkoken. Jaoros fell over, defeated. Zhajiang caught him, mocking him. Jaoros shot him through the ribs with another Dodon Ray, hurting the boy significantly. He elbowed Jaoros in the face then threw him out of the ring, winning the match. Despite that, he had taken tremendous damage. Jaoros was rushed away on a stretcher.
Zhajiang was hurting bad, though he tried to hide his condition. Tien entered the stage. Tien asked him to exit the stage, as he was too wounded to fight. Zhajiang refused, and so their fight began. Tien went for his Machine Gun Punch right off the bat. He tried to counter with a butterfly kick, but Tien hit him away. Zhajiang attacked with several more kicks. He wasn't able to land a single blow. He attacked again, this time breaking Tien's wrist. The Crane hit him away, returning the gesture by breaking his ankle. In fury, Tien followed this up with three kicks that sent Zhajiang flying into the crowd. He crashed to the ground outside of the ring, losing the final match.
Zhajiang apologized to Mashiro after he ran over. His master told him they would talk about what had happened to Shumi later. Zhajiang knew he was disappointed with him. His master disappeared into the crowd as two men threw him on a stretcher. His last thoughts were of the crowd chanting Tien's name, and Zhajiang felt a deep sense of shame for losing.
In the sixth scene of chapter 4, Shen tracked Mashiro to the far south island of Akki. While Mashiro was traversing through the jungle, he was attacked by what appeared to be a woman. Shen was most surprised. The Makyan introduced himself by transforming into Shumi. Mashiro attacked in a fit of rage but was blown away by the Makyan's ki. Togarashi noticed Shen, shooting a ki blast at the tree he was hiding in and beckoning him to join the fight. Shen obliged, revealing himself to them.
The two began fighting, the Makyan dodging and blocking all of Shen's attacks. Suddenly, Togarashi transformed into Tao, which startled Shen. His defense faltered, allowing Togarashi to kick him away into a tree. Shen rose, barely damaged. Before Togarashi could attack again, Mashiro hit him from behind with a flying kick. He followed that up with a kiai and an orange-white ki attack that damaged the Makyan significantly. However, the demon was able to recover, springing forth and hitting Mashiro in the gut with a deep punch, knocking him down. Shen ran forth to attack, punching and kicking in a furious combo. the demon dodged and blocked most of the attacks, breaking through and hitting him several times. Shen feinted several attacks to buy himself a few critical seconds to release a Dodon Ray. The blast hit him in the ear, which damaged him, but Shen still considered it a miss.
The demon retaliated with an explosive wave that took both Shen and Mashiro unaware. They were flung to the beach, damaged heavily. Mashiro pleaded with Shen to join forces to kill the demon lest they lose their lives. Shen asked Mashiro to distract Togarashi while he charged up his Tri-Beam. Mashiro agreed to the plan, and so Shen began readying his attack. Mashiro fought Togarashi, though he was barely able to keep up with him. Even a Denkoken to the face did little to the demon. Gathering his energy, Shen waited for Mashiro to take more damage before releasing his attack. Mashiro flung himself aside while Togarashi tried to block the attack. When the dust cleared, the demon's appearance was dire. His flesh and clothes hung in tatters from his body and he could no longer maintain his shapeshifting ability. The demon reverted to his Makyan form, screaming in anger at Shen and rising to the air, a red ball of energy forming between his claws. The Crane Hermit immediately retorted with a second Tri-Beam, decapitating him.
The demon's body fell to the sand in a bloody heap. Shen walked over to Mashiro, who could only rise to his knees. He was in rough shape. His leg was broken, so he requested Shen's help. Shen came over to him, but instead of helping him, called him a rat and elbowed him in the solar plexus, killing him.
Non-combative Moves[]
Offensive Moves[]
- Mashiro is one of the few humans during the Dragon Ball era who can use ki blasts. Not only that, he invented the Denkoken and Gisakkou, showing he truly is a master of martial arts.